becoming disillusioned with kenpo...

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Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri
"if you want a real ALIVE training, why don't you go to some bad neighborhood or bar and pick up some fights there ?"

"If i were you, i will go to the bar and pick up a fight with a BIG and BAD guy with a lot of tatoos and have a COLD beer afterward in another bar to celerate 1 more accomplishment if you know what i'm saying."


What kind of advice are you giving the orginator of this thread? What would your instructor say if he/she saw what you had written above? Thats terrible advice. You honestly think that picking a fight is an accomplishment. Anyone can do that. The Martial Arts should be used to defend one's self. Further, tattoos don't make you bad. If your still stuck at that point, stay in the shallow end, and certainly don't give anymore advice. You can get real-live training in the studio/dojo/garage/etc. Twinkletoes doesn't need to pick a fight, he needs some good workout partners. What if he got his throat slit taking your advice by picking a fight in a bar? Don't think it doesn't happen.

I was going to reply to webpage2002203's post, but I think you have covered it all.
Oh and what about if it does work out and he kicks said bikers butt, and maybe kills or injures him. How is he supposed to defend that in court?


Originally posted by Old Fat Kenpoka
Yes. This argument AGAIN.

50 years ago, Karate people used to bang their fingers into buckets of rocks, pound their knuckles on Makiwara pads. Now, we know that these training methods are not the MOST effective. Why can't people argue that Kata is not the MOST effective training method for fighting?

Kenpoists too often gain a sense of invulnerability from their Kata and technique training. Every Kenpo Black Belt needs to get tackled and submitted by a BJJ White Belt just once so they know that they are not invulnerable.

Let's leave our egos at the door, open our minds, and accept that other styles and training methods are valid. Let's also accept that other arts are evolving and improving and that we must evolve and improve or become relegated to the history books.

Kata was never meant to be a training tool for fighting!
Kata is simply an encycleopedia of your system. All your locks holds, punches, blocks, kicks , blah blah blah are in the katas.

Drills, based on specific parts of the katas will teach you the correct timing and distancing for specific reactions to specific attacks.
Sparring teaches you how to spar, period!
Drills practised in High Adrenal Stress situations will teach you how to fight.
If you are not sure of a specific move in a drill, go and do kata. Then get with a partner who is prepared to make you work hard and do drills.

Then get padded up and attempt to bash the absolute daylights out of each other. Then when you are finished sit down with each other and analyse each others moves.


Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
On some of the Brown and Black Belt technique tapes he does that, more than a few times. He started getting comfortable in front of the camera about Green and started really pumping. You have to remember these are instructional tapes and not a demo, at least that's what he was aiming for. They act as an artificial memory when you need that extra boost before class or before a test. He was not looking to sell what he could do, more what he could do for the viewer. I'm on the recieving end so I know what he can do LOL. Larry will be in England in the next few months so keep an eye out. If you're near London around June 6th and 7th you'll have to come over to Kevin Mills (BKKU)studio, I'll be vacationing (on holiday) for a few days and didn't want to miss Kevin so you can see me there. Email me for details

Have a great Kenpo day


Ah, the Summer Camp? I noticed your name was down as the guest instructor! I actually had a letter from Jenny Mills inviting me to it, but I don't know if I can make it. It's a long way away from where I live unfortunately, but I also don't know if I can get the time off work :(

I've got 3 exams the week before as well (next week) so I'm going to be pretty knackered by the weekend!

Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri

What kind of advice are you giving the orginator of this thread? What would your instructor say if he/she saw what you had written above? Thats terrible advice. You honestly think that picking a fight is an accomplishment. Anyone can do that. The Martial Arts should be used to defend one's self. Further, tattoos don't make you bad. If your still stuck at that point, stay in the shallow end, and certainly don't give anymore advice. You can get real-live training in the studio/dojo/garage/etc. Twinkletoes doesn't need to pick a fight, he needs some good workout partners. What if he got his throat slit taking your advice by picking a fight in a bar? Don't think it doesn't happen.

let me ask you this question.
How can he have some good workout partners?
what kind of things should he do with his partner that constitutes to his wish "resisting" in do jo?

since he wants some ALIVE and RESISTING with his partner, one or both of them will get hurt in some point. Why would somebody else want to do that?
He said he wants some resisting and ALIVE, didn't he?

his throat got slitted on the street? his martial art skill is no good. Period.

