It's time for a new job.

Well, so much for that.

The person charged with training new employees was very vexed at my not having sprung from the womb as a WordPerfect virtuoso. She sent my first project back to me with a very snippy "Following directions is very important in this job. "

I sent my second project in two days before deadline so we could make any needed corrections, and she fired me because it had any mistakes at all.


No love lost here.

Nice to know that they were supportive of you during your training and helped you overcome any problems with their training of you...:whip1:

Amazing how many idiots there are in positions to determine your emploment.

You'll find something else Flea, don't worry about their ****.
Nice to know that they were supportive of you during your training and helped you overcome any problems with their training of you...:whip1:

Amazing how many idiots there are in positions to determine your emploment.

You'll find something else Flea, don't worry about their ****.

Sorry to hear about the outcome Flea..Those that sit on high and pass employment judgement on us do fall and usually fall VERY HARD...
Thanks guys.

Honestly, I lost interest with her first poison-keyboard email. Who needs a boss like that? Then my second assignment was transcribing a whole deposition from scratch. Legal transcriptions have to be verbatim of course, and that means listening and re-listening to make sure I included the exact number of ums and uhs in each sentence. And I had to be sure I didn't mistake any ums for uhs in the process! I actively sought out a nose-to-grindstone job, but that's ridiculous even for me.

So as soon as they pay me for my work, I'll return their equipment to them with a smile. Lesson cheerfully learned.

A better lesson still is how cool the management is at my current company. They support everyone like a good solid sports bra. Last summer when things got tough for me and I asked them to tweak my job description, they did. It took them a while because it was our busiest season, but now I'm in a quasi-supervisory role with much lower pressure and a lot less customer contact. So ... what was I bitching about again? Maybe I should just stay put after all.

* Teacher says, every time you hear hold music, a customer service rep gets his wings. *
Oh, one other thing -

I wasn't upset about it at all, just a little disappointed. Mostly I think it's pretty funny. It reflects on her as a person. More than that though, it's ironic; I have a work ethic that borders on the unhealthfully obsessive, and I have yet to find an employer who could recognize and tap into it. If she had a little more patience she would have had a machine on her hands, burning up more work than she could possibly have thrown at me. Big loss for her and her company.
Some words of wisdom from The Jerk:
I think next week I'll be able to send some more money as I may have extra work. My friend Patty promised me a {{CENSORED}} job.
Couldn't resist, saw the thread title and a light bulb went off, a can of oil exploded and my eyes crossed. It was never easy for me, I was born a poor black child...

Whatever you do, do not read the above post.

Thanks guys. A better lesson still is how cool the management is at my current company. They support everyone like a good solid sports bra. Last summer when things got tough for me and I asked them to tweak my job description, they did. It took them a while because it was our busiest season, but now I'm in a quasi-supervisory role with much lower pressure and a lot less customer contact. So ... what was I bitching about again? Maybe I should just stay put after all.

Sometimes the money is not greener on the other side of the fence..If things have gotten better for you there then stay put for now..
It's a good thing I didn't see this ad.

This may be an indication of why I should work from home... or maybe I'm just evil.
Well I am giving up the daily driving and going part time..Gonna get a job driving the passengers from the from the planes to the gates..Too many people carrying carrying too much heavy luggage and too few tips who always want be to leave as soon as they board as they are in a rush..

I snapped at one who whined that he got a late start because he was at a party last night and didnt hear his wake up call.."SO WHOSE FAULT IS THAT" was my response..

With the weight restrictions placed on bags by the airlines they must be making a killing..I carried about 200 people yesterday, each one at at least 2 bags and the minimum weight was about 45 lbs, the heaviest was over 60lbs..I made about a total of about 20 dollars...
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Isn't that killing your back though?

I've decided to stay put at my current job for the time being and stop looking. Like I said in my last post, my job description has changed to the point that most of my original objections have disappeared anyway. If they put me back to my original job when the next crunch season hits I may re-evaluate that ... but the other day I referred a friend to the company. It really is a good place to work.

(And yes, I certainly understand the compulsion to snap at stoopit customers. Sometimes the only thing stopping me is the "calls may be monitored..." My favorite thing I didn't snap to someone was when they pissed and moaned about a cancellation fee. "And what do you do? Do you just keep the money?" No lady, we donate it to Hezbollah!!)
The school I worked for that is right they laid off avout twenty percent of the teachers and subs and I was one, Thank Gpd my wife still has her jov for now... I need something part time maybe 25-35 hours a week so here goes the grind once again..:rofl:
Isn't that killing your back though?

Naw, its the knees that suffer...For some reason the owners leased shuttles that have steps like a school bus has, that's what really hurts..

I've decided to stay put at my current job for the time being and stop looking. Like I said in my last post, my job description has changed to the point that most of my original objections have disappeared anyway. If they put me back to my original job when the next crunch season hits I may re-evaluate that ... but the other day I referred a friend to the company. It really is a good place to work.

Bide your time, collect a paycheck but keep looking makes a lot of sense..

(And yes, I certainly understand the compulsion to snap at stoopit customers. Sometimes the only thing stopping me is the "calls may be monitored..." My favorite thing I didn't snap to someone was when they pissed and moaned about a cancellation fee. "And what do you do? Do you just keep the money?" No lady, we donate it to Hezbollah!!)

I have been really good about lipping off..I have "bitten" my tounge enough times that I am surprized I still have one..I have flipped people off for driving like total jerkweeds..I am now convinced that ALL driving instructors should take their students to the airport and teach them how to navigate them..You wouldn't believe some of the bonehead stunts I have seen..
Well I am giving up the daily driving and going part time..Gonna get a job driving the passengers from the from the planes to the gates..I am tired of too many people carrying carrying way too much heavy luggage who never tip yet always want be to leave as soon as they board as they are in a rush..

I snapped at one who whined that he got a late start because he was at a party last night and didnt hear his wake up call.."SO WHOSE FAULT IS THAT" was my response..

With the weight restrictions placed on bags by the airlines they must be making a killing..I carried about 200 people yesterday, each one at at least 2 bags and the minimum weight was about 45 lbs, the heaviest was over 60lbs..I made about a total of about 20 dollars...

I had to apply at the airport for a special pass that will allow me access to the apron of the airfield..I had to be fingerprinted and will have to attend a class..They requested 2 forms of ID, which I have no problem showing( unlike some on here)..What made me laugh is they would not accept my retired police officers ID card, despite the fact it has my picture and all information on it..One of TSA's rules...
Oh it was a dumb joke. Remember on 9/12 when W said the attacks happened because "the terrorists hate our freedoms?" I was drawing a corollary from that - if a LEO ID isn't good enough for the TSA it must be that they're on to you ... or something. Basically I was making fun of the TSA. It's a big target, what can I say.

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