Christmas and New Year

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

2022 has been an interesting one for me. It's been a year since I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. I've had rounds of stopping and restarting my heart (cardioversion) and I've had a heart procedure known as ablation, and I'm on a stack of medication to thin my blood, slow my heart rate, and chemically convert my heart rhythm. I've still been having symptoms, Fibrillation and chest pain, so now I'm on a 24x7 heart monitor for 30 days to see where I'm at.

My cardiologist thinks it is possible that my AFib is gone, as I appear in normal sinus rhythm whenever he hooks me up to an EKG. However it is also possible that I have a new, introduced, heart problem called PVC. Apparently everybody gets PVCs from time to time, but if a person gets them a lot, they can be dangerous and cause the kind of symptoms I've experienced; and they see them on me with each EKG.

Heck, I don't know. I'm just doing what I can to stay active in the dojo. Still teaching the kids. Promoted a 12 year old young lady to ikkyu Monday night. She's been a student since she was 6, and she's really grown and matured. She helps teach the kids now, she's patient and kind, the kids love her. I couldn't be more proud.

I can't spar, can't do kotikitai, just punching air and kata, and my balance is impaired. But I just keep trying. Maybe 2023 will be better.

On the good news front, I'm also a diabetic and my A1C is 6.3. That is as low as it's been in 12 years. Pretty happy about that. Diabetes is progressive. The goal is to lose the battle as slowly as possible.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well, sir. It sounds like 2022 has given you a low kick, but also sounds like you are taking all the necessary steps to correct things. Follow the doctors orders and keep in mind, sometimes a second opinion isn't a bad idea.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well, sir. It sounds like 2022 has given you a low kick, but also sounds like you are taking all the necessary steps to correct things. Follow the doctors orders and keep in mind, sometimes a second opinion isn't a bad idea.
This is my second opinion doctor.