It's time for a new job.

Oh, I'm not so sure about that. I think everyone has a customer/client/student story of their own that they can empathize with.
Weird flippin' day for job hunting.

I got an offer from the transcription company, but it's "we'll let you know when we need you." So yesterday I went through the yellow pages and cold-called several court reporting companies. I turned up some interesting contacts, and I pursued those today with no results.

Finally in desperation I went down to the city's unemployment office. When they called me back, who did I see but some guy I had the misfortune to meet at a party a couple weeks ago? He has a friendly veneer, but he's a virulent racist who cleared out the kitchen at the party with a 15-minute tirade. Blessedly, he didn't recognize me and I kept a poker face. He was very polite and professional to my grudging surprise. His main advice was that my resume was as exciting as cold oatmeal and he coached me through some improvements. And no, no job openings from home. Try voc rehab.

After I got home and scraped my ego off the floor I got a call out of the clear blue sky from a headhunter. They pulled my cold oatmeal off Yahoo Jobs (I think I posted it there something like 5 years ago?) and wanted me to interview for a management trainee position to start at $80K. (No word on any Nigerian connections.) There's no way I could handle the work, but it's a cattle call group interview. So why not? I could use the practice, and I haven't shined myself up in a while.
Like we said Flea, if we posted our personal experiences we would create a shitstorm and get neg repped to death...

I couldn't help but think of you and Girlbug when I saw this ...

So I go over to greet table thirteen - it's a man and a woman, maybe in their mid-forties.

And twelve stuffed dinosaurs.

Friday the 13th, I was told, is Prehistoric Creature's Day. If you have any prehistoric creatures in your house, you have to take them out to a nice dinner on Friday the 13th, or else they will become angry and rampage through your house, creating a huge mess. So this couple, not wanting to spend the next day cleaning up after a squadron of angry reptilians, had brought their brood of dinosaurs out to dinner.
management trainee position to start at $80K??

:confused: Be careful Hun.

Oh, of course. I have no faith in this whatsoever. The only reason I'm going is to polish my interviewing skills. I go under the assumption that they're wasting my time, so I may as well return the favor.

Besides, they might hand out free cookies or something.
management trainee position to start at $80K??

:confused: Be careful Hun.

$80K to start??? Sounds too good to be true..Me, I am looking at truck driving schools..Lots of ads up here, but everyone wants the Class A CDL even for the straight trucks..Maybe after tax time..
After I got home and scraped my ego off the floor I got a call out of the clear blue sky from a headhunter. They pulled my cold oatmeal off Yahoo Jobs (I think I posted it there something like 5 years ago?) and wanted me to interview for a management trainee position to start at $80K. (No word on any Nigerian connections.) There's no way I could handle the work, but it's a cattle call group interview. So why not? I could use the practice, and I haven't shined myself up in a while.

Why not? Well...Headhunters usually take personal info (SSN, DOB) for their own paperwork and for background checks before they begin their internal interview process. I think its wise to be very sure about who one is dealing with before divulging that info. There are lots of stories on the street about unscrupulous recruiters. I don't know how many are legit and how many are made up by frustrated job seekers....but it's worth being cautious.

To be honest, the situation sounds very suspect. A "management trainee" can earn up to 80K, or higher, depending on the industry. But management trainees that come in at that range aren't found in cattle calls. They are people with specific skills, results, education, knowledge, etc.

It sounds more like someone putting up an alluring story to get as many people through the door as possible. That's not necessarily a good thing in a head hunter. Keep your eyes wide open. ;)

It's a nationwide insurance company, so I looked up the local office through the BBB.

