It's been done, and they have. But, you have to modify the way you train, and also cross train.
The fallacy of this was completely made plain in my Bertel kumite vid. Bertel's opponent is coming out just as you say.... repeating technique he's seen demonstrated in kumite competition.... Then the guy is completely flummoxed against Bertel's dynamic response....
There's people doing karate form / and then there's people doing karate.
Your statement's 1st 2 sentences are applicable to that group doing karate in physical form. Probably at least 75% of the karate participants; so in terms of percentages of the populace your statement (1st two) is correct. And attractive as a marketing approach.
Guys like Lyoto Machida do very well because they train for the medium, and are aware of the gaps in their training that must be filled.
This is the part that is complete bunk..... Completely. This dogma has been blasted all over the internet since the origins of the UFC. NOW is 'written in stone,' from being blabbed & rehabbed so incredibly often. Every Laptop mMA observer recants the same rhetoric over & over.
TRUTH: Guys like Machida do well 'cause of their traditional karate base. Guys like Machida fall short because they train to physical form & conventions instead of to principles....
Once again, it's the training model, not the techniques. If styles fall down, it's likely because there is a lack of practical feedback given to the students.
Great again for self advocacy. Styles fall down because those training don't understand what TMA is doing in it's approach. Styles fall down because students aren't serious or dedicated, or the instructor same. Of course feedback playS into that dynamic.
The association fallacy at work. I train BJJ and Ryan Hall trains BJJ, therefore, I can do what Ryan Hall does. Student A and Lyoto Machida are black belts in Shotokan Karate. Lyoto Machida is successful using his Shotokan Karate in MMA. Therefore, student A will also be successful in MMA. Doesn't hold up.
I would hope not. If so, we should close all the institutions of higher learning. Yet what you say is much too often the UNDISCIPLINED attitude we see in sports... Again, good marketing dogma....
Edit: And in McDojo's too.
It works for self defense, too. I am learning "Style A" from my instructor. My instructor is able to use style A to successfully defend himself. Ergo, I am able to defend myself. Doesn't work.
AUTOMATICALLY work. Shake it out, Steve: shake it out.....