katas that go with music. Love them or hate them?

I really wish you hadn't put that link up. I HAD to watch it and now my bowels will be afire for the rest of the night!
I remember when it first got started. I saw soom of Jhoon Rhee's people do this horrible form to classical music - Rhee created it himself and named it, "Beethoven's Fifth."

Things have only worsened since those days-
I believe that Jhoon Rhee also created a musical form(Hyung) in his system required for Black Belt. It was called the "God Bless America" form. I've seen it many times, usualy by someone wearing the first generations of the stars and stripes uniform back in the late 70's and 80's. A Filipino demo with Filipino music, acceptable, Thai Arts demo w/ Thai music, yes, a made up competition form dressed like Lou Kang whipping a staff like a mojorette, I think not. Many people of the XMA have youth and talent, but from what I have seen, my Instructors are rolling over in their graves saying "WHY ARE YOU KILLING MY ART!?"
I practice kata to music occasionally. I prefer industrial music or electronica with heavy breakbeats. There has to be a rhythm/BPM that is at least at the edge of how fast I can move. I think it's useful, especially when working on applications (you can try different speeds with the music as a guide) or when trying to slow or speed the general pace of the set. But it's not a performance thing.

I was hoping for a laugh but those clips made me sick to the stomach. Honestly I did not realize such idiocy was humanly possible.

Background music can be ok tough.
After 30 seconds I shut it down and all I can say is...

That's just wrong

I don't even like Tai Chi forms done to music... but that...... Egad, heavens no....
I hate those; it seems to destroy concentration. For me, katas help perfect techniques, and I think it defeats that purpose if you're doing it to music like a cardio-dance.
Hate them. Plus, it's not really kata.
The kata are designed for specific purposes to build certain skill sets. Each kata has a set cadence or rhythem which should aid in developing the skills needed to apply the techniques. By adding music you are keeping to the music instead of the intent of the kata.

I have seen some people do some musical routines. It sure is great exercise when done with fast paced music, but it's just real bad martial arts.
I consider myself to be pretty open-minded when it comes to training and being creative, though I train in and teach traditional arts. I used to compete in open forms in NASKA and the NBL until they introduced "extreme" forms. It is one thing to be creative, but it is another thing to be preforming this crap. If somebody wants to create their own form then that is fine, if they want to perfomr a "musical" kata that is fine. If they leave out martial application that is not fine. If they choose to leave out application for flash they need to call it creative dance. I am not defending or condoning an individuals actions when it comes to creative kata. It is really their own decision. we do live in a society that wants this type of display. As is obvious since they are on ESPN. Many have went ahead and went this route to keep students and feed their families. We just need to keep in mind what we are doing and try to keep our individual arts alive.

If anybody wants to know the "super-flexible" girl is Chloe Bruce from the UK. She is a multi world champion in creative forms as well as traditional forms. I remeber her from back in the days of my own competition career.

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