BBB processed a total of 123 complaints about [Billy Bob's Insurance and Golf Shoe Emporium] in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 123 complaints closed in 36 months, 36 were closed in the last year.
These complaints concerned :2
regarding Issue Not Defined 1
regarding Advertising Issues 1- None of the Above - Advertising Complaint Issue19
regarding Billing or Collection Issues 4- Failure to correct billing errors3- Failure to substantiate charges1- Improper collection practices10- None of the Above - Credit, Billing or Collection Complaint Issue1- Unauthorized bank debits13
regarding Contract Issues 6- Failure to honor a contract or agreement7- None of the Above - Contract Complaint Issue26
regarding Customer Service Issues 9- Failure to provide promised assistance or support for products or services5- Failure to respond to phone calls or written requests for assistance or support12- None of the Above - Customer Service Complaint Issue4
regarding Delivery Issues 2- Non-delivery of products1- Non-delivery of services1- None of the Above - Delivery Complaint Issue3
regarding Guarantee or Warranty Issues 3- None of the Above - Guarantee or Warranty Complaint Issue22
regarding Refund or Exchange Issues 6- Failure to honor promised refunds, exchanges, or credit3- Failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies13- None of the Above - Refund or Exchange Complaint Issue10
regarding Sales Practice Issues 8- None of the Above - Sales Complaint Issue1- Sales presentation used dishonest sales practices1- Sales presentation used high pressure methods23
regarding Service Issues
Other sites spoke of high pressure sales tactics, and contracts with financial demands on applicants that bore no resemblance to verbal offers by recruiters.

Who ever thought that the insurance industry would be dishonest? I'm completely flummoxed. :idunno:
Why not? Well...Headhunters usually take personal info (SSN, DOB) for their own paperwork and for background checks before they begin their internal interview process. I think its wise to be very sure about who one is dealing with before divulging that info. There are lots of stories on the street about unscrupulous recruiters. I don't know how many are legit and how many are made up by frustrated job seekers....but it's worth being cautious.

To be honest, the situation sounds very suspect. A "management trainee" can earn up to 80K, or higher, depending on the industry. But management trainees that come in at that range aren't found in cattle calls. They are people with specific skills, results, education, knowledge, etc.

It sounds more like someone putting up an alluring story to get as many people through the door as possible. That's not necessarily a good thing in a head hunter. Keep your eyes wide open. ;)
It's gonna be Amway or some other network marketing deal. Maybe Primerica.

Too many of these are borderline pyramid schemes. They work for some people... but they also tried to convince me once that I was making a profit by spending less buying from them for my own use, and then getting my couple percent kickback for the sale. Sorry, but profit is money I didn't have when I started -- not getting some of what I spent back...
To be honest, the situation sounds very suspect. A "management trainee" can earn up to 80K, or higher, depending on the industry. But management trainees that come in at that range aren't found in cattle calls. They are people with specific skills, results, education, knowledge, etc. ;)

The working word here is can ..It doesn't say you will...
Well, it's official. I found something that met all my criteria - I can work exclusively from home and craft my own schedule. I can work as much or as little as I want with a microscopic minimum set by the company. It's quiet, it holds my nose to the grindstone, and I can have the cat on my lap.

After signing the paperwork and installing all the software yesterday, I am a legal transcriptionist. After some deliberation I decided that it was more convenient than being an illegal transcriptionist. Those foot pedals don't have any street value anyway.
Well, it's official. I found something that met all my criteria - I can work exclusively from home and craft my own schedule. I can work as much or as little as I want with a microscopic minimum set by the company. It's quiet, it holds my nose to the grindstone, and I can have the cat on my lap.

After signing the paperwork and installing all the software yesterday, I am a legal transcriptionist. After some deliberation I decided that it was more convenient than being an illegal transcriptionist. Those foot pedals don't have any street value anyway.

Way cool! Congratulations! :)
Well, it's official. I found something that met all my criteria - I can work exclusively from home and craft my own schedule. I can work as much or as little as I want with a microscopic minimum set by the company. It's quiet, it holds my nose to the grindstone, and I can have the cat on my lap.

Congrats...I just sent out resumes to about 1/2 dozen prospective jobs..
Oh, the bus driving didn't work out?

I am still employeed there to keep a positive cash flow. I love driving, but I have had enough of folks that refuse to understand that as they have a schedule to keep SO DO I..Gonna try for one of those tour bus jobs..
I am still employeed there to keep a positive cash flow. I love driving, but I have had enough of folks that refuse to understand that as they have a schedule to keep SO DO I..Gonna try for one of those tour bus jobs..

Best of luck Drac. Pulling for ya! :)

And Congrats Flea! Hope the new gig works out well :asian:

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