everybody is mature and intelligence enough to know what to do. I don't have to run around and give advise to anybody here.

you see a person shoot another in the TV, you will do the same thing as that person did ? Come on................what you said is simply the most ridiculous item of the day as Bill O'reilly puts it in his show note

Originally posted by D.Cobb

Oh and what about if it does work out and he kicks said bikers butt, and maybe kills or injures him. How is he supposed to defend that in court?



everybody entitles to their own opinion. You can't tell me what to think. Period

you are really :confused: :confused: why?

in the reality and in self-denfse, you can name of thousand if not million things that willl happen after doing certain things. If you keep doing that, you better stay home or in bunker. Oh by the way, you hope that bunker buster doesn't drop on top of your place .

:D :D ;)

by the way, did anybody notice my question mark ?? Why don't you........?????

I think you misunderstand the meaning here of "alive" and "resisting."

ALIVE training means that you train in a way that is not strictly pre-choreographed, in which your partner provides realistic energy (not the old static stiff punch and stand-still), in which there is an inherent use of timing and a need for footwork (distancing).

Here are some examples off the top of my head:

One partner needs to work his side kick--it isn't effective in sparring. His trainer/partner gloves up and throws (starting out slowly) some basic punches, say jab & cross, mixed with a couple basic kicks. The first partner works on finding appropriate times to use his side kick. As he gets better at it, the trainer adds other moves and steps the pace up.

Another one: Partner A learns a leg sweep, hip throw, punch, armbar, or anything. Fill in as drill above.

More: Pummelling drills from wrestling

Or: ANY live BJJ drills (works similarly: Partner A tries to get move, B defends or escapes, etc. etc.).

Or: Most Boxing drills

Alive drills will help you develop spontanaeity, improvisation, and appropriateness WITHOUT much risk of injury. The risk of injury is not even as high as it is in sparring.

This is worlds apart from what you are suggesting (and also safer and legal).


Originally posted by webpage20022003
everybody entitles to their own opinion. You can't tell me what to think. Period

I don't see where he or anyone else was telling you what to think. Climb down from that horse and calm down a bit, it'll be alright.
Originally posted by satans.barber
Ah, the Summer Camp? I noticed your name was down as the guest instructor! I actually had a letter from Jenny Mills inviting me to it, but I don't know if I can make it. It's a long way away from where I live unfortunately, but I also don't know if I can get the time off work :(

I've got 3 exams the week before as well (next week) so I'm going to be pretty knackered by the weekend!


OK, exactly how far away LOL? We do drive extensively here in the U.S. as you've seen last year when you were here and did a bit of driving on our motorways. Can't be that far can it, I'm coming about 5000 miles or so.

Have a great Kenpo day


Why do you ask "How can he have some good workout partners?" "Good" workout partners in my experience, are developed through relationships outside of the training forum. The same base of that relationship outside the kwoon, must be carried into the training hall. Both parties must be of the understanding that the intent is not to hurt or injure, but to train hard, learn and become better martial artists. It is not true that one or both will become injured. I know many that train this way. Bumps, bruises, dents, of course. Those however, are necessary. Anyone can have "good" workout partners.

"his throat got slitted on the street? his martial art skill is no good. Period."

In an incident such as this one, there can be a large number of variables that come into play. One's martial art's skill is only one of them. The possible situations and scenarios that lead up to one getting their throat slit are infinite.

"I don't have to run around and give advise to anybody here."

You're absolutely right, you probably shoudn't, because the advice you did give was worthless. As far as your remark about the bunker buster, you completely lost me there. No idea what you're talking about. Keep your advice to yourself. Go where the fight is not. That's part of the yellow belt curriculum.
Originally posted by satans.barber
Ah, the Summer Camp? I noticed your name was down as the guest instructor! I actually had a letter from Jenny Mills inviting me to it, but I don't know if I can make it. It's a long way away from where I live unfortunately, but I also don't know if I can get the time off work :(

I've got 3 exams the week before as well (next week) so I'm going to be pretty knackered by the weekend!


Check the link Ian.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri

Why do you ask "How can he have some good workout partners?" "Good" workout partners in my experience, are developed through relationships outside of the training forum. The same base of that relationship outside the kwoon, must be carried into the training hall. Both parties must be of the understanding that the intent is not to hurt or injure, but to train hard, learn and become better martial artists. It is not true that one or both will become injured. I know many that train this way. Bumps, bruises, dents, of course. Those however, are necessary. Anyone can have "good" workout partners.

why do i ask that question? because i would like to know what his perspective about "good workout partners is . That's all.

agree with what you said here

"his throat got slitted on the street? his martial art skill is no good. Period."

