Jena 6

Are they trying to push away black voters, or, more insidiously, are they trying to attract a different constituent?

If you listen to the right wing rhetoric, then you already know the answer to that question. There is no question that the Latin American community is the fastest growing minority group. The politicans are whores and they will court whomever will put them into office.

The Republicans will not do anything about illegal immigration because they worry about the bottom line...the almighty dollar. The "undocumented workers" of our era are the Irish, Blacks, Native Americans and Chinese of earlier eras. Capitalism exploits the lower class, while Socialism exploits everyone regardless of class.

The Democrats want the immigrants because they can put them in office, evidence of this by liberal attempts to pass legislation that would not require voters to present valid identification at the ballot. They create social programs so that the poor, most likely of the minority group, will depend on forever. By doing so, they endear themselves to these groups so that they will keep them in office.

Call me cynical, but that's just the way I see it.
Like I said, history wasnt my best subject, but did Rosa Parks beat the bus driver or the person who attempted to take her seat? AFAIK, no. I guess my point is..we have a case here of someone hanging a noose from a tree. Call it racial, call is terror, call it whatever, as far as I can see, there was no physical harm done to anyone. Did it freak people out when they saw it? Possibly, who knows. The black youths physically assaulted someone, someone who very possibly was not even involved.

Is there no empathy for the experiences of a repressed minority? People were lynched by mobs in this country, and not so long ago. Those who were lynched were usually black, and those doing the lynching were usually white.

But it seems to be your claim that no one can know if the symbol of lynching might upset a black person, who had the tenaciousness to sit in a place that custom, and name, reserved for whites?

It is history. It is important. For those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

And for the record, Mrs. Parks had tremendous community support in 1955. In fact, from December 5, 1955 and for the next 381 days, black citizens of Montgomery, Alabama did not ride the public transportation buses. This, in a city where public transportation was 75% black citizens.

Mrs. Parks received the Medal of Freedom, our country's highest civilian honor. Reverend King received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Martin Luther King said:
If you will protest courageously, and yet with dignity and Christian love, when the history books are written in future generations, the historians will have to pause and say, `There lived a great people--a Black people--who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization.' This is our challenge and our overwhelming responsibility.
None of those kids give a damn about what happened in the history of the black struggle. Hell with the educations of kids today they probably dont know (or remember if they were taught) who Rosa parks was. One of thes kids has a rap sheet longer than my arm already and hes just over a quarter of my age! This was about "respectin" and street creds if you ask me. Nothing so noble as righteous anger over a symbol of white repression.

I still cant get over the "give them a break they were upset over the nooses" tone. Lets start justifying physical violence over a symbolic gesture and see where THAT takes us.
Is there no empathy for the experiences of a repressed minority? People were lynched by mobs in this country, and not so long ago. Those who were lynched were usually black, and those doing the lynching were usually white.

But it seems to be your claim that no one can know if the symbol of lynching might upset a black person, who had the tenaciousness to sit in a place that custom, and name, reserved for whites?

It is history. It is important. For those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

And for the record, Mrs. Parks had tremendous community support in 1955. In fact, from December 5, 1955 and for the next 381 days, black citizens of Montgomery, Alabama did not ride the public transportation buses. This, in a city where public transportation was 75% black citizens.

Mrs. Parks received the Medal of Freedom, our country's highest civilian honor. Reverend King received the Nobel Peace Prize.

I'm sure that the noose upset people. I thought I addressed that in another post. I'm sure a swastica painted on tombstones in a Jewish cemetary upsets them as well. My point is, you don't see people dishing out vigilante justice. They report it to the cops. Was any of this reported to the cops? If it wasn't, shame on the 'victims' of this noose incident. If it was and nothing happened, shame on the cops. But this still doesn't excuse people beating the hell out of someone. Were any rallies taking place when this first happened, or did it take a beating to get the rally started?

None of those kids give a damn about what happened in the history of the black struggle. Hell with the educations of kids today they probably dont know (or remember if they were taught) who Rosa parks was. One of thes kids has a rap sheet longer than my arm already and hes just over a quarter of my age! This was about "respectin" and street creds if you ask me. Nothing so noble as righteous anger over a symbol of white repression.

I still cant get over the "give them a break they were upset over the nooses" tone. Lets start justifying physical violence over a symbolic gesture and see where THAT takes us.

You and I are on the same page here. This is exactly the point I've been trying to argue as well.
....I think it all boils down to ignorant and intolerant parents on both sides of the racial divide. These parents raise ignorant and intolerant children who in turn grow into ignorant and intolerant adults who raise their own ignorant and intolerant children. I am afraid this will always be with us in one form or another. This doesn't make it right, it's only reality.

I apologize for hijacking this thread, but it always lights a flame within me when I hear others assume that their life experience is universal.

I'm glad someone gets it. If it isn't "black and white" it will be "rich and poor" (insert whatever) because a child will carry on the values set before them.

