It doesn't matter. (???)

Hello all!
Curious about something and just thought I'd throw it out there for some thoughts and opinions. Though it is in this section, any and all are welcome to contribute.

Recently, I've been around the MA scene a bit more and have seen some things that stick me a bit. It concerns uniformity. I constantly see the same "Kempo" forms being done and hardly any of them are done the same way, even in the same school and under the same teacher. Being on old, good terms with them I get to have more personal conversations with them. When I ask about the constant differences, the answer is always "It doesn't matter."

Now, I understand about personal differences, where tailoring happens due to size, height, abilities, etc.. and it's not that. I also understand about the changes due to lawsuits, copyrights, etc.. and it's not that either. What I'm going for is more of an ideal, maybe old school versus new school. Maybe, also a what rank or experience is one able to make their own changes. Should it be allowed? Never allowed?

Basically, the scenarios are different hand placements, strikes, movements, etc.. and the question was asked why and it doesn't matter is the answer. This is also when the students are questioning the technicalities. Should everyone just go their own way, as they feel more comfortable? I know higher ranking BB's eventually come to that ability through many years of experience. They can and do tinker with things and it is "accepted" in the dojo by the teacher. Overall, does it matter how things go? Should tradition be adhered to or is evolution and change the right way to go? (also begs the question if it's really evolution or a laziness mindset or not qualified to teach knowledge)

Thoughts appreciated. :asian:
Look at the first move on short three. In tournament you want it to look big, but on the street it would be crap. Its just a quick double jab; however, doing it correctly won't win you any trophies.