In an incident such as this one, there can be a large number of variables that come into play. One's martial art's skill is only one of them. The possible situations and scenarios that lead up to one getting their throat slit are infinite.

one person can hurt another person when that person comes *close*.

why would you want that person to be *close*?

"I don't have to run around and give advise to anybody here."

You're absolutely right, you probably shoudn't, because the advice you did give was worthless.

have a few questions for you:

1- when do you have the authority to tell people whether their opinions are WORTH or WORTHLESS in the world?

2- in your opinion, what advise do you consider *worth*?

3- Do you think your opinion is BETTER than mine? Please tell me that i will tell you it is not TRUE

Keep your advice to yourself. Go where the fight is not. That's part of the yellow belt curriculum.

i will do that and should do you. Yellow belt or black belt is not really matter.

if i can defend myself with my yellow belt, i would like to have yellow belt.

by the way, what is your black belt curriculum?

okay, you're either 10 years old or you're from another country, because I'm having a rough time following along with your posts especially this specific passage:

"i will do that and should do you. Yellow belt or black belt is not really matter."

A piece of advice that carries worth, is the one that proves beneficial if followed. A piece of advice that carries worth is one that may have positive ramifications as a direct result of the advice taken. Go where the fight is not. I believe this is a good example. Aside, there are many pieces of advice that carry worth. Your earlier attempt by suggesting to Twinkletoes to pick a fight in a neighborhood or bar, was not one that carries worth, thus, worthless. Is this hard for you to follow?
Originally posted by Guiseppe Betri

okay, you're either 10 years old or you're from another country, because I'm having a rough time following along with your posts especially this specific passage:

"i will do that and should do you. Yellow belt or black belt is not really matter."

i'm not sure if you read my post at all but you appearantly didn't do that.

i suggest you go back and re-read my post and please CAREFULLY read with your BEST and i mean Your ABSOLUTE BEST understanding this time.

don't feel bad if you don't understand at it. Nobody REALLY expects you to understand.

if you come back and tell me that you don't understand, i don't want to sound like your teacher but i will help you understand ok?

A piece of advice that carries worth, is the one that proves beneficial if followed. A piece of advice that carries worth is one that may have positive ramifications as a direct result of the advice taken. Go where the fight is not. I believe this is a good example. Aside, there are many pieces of advice that carry worth. Your earlier attempt by suggesting to Twinkletoes to pick a fight in a neighborhood or bar, was not one that carries worth, thus, worthless. Is this hard for you to follow?

so you are saying....everybody's advise here is good EXCEPT mine. ??? What is bias???????

you understand the different between OPINION and ADVISE, don't you? or you are confused ??????????

you can come back here and tell me it is ADVISE. Say and Believe whatever you want about your own post and somebody else's post. You have a right to say whatever you want and also have a right to be WRONG.

let me tell you that Mine is simply an OPINION ( not good and not bad). Just OPINION or comment if you will. Do you understand, don't you?

Opinion , itself, doesn't have the ability to distinguish good and bad. Only people like you pick and choose which one is bad or good. Don't you understand???

and Only people like you make that kind of decision because that is something you feel *good* about it. I'm talking about your feeling without understanding. You are still confused??????

since you made your decision soly based on your feeling, yours is completely worthless and dangerous. Which part of this statement you don't understand????

and you still forgot to answer my question:

1-when do you have the authority to tell other people whether their *advise* is good or bad in this world ?????
I'm impressed that you can determine that. I can't tell what is being said, or even what language is being used:confused:
I read that last post 10 minutes ago and I am still scratching my head. Webpage must be a politician:rofl:
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Appreciate the Suspension - I was watching the other thread where you warned him. Good call on this one.

Did I miss something??? I didn't notice any "bad language" or "you suck" type of comments from webpage20022003 towards Guiseppe, I even went back and looked for them. Can someone tell me exactly why he got suspended please, I've seen other "members" who are far more disrespectful, but I admit that I didn't see any "other" thread where Mr.webpage20022003 was disrespectful. Please Mr/Mrs Moderators enlighten me as to why he got suspended so I know what he did that was so wrong. Thank you.

:confused: :asian: KenpoDragon

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