Why hasn't the school stepped in before it got this bad? This is something that has been going on for months maybe years before this violent incident happened. Where was the school didn't they see the writing on the wall? The black students involved even went to the principle and asked if they where alowed to sit under the "white tree". come on do you really need a sign that says there is racial tention here?

Take it a step further; why aren't the colleges teaching future teachers to recognize these type of tentions?

I think Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, David Duke KKK members , nazis and black panther types should be thrown into a tank and left to fight it out. They are all one in the same. Jimmy Hendrix ,CSN, Lenny Kravits, and Bob Marly, did more to end racism than all of them combined. Even Toby Keith does more. The political types make a pile of money off of racism and it's sick.
Why hasn't the school stepped in before it got this bad? This is something that has been going on for months maybe years before this violent incident happened. Where was the school didn't they see the writing on the wall? The black students involved even went to the principle and asked if they where alowed to sit under the "white tree". come on do you really need a sign that says there is racial tention here?

Good question. Its just like parents that are totally clueless to what their kids do. And then, when their child does do something wrong, they act completely surprised. Considering that the tree was most likely not white in color, you'd think that someone would have inquired when they said 'white tree.'
One possibility as to "why the school didn't step in sooner" ... could it be because there is a measure of racism left in our society.

Michael, what if it was reported to the authorities ... and they did nothing? What recourse then? Why does nothing happen until after it is so bad that Reverends Jackson and Sharpton have to get involved?

Why wasn't the Hartford Courant reporting this story for the first nine months of Mr. Bell's imprisonment? Why did his trial as an adult, even though the offenses were committed when he was a minor make news anywhere? Where were the stories and awareness when the court of appeals reverse the decision on this technicality, but the state chose to keep Mr. Bell in prison?

The story doesn't make any news until Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton show up, and then come the predictable attacks about how Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton don't do anything to advance the cause. It certainly seems that no one and nothing was helping 'the cause' before they showed up either.
One possibility as to "why the school didn't step in sooner" ... could it be because there is a measure of racism left in our society.

Who knows.

Michael, what if it was reported to the authorities ... and they did nothing? What recourse then? Why does nothing happen until after it is so bad that Reverends Jackson and Sharpton have to get involved?

Is holding a march with the Revs. getting anything resolved though? People can march all day long, doesnt mean a change is going to happen. Look at that mother of one of the soldiers in Iraq. Forgot her name, but shes the one that camped out near the White House, wanting to talk to Bush. The Iraq war is still going on.

Why wasn't the Hartford Courant reporting this story for the first nine months of Mr. Bell's imprisonment? Why did his trial as an adult, even though the offenses were committed when he was a minor make news anywhere? Where were the stories and awareness when the court of appeals reverse the decision on this technicality, but the state chose to keep Mr. Bell in prison?

The story doesn't make any news until Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton show up, and then come the predictable attacks about how Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton don't do anything to advance the cause. It certainly seems that no one and nothing was helping 'the cause' before they showed up either.

If the papers kept up with everything, they'd be 10 times the size. Its just like the arts...whatever the new flavor of the moment is, gets the most attn. Once the thrill of the story dies out, it no longer gets printed. Don't know what to tell you.
Throughout this thread, there have been several statements concerning the previous criminal record of the convicted and accused.

According to this story, in the Washington Post, there is no prior criminal activity among any of the six.

Mychal Bell, the first of the six to be tried, is scheduled to be sentenced in September. He was convicted in July by an all-white jury on reduced charges of aggravated battery and conspiracy to commit it. Like his co-defendants -- Robert Bailey, Carwin Jones, Bryant Purvis, Theodore Shaw and Jesse Beard -- Bell had no prior criminal record.

Anyone who claims knowledge of prior criminal acts by any of the six, please cite your sources.
Anyone who claims knowledge of prior criminal acts by any of the six, please cite your sources.

I haven't been watching this case enough to wiegh in on this issue or anything, but they did say on CNN that one of them, Bell I believe, had a prior record. It was on in the background while I was doing some work. I know for a fact that is what they said, just don't know how accurate.
Is holding a march with the Revs. getting anything resolved though?

There are 75 posts on this thread.

I was aware of the story prior to yesterday's news, but, in searching about for this discussion, I have learned much more today. You, yourself, said you had not heard of these events.

Apparently, the Reverands' involvement is accomplishing something.

It does seem unfortunate that regardless of the merit, or lack thereof, some people will immediately write off any event or situation they are involved in. I wonder if there is a word for that?
I haven't been watching this case enough to wiegh in on this issue or anything, but they did say on CNN that one of them, Bell I believe, had a prior record. It was on in the background while I was doing some work. I know for a fact that is what they said, just don't know how accurate.

This is interesting ... a bit more searching. It seems that a LaSalle Parish deputy clerk, one Cynthia Bradford, has released information about Mr. Bell's juvenile record. Confirmed in court transcripts by the District Attorney.

