JR 137
Welcome aboard. Please stick around and get involved in our usual tiradesI was checking the net and stumbled on this site. I have seen it before couple of years ago or maybe something similar. Very good site for info. I wanted to mention that the Kyokushin in Dallas is not a MCDOJO. I know because I teach the classes. I would like to invite all to come and try the classes out. especially our Saturday class. I would like to possibly do a question and answer session (interview) about me and Dallas Kyokushin Karate. Thank you all.

How’s the move and new (I’m assuming) dojo going? Starting a new dojo of any kind seems to be difficult. I’ve never opened one myself, but judging by all the ones I’ve seen come and go, it seems quite tough. I can only imagine opening a Kyokushin dojo would be that much harder, as the training doesn’t lend itself to people who just want to say the “do karate” if you know what I mean.
Best of luck to you!