Possible new job!!

I had to do THREE more interviews yesterday. I thought it would never end.



So what's a 401k?

Congrats :)

401k is a retirement plan. Alot of companies will take a small part of your salary out and match some of it. They might match up to 7%. Some companies match 100% or 50%. Its sort of free money, but generally you can only access it when you retire or reach a certain age. If you start really young, it really grows!
Congrats Sam! I am very happy for you! And Arnisador is right, it is never too early to save for your retirement!

I had to do THREE more interviews yesterday. I thought it would never end.



YAY! That is great news indeed, congrats!! :-partyon: :-partyon:

Sam said:
So what's a 401k?

401k is a retirement plan. You make a pre-tax contribution out of your pay, and the company will match it. The money is then invested in a mutual fund (like TIAA-CREF), and will be made available for your use when you turn 65. I know that you can "borrow" from TIAA-CREF, but you would have to pay them back.

Sam I am SOOOOOOOOO happy for you! GREAT job!!
Awesome, Sam. You should be very proud of yourself. That's a really impressive position for someone not yet 18. You must have really wowed them throughout the interview process.

So, there's your big ticket. Now you have an opportunity to take over complete control of your life, and shape your reality into whatever you choose it to be. Do well at your job, load as much into your 401K plan as possible, and you'll be pretty pleased with yourself in a few years.

Congratulations on this big break. I hope for you that you're able to use this to your advantage, and realize the maximum benefit.
Congratulations! :D

We need a cake... yes... there needs to be cake...

I'll get one, put it on the table, and everyone can help themselves. Whatever is left I will of course be "forced" to eat myself.

(The great thing about internet parties is of course, you get to eat the whole cake and not be bothered with that sharring nonsense :D )
That's not the point :p

This is a thread about Sam, and her new Job. It is not the place to discuss my pastery sharing abilities, now quit hijacking this thread or I will have to reprort this thread :P

yeah...okay...you go do that. :p

Anyways...Sam, I think cake is called for on this wonderous occasion so....

Sorry, Sam best I could do on such short notice, just ignore the fish! :D


  • $fishcongrats.jpg
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That's not the point :p

This is a thread about Sam, and her new Job. It is not the place to discuss my pastery sharing abilities, now quit hijacking this thread or I will have to reprort this thread :P
Hey, remember the RTM feature and the ignore button, man. :wink1:


On the 401k, you should sink everything you can into it. Be thrifty. If you'll allow this old girl to throw a tidbit your way ... retirement plans are a no-catch-up kinda deal. It should be part and parcel of your work habits from this moment on because unless you some day find yourself the recipient of a fair amount of wealth, you will need to save meticulously for retirement. Most 401ks do pretty well, but there are also some other more lucrative investments to establish what some folks call "a nest egg" ... your financial safety net. There are a lot of options.

If you bank with anyone right now, go in and talk to them about your new job and ask if they have a free financial assessment available. Some banks will let you have a meeting or two with a financial advisor for free. It's good to go in and get a baseline assessment of where you're at and how to get to the next step towards being independent and in charge of your life from a financial perspective. Credit unions are really good at providing the first meeting free of charge.

This, btw, doesn't mean you have to give up all your entertainment money or not have any fun at all.

The other thing to think about, if you don't wanna think retirement in that sense is ... what happens a few years down the road when this company either is bought/sold or you find a better job you have to move for or they go under and you have a lapse in employment (time between losing this job and the start of another one)? You'll need money to pay rent/mortgage and utilities, gas, food, etcetera.

I'm sure you know at least *some* of this ... maybe there's someone else on the board who could benefit as well, eh?

Hey, remember the RTM feature and the ignore button, man. :wink1:

"Sorry Lisa is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her."


Anyways, Sam when do you get to start bossing people around.... I mean managing... yeah, managing... :D

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