Indian girl uses Karate to defend herself. Is Karate an effective martial art for self defense?

It works if it helps to save your life.

There was a story in news a few years back. Two sisters who had been studying TKD for several years received an unwelcome guest. Someone broke in through their bedroom window. Not being able to see the attacker the two girls subdued the man quickly. Want to guess who the unwelcome guess was? Their martial arts instructor. He had been strapped for cash and was casing houses in the neighborhood. He had no idea the house he was breaking into was one that housed two of his students.
It works if it helps to save your life.

There was a story in news a few years back. Two sisters who had been studying TKD for several years received an unwelcome guest. Someone broke in through their bedroom window. Not being able to see the attacker the two girls subdued the man quickly. Want to guess who the unwelcome guess was? Their martial arts instructor. He had been strapped for cash and was casing houses in the neighborhood. He had no idea the house he was breaking into was one that housed two of his students.

Does that mean TKD is best used in self defense? ;)
It works if it helps to save your life.

There was a story in news a few years back. Two sisters who had been studying TKD for several years received an unwelcome guest. Someone broke in through their bedroom window. Not being able to see the attacker the two girls subdued the man quickly. Want to guess who the unwelcome guess was? Their martial arts instructor. He had been strapped for cash and was casing houses in the neighborhood. He had no idea the house he was breaking into was one that housed two of his students.
Was he a bad instructor for breaking into his student's home or was he a good instructor for training his students to be able to beat him? :).
Salute to the girl and respect for here.

Every foreigner knows about this situation while going to India. I will personally prefer to teach martial arts training in Indian schools for the betterment of the girls. But if you will see the situation in the schools, students are only interested in sitting on facebook and surfing pages blatantly.
I respect karate in all it's variations,I have studied some and personally find Kajukembo also having a Karate base situationally effective ,as can be Krav Maga.
I am glad these punks were sorted.
However the situation is never the same, facing a high pain threshold person is v tricky, where it hurts, hurts much less, a rare encounter but a reality that can lead to a nightmare come true.
I would not rely entirely on painful blows , but use them to prepare,(as many can use them to their advantage,) for follow up with knockout blows aimed at neck or head/ etc. where such dangerous opponents are put out cold.
Again the question is very situational,a trained attacker can attack so varied an untrained attacker can throw in the unexpected because of speed and so on.
In any case I am pleased these punks were given what they deserved.
But it does not always work that way despite ones martial arts knowledge. Things can go both ways.
I remember many years ago a dear friend of mine a teacher of martial arts, I was a young fellow then and respected her, one night we were called to hospital, she was attacked by two men,intent in stealing from her, she put up a fight but lost and what they did I cannot mention here.
Things don't always workout one way.
I'm not sure why you bothered to dig up an old thread when your post adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Why would you say it's great, what brings you to this conclusion?
#1 I didn't realize it was an old post until after I commented.
#2 It's a simple answer to a simple question.
#3 Simply because Karate teaches one to stay in the fight at close range.
#4 Why the condescending attitude?
#1 I didn't realize it was an old post until after I commented.
#2 It's a simple answer to a simple question.
#3 Simply because Karate teaches one to stay in the fight at close range.
#4 Why the condescending attitude?

The purpose of the forum is discussion. It defeats the purpose if everyone just posts simple answers to simple questions without explaining their reasons for holding those opinions.

I understood your statement regarding on karate, but I do not understand the thinking behind it, because you made no attempt to explain your statement. Hence I ask you to explain why you hold the opinion you hold. Asking questions is how people learn, I know no other way than finding out why you hold the opinion you hold other than to ask you to explain it (well, that and the Vulcan mind meld). I may of course chose not to agree with you, but that doesn’t mean I am not interested in understanding why you hold certain opinions. That is I believe the purpose of why we are all here?

Not everything is a challenge or an insult that needs to be met with aggression.
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