what makes it kenpo?

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Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death

Oh yea, I remember you. You were telling me how you were going to beat up Aaron Wheeler...

Aaron has made many people angry, and I recall saying that if you wanted to kick his *** you would have to take a number, period.

Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death

Perhaps instead of making lists of all the people you plan to beat up you should quit Kenpo and work on that list of personality traits that makes you so hostile.

I'm not usually a hostile guy, but Frank has never condoned me taking crap off of anyone. Especially the condescending crap that you've been spouting lately.

Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death

You can go ahead and dis my instructor but I wonder about your instructor teaching such an angry person.

Skip Hancock has never been rude to me (and I never dissed him). But, you decided to be rude to me from the get go. Hell, you've been absolutely abnoxious to everyone that disagrees with you on this board (regardless of the topic). When you decided to start trash talking me... of course I got angry.

Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death

you still havent listed any specific things that make a move non-kenpo.

Flying side kick = not Kenpo.

Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death

Do you know what your talking about?

Um... Yes. Yes I do. :)
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
Ok folks this is an official warning stop the name calling and challanges or take some time off from the forum.
We enjoy haveing all of you post but keep it friendy and respectful.
There will not be a 2nd warning


I read you loud and clear. :asian:
Flying side kick = not Kenpo.
:) [/B]
So, kicking a guy off his horse is not Kenpo. Does this include all jumping kicks or just that one. And it follws that as long as a Tea-kwon-do man makes sure not to kick their opponent off of a horse is a Kenpo guy?
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
So, kicking a guy off his horse is not Kenpo. Does this include all jumping kicks or just that one. And it follws that as long as a Tea-kwon-do man makes sure not to kick their opponent off of a horse is a Kenpo guy?

I posted that flying side kicks are not Kenpo, period.

What is Tea-Kwon-Do? I've heard of Tae-Kwon-Do before, but Tea-Kwon-Do...?

I'm not sure I follow the second part of your post. It doesn't make any sense, possibly due to the grammatical errors in it.
correcton Tae kwon do; so, Is it all Kenpo until a flying side kick happens? Is there anything else that is not kenpo we need to keep an eye out for? Are you out of answers?
Originally posted by Robbo
I'm waiting for some intelligent replys to the question of what makes Kenpo Kenpo and I keep reading these really bad posts about who insulted who.

Give it a rest and get back to the subject.


Personally I think that what makes kenpo Kenpo is lineage and history. There is considerable variation amongst the various lineages but ultimately it is from the same family.

The other side of this question is when is the art no longer kenpo. I think probably when the leader of that line chooses to call it something else.

Personally I enjoy all the kenpo infighting on these boards. American Kenpo draws independent ornery practitioners whoare opinionated and generally looking to the future and not just the past. Personally I recommend playing hard in the studio then going out for a beer, but sparring on line will do in a pinch.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
correcton Tae kwon do; so, Is it all Kenpo until a flying side kick happens? Is there anything else that is not kenpo we need to keep an eye out for? Are you out of answers?

I gave you one example of one movement that I consider to not be Kenpo. I'm not going to afford you anymore of my time. **Ignore option activated, Sean Wold, is no more... Ahhh, and now back to Martial Talk without any further interruptions.**
:2xbird: :2xbird: :2xbird:
Originally posted by Billy Lear

Flying side kick = not Kenpo.


I saw an old video with Mr. Parker doing a Flying side Kick in a demo, it looked like Kenpo to me. :D

I've seen so much variation from Kenpo group to Kenpo group that I'm convinced that Kenpo is a Family of people related by history and lineage. Sort of like the Gambini family but a lot more fun.


Originally posted by Kenpodoc
I saw an old video with Mr. Parker doing a Flying side Kick in a demo, it looked like Kenpo to me. :D

I've seen so much variation from Kenpo group to Kenpo group that I'm convinced that Kenpo is a Family of people related by history and lineage. Sort of like the Gambini family but a lot more fun.




I do not doubt for a minute that Mr. Parker could infact do a flying side kick. I am only saying that it is not a part of his Kenpo system as he left it. (If you have a copy of that video I would love to see it, not that I doubt you... only that I like seeing Mr. Parker in action.)

As for the second part of your post... I understand exactly where you're coming from there, and can subscribe to that train of thought to a point... A good question to ask would be... Can someone divorce themselves from Kenpo? Does this happen from changes to the system (in it's fundamentals and basics), or does this occour as a result of changing affiliations and associations?

Billy Lear, UKS :asian:
Originally posted by Billy Lear
. A good question to ask would be... Can someone divorce themselves from Kenpo?

I doubt it. It's in the blood my man.:D :cool:

Does this happen from changes to the system (in it's fundamentals and basics), or does this occour as a result of changing affiliations and associations?

I think basics are just respresented slightly differently from instructor to instructor. The second part of the question I can't really answer. I believe it's a personal point of view.
I am pleased to see that we have a couple of factors that seem necessary in Kenpo:

#1 - mindset of "annihiliation". This perhaps leads to the old reputation of kenpo as an art of "overkill" (or "overskill" as I usually hear it said by the kenpoka). Call it what you will, kenpo is a multi-strike format, emphasizing an overwhelming and continuing offensive until the threat is neutralized.

#2 - Kenpo is eclectic in its methods and origin. It is hard and soft, linear and circular, and uses striking and grappling. It employs all methods which it finds useful. It contains karate, kung fu, jujutsu, judo, aikido, chin na, pressure points/kyusho, and more.

These seem to be integral parts of Kenpo. To change these would be to lose its "kenpo-ness". What else is necessarily inherent in Kenpo?


PS - I use flying side kicks in my kenpo.
Not that I've seen a ton of differences among the different
lineages of kenpo, but I love seeing the various aspects. It's
allowed me to choose the one I like best, or take some from
this one, and some from that, and put them together.
Man, take a day away from the keyboard and all hell breaks loose. 2 Accounts suspended??? Now I DEFINATELY understand Touch"o"Death's but Billy's awwwwwww that's just plain wrong. I noticed the MOD WARNING but I didn't notice any violations of it from Billy, after that. See Touch"o"Death, you went and screwed this post up, with your blatantly rude attacks on anyone who disagrees with your way of thinking. Now I normally don't attack a man who can't defend themselves, but in your case I'll make an exception......hehehe. This FORUM is for martial artists from ALL backrounds and styles, just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean that "they" are wrong. You say that you have this many years in the art, so what!!! Plenty of guys on this forum have three times your years in the "art", time in the "art" is one thing, knowledge in the "art" is something else entirely. I knew eventually your mouth would right a check that your body couldn't cash. Man I would not want to be you!!! You have irritated some mean mothers!!! You should always know who you are messing with, and exactly what they are capable of. I seriously suggest that when you get back from your "vacation" that you tone it down, a lot. Just my "humble" opinion though.

:asian: KenpoDragon
I can't believe after all this time and debate and fighting that not one of you guys really know the answer.

Oh the shame of it all......................................

I guess you have to be outside the circle to see the truth......


Come on people, we all can see! IT"S THE LETTER "K" :rofl: :rofl:
"What makes it Kenpo?"

All the Kenpoka. Plain and simple.

Guys like GoldenDragon who keep the "original" material alive, continue to explore it and pass on the material.....and add in enough to keep it living.

Hey disco what do you mean outside the circle to see the truth??
and you know it don't really matter anyway,i know it works when I need it,,so hows your day /night so far??;)
I've got a car and a wife and there both working, so I'm in good shape. Thanks for asking

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