But, by the same token, I don't see anyone in this thread saying that karate is an essential aspect of self defence the way Steve suggested BJJ had to be there… he's since softened (slightly) to include any similar grappling to his estimation of a particular skill level… which simply shows a reduction of an understanding of "self defence" to one of the least important aspects in the first place.
I would say, in the same way that I believe grappling should be a pillar for self defense training, striking is also essential. The third leg of the stool, for what it's worth, is what I'd call soft skills, including situational awareness, communication and conflict training, and things like that. That's if you're really serious about it.
Regarding your ******** insinuation about softening the message, I've written about this time and again, and have said repeatedly that I have a great respect for judo, sambo and other grappling arts. In this case, if I failed to meet your rhetorical standard, tough ****. Truly, Chris, you can shove your word by word nitpicking up your arrogant *******. Truly.
That said… Steve…
Why would you say that that's a fundamental pillar, though?
I said it because I mean it, Chris.
Given your complete lack of any self defence focus or training, what are you basing this idea on?
My opinions are based upon my experiences, Chris. What I've read, what I've seen, what I've done.
Why is the emphasis on being able to work from your back a "fundamental pillar" of self defence? Why would anything beyond the basics be needed, why do you need to get to what Hanzou describes as "instructor level"?
Truly, a blue or purple belt in BJJ these days is what I would consdier a strong understanding of the basics. I don't think more than that is required. Thanks for asking.
Garbage, Steve, frankly. You've been offering your take on what's required for a self defence method here, you've had a number of threads about whether or not anyone can actually teach self defence, or be an expert in it, all of which stem from your lack of experience in this field. Simply by trying to offer what comes across as informed, or at least, cognisant insight on this topic, you're putting yourself up as someone who has understanding and knowledge… which, by your own admission, you don't. So you are pretending to be something you're not… and not for the first time.
Wait a minute. LOL. YOU... are accusing me of being a fraud??? That's got to be the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Seriously. Could you go back and point out where I'm inflating my experience, alleging to be an expert on a topic or suggesting that my opinion is more than just that? Because, every post of yours meets at least one of those criteria.
But really, the point of my comments was to highlight that reality. You can say that you'd highly advise a strong base in, or at least grasp of the fundamentals of BJJ as being highly advantageous for the physical aspects of a self defence curriculum… but stating that it's a fundamental pillar of something you've never had any exposure to… that's where you're pretending to be something you're not. And honestly, if you don't see that (you didn't the last few times we went through this, so my hopes aren't very high…), then there's little that can be said.