katas that go with music. Love them or hate them?

You mean like William Hung?
I think that we have to separate this argument between modern music that seeks to showcase an art for demonstation purposes and music that helps the art.
My instructor has just introduced the higher ranking students to music that is called gamalung (?) I spelt it like it is pronounced.
In my art of Silat we use broken rhythem alot and this music helps to ensure that you never keep the same rhythem when your attacking.
As a training tool it is brilliant.
We have been given the music to train out of class so that the lower ranks aren't training while listening to it, so personally I think that in this case doing Kata's or Rupahs as we know them to music is beneficial.
I do agree that Eye of the tiger is NOT a training song!
Musical Kata.
Pure Undiluted CRAP!!!!

Musical kata is like a test to see which one can performe the most unrealistic techniqus (or even irrelevant stuff like splits) in a minute. All done in a multicollored clownsuit cut like a gi.

I truly, TRULY, hate it.
It is no wonder that karate has a extremely poor rep among more fighting oriented sports in areas where that kind of junk is popular (read "the US").

It has NOTHING to do with karate!
MMAfighter said:
My god....i saw the beginning of this again...i think i'm gonna puke

here's the link to the whole damn class going with the music

On behalf of kyokushin everywhere, I appologize for the musical stuff this one.
I realize they are doing a exhabition of some kind. Probably a poorly rehersed entertainment during the break of a very small competition. but someone should have pulled the plug on that one before it was performed in front of people
TimoS said:
That doesn't prove much :D Here's a picture of couple of guys in white belt. One of them is 7. dan in jujutsu and karate, the other... well... ;)

I know, its just weird. I am so used to seeing people wearing black belts when they should be yellow, that its odd to see someone wearing a whitebelt that obviously does or should hold rank
Sam said:
I know, its just weird. I am so used to seeing people wearing black belts when they should be yellow, that its odd to see someone wearing a whitebelt that obviously does or should hold rank

Chloe. The supple girl in the video, is wearing a kungfu uniform of sorts. So technicaly it is not a karate obi/belt it is a kungfu sasch(sp)
And kungfu occationaly use white sasch at high grades.
Thinking about it. That video with the super flexible girl would have been so much cooler with japanese drums pounding the the back.
Hello, Today alot of tournements is about "shows" more a dance performance routines. Flash is in..music is in....money and attendance is big here.

We are losing the traditions and the hardcore..but today people love this more.

You do not have to attend these or enter them. You own schools can have there own programs.

People love to compete..trophies,medals,ribbons, and placing...can seem important to some schools. Let them enjoy this fun...along as it doesn't interfer with the real training.

There are alot of good performers and they are enjoyable to watch. ..Aloha
I do not care for them at all. The XMA trend in my opinion has cheapened the idea of kata competition greatly by adding all the flash. However a tradional kata done to traditional asian music could be cool. Keep in mind though I love all type of so called "techno" music. Many times the faster and harder the better.
Martin h said:
Chloe. The supple girl in the video, is wearing a kungfu uniform of sorts. So technicaly it is not a karate obi/belt it is a kungfu sasch(sp)
And kungfu occationaly use white sasch at high grades.

True, and sometimes the color means nothing at all, and the sash is just part of the uniform.

I found it interesting that she was wearing a kung fu uniform. What she did looked absolutely NOTHING like any kung fu I have ever seen.

What it looked like to me was this: A completely non-traditional, made-up, creative kata that was done on top of a base in Tae Kwon Do. I suspect Chloe is a Tae Kwon Do person, and she created this fancy nonsense with the help of her instructor.

Perhaps the Tae Kwon Do people here, like Terry, could weigh in on whether or not this looked like it was based (however loosly) on Tae Kwon Do.
Flying Crane said:
What it looked like to me was this: A completely non-traditional, made-up, creative kata that was done on top of a base in Tae Kwon Do. I suspect Chloe is a Tae Kwon Do person, and she created this fancy nonsense with the help of her instructor.

That is pretty much a definition of this type of "kata"
non-traditional. Made up, fancy nonsense.

Although the people who are into it are usualy doing a ecclectic mix of TKD, karate and kungfu -where acrobatics and showmanship is far more important than realism and efficiency. It tend to be the same guys that are into XMA and trick-kicking.

Chloe Bruce herself actualy comes from a Tang Soo Do

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