A battery adjudication on 12/25/2005
A criminal damage to property on 7/25/2006
A battery adjudication on 9/2/2006
A criminal damage to property on 9/3/2006

In Louisiana law:
Battery is the intentional use of force or violence upon the person of another; or the intentional administration of a poison or other noxious liquid or substance to another.


Simple battery is a battery committed without the consent of the victim.

Further :

Aggravated criminal damage to property is the intentional damaging of any structure, watercraft, or movable, wherein it is foreseeable that human life might be endangered, by any means other than fire or explosion.


Simple criminal damage to property is the intentional damaging of any property of another, without the consent of the owner, and except as provided in R.S. 14:55, by any means other than fire or explosion.
I find it interesting that this record was released by a 'deputy clerk'. Is that normal when dealing with minor children?

And, it is interesting that a youth with such a horrible past would continue to be an honor roll student and star on the High School Football team. I wonder what that all says about society.
He was convicted in July by an all-white jury on reduced charges of aggravated battery and conspiracy to commit it.
All white jury? Why should this matter? Since discrimination based on race is illegal, shouldn't such things as all white, all black, 75% green juries be a non issue? I'm a white guy, I neither chose that, nor can I change it. It is impossible to tell a bad person by looking at them, and it is worse than stupid to try.
The implication given by the All-White jury remark in the article is that white people cannot help but screw over black people, gee, isn't that a racist assumption?
The language 'all white jury' was from a Washington Post article. That is a question that is best directed to them.

What is interesting, is that the convicting jury was comprised of six citizens. I thought juries were typically comprised of twelve or fifteen citizens.

If one searched for 'ineffective council mychal bell', one could learn that one of those jurors was a classmate with Mr. Barker's father. One wonders if that shouldn't have been cause for a pre-emptive dismissal. (From personal experience, during one enpanelling session, I was read a list of possible witnesses. Just the fact that I might know someone on the witeness list was sufficient to get me dismissed).

Of course, I must warn against doing that search for ineffective council. The reading becomes quite disturbing. The court appointed lawyer ~ a right guaranteed by our Supreme Court, by the way ~ is reported to be grossly incompetent at Mr. Bell's defense; relevant witnesses not called to the stand, witnesses on the stand not challenged appropriately, the 'green jacket', juvenile charges brought in the adult court system, refusal to allow jurors to consider lesser charges, etc.

I wonder if we have heard about other 'overzealous District Attorneys' anywhere recently, Hmm>

Big Don ~ as to the language of Louisiana law, ~ it does raise some interesting questions. Basically, it sounds as if it is an unwelcome touch, one could bring charges. It seems it would be possible for a non-violent touching incident to result in a criminal charge. In my limited searches so far, I have been unable to find descriptions of Mr. Bell's crimes in these cases (not unexpected considering juvenile court systems and reporting).

Some here have used the prior adjudications to indict Mr. Bell in this incident. (He's a bad apple that can't be fixed - of course some of those making this argument continue to support trying to help the Shi'ite and Sunni's in Iraq - their prior bad acts go back hundreds of years, but we're still trying to fix them. - I digress). There has been discussions about 'why didn't they step in sooner'. I have argued that racial tensions were reported to be high throughout Jena preceeding attack on Mr. Barker. A thoughtful person would wonder if these prior charges indicative of those racial tensions.

Also, the unspoken assumption when mentioning Mr. Bell's prior record, is that Mr. Barker was a 'nice boy', who played no part in the racial tensions in the community. I will point out that Mr. Barker was expelled from the High School for bringing a gun onto the school campus.

In Louisiana Law:
95.2. Carrying a firearm, or dangerous weapon, by a student or nonstudent on school property, at school-sponsored functions or firearm-free zone
A. Carrying a firearm, or dangerous weapon as defined in R.S. 14:2, by a student or nonstudent on school property, at a school sponsored function, or in a firearm-free zone is unlawful and shall be defined as possession of any firearm or dangerous weapon, on one's person, at any time while on a school campus, on school transportation, or at any school sponsored function in a specific designated area including but not limited to athletic competitions, dances, parties, or any extracurricular activities, or within one thousand feet of any school campus.
Further, Title 17 mandates that schools make students aware of this law, and its consequences, in the first week of each school year, since its inception in 1999.
Mychal Bell

Battery - 12/25/2005
Criminal damage to property - 7/25/2006
Battery - 9/2006
Criminal damage to property - 9/2006
What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

What kind of message does hanging a noose send?

Check out the lower right hand corner of this picture. I think they caught that message.

In certain areas of this country, because of the history, hanging a noose is akin to threatening someone with death. How many more pictures do we need to see of it being put to use before we get it? Imagine if your family lived with this hell every single day of their lives for generations?

A Dream Deferred
By Langson Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?
it seems that things are being a little distorted.
Yes indeed! In more ways/directions than one!
For any side you're on......there's political fodder to be had, and everyone's rushing in to get some.

...which is REALLY too bad, because there's issues that should be addressed, now they'll just be trampled over by the camera crews.

Your Brother

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