Kenpo and Age

  • Thread starter Thread starter RCastillo
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Originally posted by RCastillo

Offended, hurt???:confused:

I wouldn't be, we could prove to be your alibi at your trial! And with Dennis' connections, like the famous Sheriff Joe Arpiao of Arizona, you're covered!:eek:

Maaaan.. am I starting to feel paranoid around you Ricardo~!!
If I didn't know better I would be looking over my shoulder constantly!~!! that's what those two 81 & 91 pound black furry fanged canine impressionistic beasts really are.. Gerbils~!! Wow.. I need to lay down~!!

Originally posted by satans.barber

I wonder why he died so young given the active lifestyle that he lead? I would have though that all that travelling and martial arts would have given him a healthy set of organs, it doesn't seem fair that people who drink spirits, smoke like chimneys and eat nothing but chips and pies can go on living into their 80s and more active people can die so young :(


GM Parker suffered from Sleep Apnea.. which in turn deteriorated his heart and caused Blood pressure problems.. His death was a result of that. Cardiac Arrest. A tragic loss..
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Maaaan.. am I starting to feel paranoid around you Ricardo~!!
If I didn't know better I would be looking over my shoulder constantly!~!! that's what those two 81 & 91 pound black furry fanged canine impressionistic beasts really are.. Gerbils~!! Wow.. I need to lay down~!!


No worries, it's a long way to those Smokey Mountains from here, however, I think you've overfed those two. Better put them on your income tax this year as a deduction!:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo

No worries, it's a long way to those Smokey Mountains from here, however, I think you've overfed those two. Better put them on your income tax this year as a deduction!:eek:

Handing you a map.. Blueridge Mountains. .Sheesh Man get it right.. hahaa.. and and and one of those gerbils is Seig's sisters.. he's a bear~!! the other we inherited a couple of months ago.. but hey I like the tax deduction idea.. *makes notes~!!!
I spent a weekend in New Orleans the first week of June in a seminar with the IKCA, and I have to tell ya... Chuck Sullivan moves like a 35-40 yr old! The man will be 70 (YES, I said 70!!) this year, and its just amazing to watch the man move and teach. He went through the staff set (damn that thing!) and the guy is just phenomenal! I am not saying that just because I train with and learn from him, but he simply IS. If you know him, you know what I mean.


Originally posted by KenpoTess

GM Parker suffered from Sleep Apnea.. which in turn deteriorated his heart and caused Blood pressure problems.. His death was a result of that. Cardiac Arrest. A tragic loss..

I heard this somewhere. However I have also read that he accomplished a few Lifetimes of work in 59 years and that it was "time" for him to go.

Mr. Parker Jr seemed to support this by restating parts of it Sat in SA. At dinner someone asked him if he would want to change anything about his Dad's life, maybe to allow him to live longer and Mr. Parker Jr said that he felt that his Dad had a great life and that to wish that part of it were "different" would not honor Mr. Parker.

Sleep apnea notwithstanding, this is a good way to remember Mr. Parker. I was sad when he died because I only got to see him twice myself.:(
Arthur died almost the same way and almost at the same age... He had just dedicated something for the church and after his speach he fell dead just like Ed Parker did in Hawaii. So, heart disease ran in the family, unfortunately...

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Arthur died almost the same way and almost at the same age... He had just dedicated something for the church and after his speach he fell dead just like Ed Parker did in Hawaii. So, heart disease ran in the family, unfortunately...


I wonder if Ed Jr is getting regular checkups.
So, heart disease ran in the family, unfortunately...

Quite some time ago I had a chance to sit and talk with Mrs. Parker about her then recently deceased husband. I found out that Mr. Parker and I had a common bond... we are both part Portuguese!

Unfortunately arterialsclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke, are prevelant in the Portuguese community.

If I understand correctly, Mr. Parkers dad AND brother both died of heart attacks at an early age.

I too have been in that situation. I have a 6 generation history of heart disease in my family, culminating with the open heart surgery of my dad last August. The funny thing is, as much as you may know about family history and heart disease in general, it never accured to us that my dad or me for that matter might be at risk...even after 5 generations of cardiac episodes.

As Kirk stated:
I wonder if Ed Jr is getting regular checkups

I hope so, I would hate to lose another great kenpoist and all around decent man to something that might be prevented.:asian:
Good Point Doug..

No matter what the physical cause is..American Kenpo will live on through all of us.. and GM Ed Parker will fore'ver be in our hearts..
Now you all know how CD gets into trouble all the time.......... lol.

but I still wouldn't give him up as my friend..... he keeps me in stitches........ lol
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Now you all know how CD gets into trouble all the time.......... lol.

but I still wouldn't give him up as my friend..... he keeps me in stitches........ lol

Thank you, it's a gift.

However, I would rather have Mr. Parker Jr. mad at me next year, than dead. It worked out this summer. We are better friends now.

But didn't you all just say that Mr. Parker's dad and brother both died of hear issues and that they should have seen it coming? I'm too sincere. I guess it gets me into trouble. I've even told people they have Ugly websites and I was only trying to be helpful. :rolleyes:

But if any of you need help getting into trouble, just let me know. I guess I could offer private lessons. :eek:

I didn't know Mr. C had such a great time watching me get in and out of jams. Maybe I can wrangle a 5th flight feather out of this somehow. ;)
We talked about diet in San Antonio since both of us had lost weight since seeing the other. He is making, and has made, some changes in hopes of remaining healthy and sticking around for kids and now a grandkid.

Kudos to EP Jr.

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