I’ve been following this thread for awhile, and I understand a lot of the thinking, especially in terms of personal commitment to learning anything. I have to say that I like the idea of making self defense classes a natural part of a health/physical education in schools. I think it could be part of an overall unit on bullying and personal safety. I think awareness training would benefit boys as well as girls, but there is a lot of violence against woman in this world and I think there are some basic things that young girls should learn additionally in terms of how men attack woman differently, including date rape and other rape scenarios, and as they get closer to going away to college, campus safety should be covered for both sexes. Some who commit to learning it will certainly get more out of it, but by making it a part of the curriculum a strong message goes out that tells young people that they have a right to defend themselves, and that it is important and worthy of school budget monies. Thinking back to my high school years I had to participate in lots of things I didn’t necessarily consider important to me personally. I don’t remember being given a choice as to whether or not I wanted to play lacrosse (and get all bruised by having that hard ball winged at me), or learn geometry, which I hated and always challenged with, “When the heck will I ever use this?”, or typing which I stunk at, and used to sweat my way through the timed typing tests. The interesting thing is though that all these years later I remember how to cradle the lacrosse ball and when my kids needed help as they joined a lacrosse league I was able to guide them, as well I have found many uses for geometry in my martial arts, and I now spend a ton of time typing on this keyboard…who knew? What I’m trying to say is that sometimes we don’t recognize a good thing when we are forced to partake in it, and to me the benefits of even some exposure to self defense classes for young people may not be appreciated until god forbid it is called upon, and in the event that it is, they may be thankful for having had the opportunity as I am about lacrosse, geometry and typing. :asian: