Jena 6 Teen Shoots Himself


Master Black Belt
by Barbara Leader of The New Star

"MONROE — Jena 6 figure Mychal Bell was taken to a Monroe hospital tonight after apparently shooting himself in the chest with a .22-caliber gun about 7:40 p.m.

Monroe police Sgt. Cassandra Wooten said the wound did not appear to be life-threatening. When asked if Bell gave a reason for the shooting, Wooten said, “he said he couldn’t take it anymore; he was back in the media again.”
The 18-year-old who lists his address as the 100 block of Grayling Lane in Monroe is free on $1,300 bond after being arrested Christmas Eve on one count each of shoplifting, resisting arrest and simple battery.
“I am predicting that once all the facts are established, he probably will not be guilty,” said Louis Scott, a lawyer who previously has represented Bell. “There has been more put on this young man than anybody can bear — people trying to provoke him, trying to make him react.”
BellÂ’s latest arrest comes less than a month after he completed an 18-month sentence for his role in the beating of fellow Jena High classmate Justin Barker in December 2006.

Security personnel at DillardÂ’s in Pecanland Mall in Monroe spotted Bell and an unidentified male Wednesday after placing $370 worth of merchandise in a DillardÂ’s shopping bag, police said.

After the two separated, Bell left the store, was followed by a security officer and began running through the parking lot. He was found under a vehicle in the Sears parking lot, police said. Bell began “swinging his arms wildly” and delivered a glancing blow to the security officer with his elbow, police said.

“Dillard’s has a tradition of being overly suspicious of young black males,” Scott said, adding that he bases that on personal and court experiences. “He should at least have the presumption of innocence.”

DillardÂ’s has been accused of racial profiling in lawsuits in Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky and Georgia. A Monroe store manager referred inquiries to Roger Williams in DillardÂ’s Little Rock, Ark., office. A person in his office said he would have no comment."
Back in trouble again. Now pondering the course that particular student's life has taken, he probably realizes he's on a dark path leading to nowhere.
Petty crimes can lead to bigger crimes. But when you're already been indicted for attempted murder at 16... along with a group of your peers... the jump isn't much.
He's hurting (inside), in pain and he does need help. He can turn his life around and be the best of the original 6. I think he can still rise above the racist impurities that he and his fellow students have had to be raised in. The all white tree, the nooses, the beatings all that crap. This young man's life can change for the better... but who is going to help him do it.

Sad story that going to look like it's going to get even sadder.
hmmm, criminal comits another crime, right after getting out, gets caught, takes self out

where's the downside?
I'm glad that he didn't take himself out.

THINK! How many people have had life altering experiences because of near death? How may this change this troubled young man... and they all are. The gang-bangas of LA and across the country and all manner of troubled youth in this and other countries.
We condemn what they do but we should not condemn who they are. Troubled youth and in need of guidance from those who would condemn them.
If they have crossed the line and have killed or done some other heinous crime then perhaps, maybe they are beyond redemption but only if they choose to be irredeemable, they need someone to help them understand their choices and where each of those choices might lead them.
This young man in despair shot himself because (and of course I'm speculating)... he felt this life he was living was going to end up nowhere.
As cliche as it sounds he knew there was good in him and it fought obviously to get out... but it had to been excruciatingly confusing to him... ergo he shot himself because he wasn't SHOWN a better way or the differences that he was wrestling with.

All of us, ALL of us are responsible for the youths in our respective areas. Parents yes, ultimately indeed but they need not bear the entire burden.

Remember... suicide is a cry for help.
A .22? He should've used more gun.

Sorry, I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who hurt other people for no good reason.
I'm glad that he didn't take himself out.

THINK! How many people have had life altering experiences because of near death? How may this change this troubled young man... and they all are. The gang-bangas of LA and across the country and all manner of troubled youth in this and other countries.
Yeah, look at all the good Rodney King and OJ have done...
All of us, ALL of us are responsible for the youths in our respective areas. Parents yes, ultimately indeed but they need not bear the entire burden.

No. I am only responsible for myself and those I willingly take responsibility for. There is such a thing as free will. My childhood was just as bad if not worse than most criminals. The reason I am not in jail is because of the choices I made. It was not luck. It was not fate. Society is not responsible for my successes or my failures. As an individual I am not responsible for the success or failure of other individuals.

I am not oblivious to the fact that this guy as well as thousands of others have had miserable lives. I feel their pain. I have been there. Lots of people have had it rough. They are still responsible for their own lives just as I am responsible for mine. Suicide is a cry for help. It is also the ultimate dodging of responsibility. You reap what you sow
I'm glad that he didn't take himself out.

THINK! How many people have had life altering experiences because of near death? How may this change this troubled young man... and they all are. The gang-bangas of LA and across the country and all manner of troubled youth in this and other countries.
We condemn what they do but we should not condemn who they are. Troubled youth and in need of guidance from those who would condemn them.
If they have crossed the line and have killed or done some other heinous crime then perhaps, maybe they are beyond redemption but only if they choose to be irredeemable, they need someone to help them understand their choices and where each of those choices might lead them.
This young man in despair shot himself because (and of course I'm speculating)... he felt this life he was living was going to end up nowhere.
As cliche as it sounds he knew there was good in him and it fought obviously to get out... but it had to been excruciatingly confusing to him... ergo he shot himself because he wasn't SHOWN a better way or the differences that he was wrestling with.

All of us, ALL of us are responsible for the youths in our respective areas. Parents yes, ultimately indeed but they need not bear the entire burden.

Remember... suicide is a cry for help.
No, not all of us are responsible for the youth living in our area.....this kid is now an adult.

He is responsible for himself. And if he wants to kill himself, who am I to argue?

It's just obvious that he lacked any serious intent to do himself harm or he would have succeeded. The only thing worse than being a being an incompetent thug who can't even off themselves right.

There is no shortage of bleeding heart programs....for all the good they've done. I am responsible for the children I raise......and I don't appreciate having to responsible for other parents poor parenting and turning thuggish sociopaths lose to prey on me and my family!
nope, sorry, cant do it

I hope next time he aims better
I'm make sure to send him my award winning pamphlet....'Suicide: Getting it right the first time!'

My perspective on suicide is in line with that of the Romans....I consider an acceptable out if someone feels they can't continue to live, or if they've shamed themselves and everyone around them to the point that they can't live with the shame!

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