Chunkin up

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As martial artists we strive to better ourselves constantly... BUT
Our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness....

We are still humans. :asian:
The quasi-anonymous quality of the internet has a tendency to bring out the *** in many people... INCLUDING MYSELF EARLIER IN THIS VERY THREAD...
I think it was MJS that I offended with my rude/judgmental attitude toward his theories...
I'm sorry MJS, it was inappropriate and I really didn't think before hitting the submit button.

Your Brother
Originally posted by MountainSage
This probably should be a thread of it's own, but here we go. I can jump roundhouse to a 6' tall persons head, WTF TKD Full-contact spar for 2min 4 times before exhaustion sets in then can recover in about two minutes, run 3 miles at an average of 11 min/mile, ride 50 miles non-stop on a bike, squat 750 lbs. once, and make BB piss their pants with my punches and kick. Guess my size? I find it funny that small people are the first to make judgement about large people, but I like that because the second they make that judgement; their mine!

Mountain Sage

All in one day???
I'd rather buy you a beer.
That way if my pants get wet...
it's just the beer.... ;)
Your Brother
Brother John,
I have done 4 out of the 6 listed in one day, then crawled to a corner to wimper quietly. It real sucks to be that inbetween age where you think you still indestructable, yet age has begun to catch you. What's even more fun is the smaller BB in TKD kicking and punching me and then the realization that I'm not hurt. I like to watch there eye dialate and get that "deer in the headlight look" on their faces. There needs to be sport TKD just for my entertainment.:D If we ever get together you've go the first round, I'll get the second round.

Mountain Sage
Even though I am only a 1st Black, I have started my "5th Degree Spread". Anybody interested in a MT Kenpo Forum Slim Down? :D I could stand to lose 10-15 lbs. 25 if you go by that stupid BMI thing.:shrug:
Originally posted by M F
Even though I am only a 1st Black, I have started my "5th Degree Spread". Anybody interested in a MT Kenpo Forum Slim Down? :D I could stand to lose 10-15 lbs. 25 if you go by that stupid BMI thing.:shrug:

Id be up for that!!! I know Kirk and Dot are already working on something on their own, maybe in the health and fitness we could do before pictures and offer moral support I need it too it would probably help me on the beat!

Okay go here for the thread!
Originally posted by Seig
Don't judge the whole barrell from a few rotten fruits.

I am entitled to my opinion just like everybody else on the forum. I am by far, not the only one who has said unkind things on here. Before you cast a judgement on someone, why dont you re read some posts and get your facts in order!!

Originally posted by MJS
I am entitled to my opinion just like everybody else on the forum. I am by far, not the only one who has said unkind things on here. Before you cast a judgement on someone, why dont you re read some posts and get your facts in order!!


What I think my brother Seig was trying to say is, please don't assume that Kenpoists are jerks... just that some can be, like anyone.
You are entitled to your opinion
but once you state your opinion
anyone else is free to have an opinion of your opinion...

wow...that could get confusing fast
I'll just go back to my Latte...

Your Brother
Originally posted by MJS
I am entitled to my opinion just like everybody else on the forum. I am by far, not the only one who has said unkind things on here. Before you cast a judgement on someone, why dont you re read some posts and get your facts in order!!

Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, and no I do not have to like it. No, you are not the only one who has said unkind things here, many have, and I have taken issue with them as well. I have cast no judgement on anyone, but I am, also, entitled to my opinion. I have read the posts, my facts are in order. My facts are seldom not in order, I spend several hours a day on this board. If you have taken personal insult, as you seemingly have, then maybe you should re-examine your own post and your own opinions. I did not single you out, and I doubt you should like me to do so. Which is also why I chose not to answer your PM. If you still want me to, fine. I have avoided, by and large, responding to this thread for several reasons. The first and foremost is I find it disrepectful and distasteful. The second is that the belief(s) that overweight people can't be as good a Kenpoist as a skinny ones is just not true. I am overweight, too much so, but ask those that have seen me move if it hampers me. Can I run as far as you? Probably not. Can I go for an hour sparring? I do it twice weekly.
The medical community has labeled overweight problems and obesity as a disorder. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. I am not in the medical community. I have been battling my weight for several years now, up and down. In a single year I can fluctuate 40 pounds.
In terms of my Kenpo, all it means is that I have a couple different size GIs at my disposal. It certainly doesn't impair my speed, or flexibilty. The entire crux of my post was of not judging all by the actions of the few. Maybe I should have stepped in sooner and said something. "All that good men have to do to allow the fanatics to take over is nothing."
Originally posted by Seig

The medical community has labeled overweight problems and obesity as a disorder. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. I am not in the medical community. I have been battling my weight for several years now, up and down. In a single year I can fluctuate 40 pounds.
In terms of my Kenpo, all it means is that I have a couple different size GIs at my disposal. It certainly doesn't impair my speed, or flexibilty. The entire crux of my post was of not judging all by the actions of the few. Maybe I should have stepped in sooner and said something. "All that good men have to do to allow the fanatics to take over is nothing."

