Billy Lear
Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death
Oh yea, I remember you. You were telling me how you were going to beat up Aaron Wheeler...
Aaron has made many people angry, and I recall saying that if you wanted to kick his *** you would have to take a number, period.
Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death
Perhaps instead of making lists of all the people you plan to beat up you should quit Kenpo and work on that list of personality traits that makes you so hostile.
I'm not usually a hostile guy, but Frank has never condoned me taking crap off of anyone. Especially the condescending crap that you've been spouting lately.
Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death
You can go ahead and dis my instructor but I wonder about your instructor teaching such an angry person.
Skip Hancock has never been rude to me (and I never dissed him). But, you decided to be rude to me from the get go. Hell, you've been absolutely abnoxious to everyone that disagrees with you on this board (regardless of the topic). When you decided to start trash talking me... of course I got angry.
Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death
you still havent listed any specific things that make a move non-kenpo.
Flying side kick = not Kenpo.
Originally posted by Touch 'O' Death
Do you know what your talking about?
Um... Yes. Yes I do.