Would you be kind enough to post which techniques you believe should be replaced and with what, why, and try to be specific please.
Have a great Kenpo day
Alright, I'm probably gonna regret this, but keep in mind the only reason I'm doing it is to get feedback. If I'm totally off base, please tell me. I consider the interaction with you guys as much a part of my learning process as banging out the techniques and forms. If you don't agree please tell me why, as several people including myself could gain valuable insight. Try to keep in mind that these are my opinions and no one elses.
Leaping Crane- I personally see the raking leap to one leg as a bad move. I mean your leaping as the guy is punching at you. Would you not get more power by merely slipping the punch with a parry and a push drag? You would still be on terra firma and have the ability to side kick the leg if the opportunity was still available, if it wasn't then your still in a good position to fight.
Wings of Silk- I don't think I've ever seen anyone try to grab another person in this manner. What is the practical application behind this technique?
Flashing Mace- I have always loved this technique, just because I love the way it rips, but why would you turn your back to an opponent even if just for a split second?
On any of the combination techniques in third brown, why would you want to do a front cross over? Even if the stance change is fast, your still gonna be unstable throughout the transition. Would a push drag or a shuffle not close the gap just as quickly? I can't say that I've ever seen a boxer or NHB fighter ever try a crossover to close the gap unless it was followed by a side kick or a back kick.
Capturing the Storm, Obstructing the Storm, etc..... Anything that uses an upward cross block to stop someone from pile driving a beer bottle or club of some fashion into my head. Some of the club attacks I've seen are tremendously fast, not the ones by kenpo or filipino guys, but the ones from the non-trained guys I can con into working out with me. Besides most seem to want to travel on a diagonal plane like their throwing a baseball. When something has that much velocity wouldn't you want to deflect and divert, or seek some zone of sanctuary (eye of the storm)? Not try to absorb all the force with your wrists, even if your fast enough to get your hands up, if your timing or aim is slightly off then the club breaks your hands and your face.
This is already way to long, and I'm sure people have enough material to throw back at me, so I guess I'll quit for now. Depending on the severity of the backlash, I may continue later. I would however like to be told if my point of view is way off. Don't just get pissed off, if you don't agree take a second to explain what I'm missing. I'm hoping to learn more about my art through this, eventhough I know I'll probably get beat around electronically more than I'll get helped.
Remember, these are my opinions and no one elses.