Actually, that argument has been made. (Check the posts on 8/13 10:08 AM and 10:11 AM)
Well, lets take a look at things. In the 8-13, 10:08 post, I linked an article of something that is different but has a similar tone to it. As for Andrews post, I'm not going to comment on his thoughts. If you want to know his views on his posts, you can ask him.
What this comes down to is: a) the fact that everyone, yes, even the good kids, will ultimately suffer because of the actions of a few wild kids, b) that no matter what happens, someone will be upset, and c) no matter what the cops do, people will blame them, rather than take responsibility for their own actions. I can just hear it now. You seem to have no problem with your kids being out late, so God forbid something happens, I'd be willing to bet that you'd be the first one to say, "Why didn't the cops do their job and protect the public?" See, thats the problem...any parent in their right mind, wouldn't let their 12 yo kid be out at 3am.
And don't lump me into any political groups. Frankly, I am not interested in politics, and I rarely get involved in any political discussion on this forum. I'm simply saying that people piss and moan with the solutions the city comes up with, but I don't see any of the big talkers coming up with an alternative. Well, actually, you gave a few options, and I did comment on them. But lets take another look at them and perhaps you'll give some feedback.
The I said, a good idea. But, is someone going to be watching them and get a cop there to arrest people that're engaged in criminal activity? More traffic stops...well, we already know people will cry foul over that one. Prevent guns from entering the city....ok..I"d like to hear more on this one.
What really needs to happen is stiffer penalties especially for repeat offenders. Oh but then you'll have people cry that jail isnt the answer...its rehab thats needed. And perhaps if parents took a bit more responsibility for the kids that THEY created, and kept a tighter leash on them, we wouldn't need a curfew.