drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
I would argue that the krotty guys, as you call them are not Karateka at all.... but karateka in name only.
Ancient okinawa saying: Karate is Kata, Kata is karate.
Before Kumite was a common practice.... everyone did Kata. KATA WAS Karate.
No one ever heard the old masters say
Kihon is Karate.
Kumite is Karate.
5. “In the past, it was expected that about three years were required to learn a single kata, and usually even an expert of considerable skill would only know (specifically have mastered) three, or at most five, kata.” – Gichin Funakoshi
After Gitchen went to Japan... He told one of his students there were 15 forms and they could be learned in about 5 years, a year and a half if they were already a martial artist.
The old masters used to keep a narrow field but plough a deep furrow.
Present day students have a broad field but only plough a shallow furrow." Genshin Hironishi says -- with what authority I don't know -- that Funakoshi's' karate practice involved the study of 100 kata, but that seems unlikely. When he settled in Japan he taught 15 kata, and by the standards of the day that was a fairly large number.
All the more remarkable because GF admitted to spending 10 years learning the three Nahanchi forms.
Ony if krotty is the stagnant reflection of hironishi. That will slowly devolve as a copy of a copy does rather than evolve into something better.