I am in the Medical community and we are certainly not of one mind about this issue. I personally don't believe obesity is a "disorder." I do believe it is potentially a health problem but in most people it arises from available food and pleasure in eating and not from an illness. (Most thin people are not thin because they are virtuous but instead because they are thin by nature) The weight charts were written initially by Insurance companies for maximum profit on life insurance. This means that in young people , skinnier people will generally out live fatter people. Exceptions abound. This does not mean skinnier people will have better lives than fatter people. It just means they tend to live longer. I have lots of thin people in the nursing home living forever but with questionable quality of life.

That said, most peoples knees, feet and hips feel better when they are thinner and they can fit into more stylish clothes. I don't think weight has a thing to do with value as a human being, skill as a martial artist or my ability to respect a person.

I do laugh at what I call the "Kenpo Belly" but thats partly because I have one.

In Medical terms weight is an important factor in predicting future problems for patients. In Human terms weight is unimportant as long as you are comfortable and happy with yourself. In Kenpo Terms, there are numerous big Martial artists who I respect and look to for guidance in the art.


Originally posted by Kalicombat
I can speak for being in shape as a big man, which I currently am, and I can speak for being out of shape for a big man, which I was. At 500 pounds, I was in horrible shape, but at 400, I was walking 5 miles three days a week, and riding my bike 4 or 5 miles the rest of the days. I participated in kenpo, powerlifting, kobudo classes, and lived much as I do now at 250 pounds. I am still big, 3x shirt, and even if I get to 220, which is my goal, Ill still wear a 3x shirt. Some people on here know me, and they've seen me move at this size and even considerably larger. I wasnt running any marathons, but a streetfight, which I used to partake of on a weekly basis, was no problem. MJS, you cant generalize a topic like this by saying that a big guy will get wore down. In my previous post, I mentioned that some people dont fight, Im one of them. When I used to drink, alcohol played a large role in both my being so heavy and my excessive amount of street fights, but Ive been sober for 6 years now, so streetfighting is a thing of the past. I know many people like me, and its not about proving anything to anyone. If a violent confrontation is not avoidable, then there is only one option, elimination of the threat. Im not going to drop to the ground, Im not going to start boxing. I am goin to use what ever skills, weapons, tactics, etc... that are necessary to end the threat. Im not concerned about the other guys safety, whether he goes home, whether he has a family, those things dont even enter the picture. Once he or they have committed themselves to choosing me as their victim, whatever happens to them is on them.
In light of some of your other posts, Im not worried about being taken to the ground. The very rare occasions that I have ended up there, have never proven to be difficult to handle for me. Largely because I usually ended up on top, which was advantageous for me when I weighed 300, 400, 450, and Ive been powerlifting since junior high, so I was usually stronger then most of the people that I was fighting.
You're right, nobody knows you, possibly because you dont put your name on anything you post, or your profile. You could be a Dragon Kenpo master, or a true EPAK blackbelt, or something in between. No one knows what you do for a living, except you have stated you used to work in a prison. The one thing that is for sure is that you are a groundgame enthusiast, you seem to know what EPAK is lacking, and you dont tolerate anyones opinion that differs from yours. You may be a terror on the street, but your posts dont support that notion. You come off as having SOME knowledge, but little experience when it comes to street fighting. Like I have already stated, I dont know you, but the way you come off by your posts is as I have stated, in my opinion.
Now, back to the original topic. Take Tank Abbott for instance. He is definetly a terrible UFC fighter, not in great shape, and is a big guy. He has gotten choked out, submitted due to holds, and even got pounded on by some BJJ cat in alot better shape. Tank made his bones, by all accounts, bar fighting, and streetfighting. Where, supposedly he was very successful.... a true thug. Why the variance???? In the octagon there are rules, pads, lots of room, cameras, judges, time limits, and a prize. In the bar or street, there was close quarters, no room to run, lots of bottles, chairs, tables, concrete, and most importantly, NO RULES. Hair pulling, biting, weapons, groin shots with no cups, no pads, steel toes, eye gouges, etc.......all necessary tools in a streetfighters tool box. In the street, if your opponent runs, you have to catch him to hurt him. He could keep running, so , if you arent in shape you may never catch him and the fight is over anyway. Unless, you know him, where he lives, then streetfighters visit them at their house, and the fight resumes there.
All this is just saying, dont generalize overweight people as being at a disadvantage when it comes to streetfighting. Much like not all 160 pound guys are pencil-neck-geeks, not all heavy guys are couch-potatoes.

Yours in Kenpo,
Gary Catherman

If anyone wants to lose weight just ask Gary his training secrets. My hat goes off to you Gary for losing 250 lbs.:-partyon:

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