Senior Master
So Tim was logged in and still hasn't responded?ARNIS PRINCESS said:Should anyone have to say anything about their family life?
Before anyone gets all upset, I didn't realized Tim didn't log off before I made my post.
On the topic, Bart makes a good point about a 'minority' of users, but from the little I am getting, that minority is a living heritage because the PI military unit that bears the 'jungle bolo' - or what ever the term/language being used by the unit is - that the Presas family is credited with instructing their forefathers to use during WWII is still a part of the unit's 'signature' - much like the NCO sword or the officers Mameluke sword in the USMC.
Does anyone have any contacts that could get 'horses mouth' info from the unit or at least a veteran of the unit?
Another thing to consider is that linguistics is really far more meaningful in "transliteration" than "literal translation" so RP could have shorted handed or did a closest fit term use from PI (pick your language) to English.
There were other points in the original thread that warrent discussion: The influence of the various RP system resume on MA, and which one was a greater influence during certain periods and while he was instructing certain areas/countries.
It makes sense that he would use a blade emphasis in the PI only because it was such a commonly accepted part of the culture. That would put a different spin on MA from PI relative to those who learned it in the West. In an earlier thread, I remember someone referring to Largo abanico as "Planting rice movement" as a cultural reference that would be more meaningful to PI natives than those from the west.
Westerners would be more comfortable with picking up MA if RP emphasised his own Karate background as the intro/linking art to get people into MA. Plus the stick and 'forms' approach would be within the comfort zone of Trad art types. In the end, it is up to the individual to take what ever the starting point is and let it lead them through the concepts and important movements of the system.
What would MA people consider the core of MA that someone would have to master in order to understand the larger concepts that the drills and movements are meant to reveal?