Dear Richard,
Would you please post the following message on MT?_ Thanks.
Renegade, Advisor, wrote on 7-22-2003
I think a big factor was the lack of advertising. Much was done on, but how much was done elsewhere? I think that if he had spent more time promoting via mail, phone,etc. there would have been a bigger turn out.
I would also like to state that I never made a public statement to the members of the WMAA telling them wether to attend or not. I took flyers to Detroit, handed them out at my camp and posted information on the WMAA site. I can not force my members to attend an event that they don't want to attend.
It would seem that you are unaware of what_I and several associates did to publicize the Symposium, so I will inform you as to what we did._ First we used the MT.C-Modern Arnis Forum._ This was a natural outlet and should have been a good source for getting the word out and attacting people to the event._ It was not good for either!_ Too much bickering and ********._ Too many egos and_ too much jealosy._ This source was useless as a recruiting forum except for getting instructors to sig on for presentations.
My associates and I posted announcements on 15 forums, lists and bullentin boards, besides the MT.C.__ We contacted and used these other forums at least three times over a one year period._ My associates and I sent out 2000 e-mail messages to individuals on our combined mailing lists._ All of these people were martial artists and associated with the FMAs, Kenpo, Tai Chi, and several different Karate styles._ We mailed out another 200 e-mails to people specificly associated Modern Arnis._ We used the lists posted by ALL of the Modern Arnis organizations including, WMAA, IMAF, WMAC and IMAF, Inc._ I personally searched the web for any person with a web page and who claimed to be teaching_Modern Arnis, even as an add-on program, but who might not be affilliated with an organization to inform them of the Symposium.
I also published an article in Inside Kung Fu with some information about the Symposium._ Please note that virtually no one mentioned that article on the MT.C._ That lack of response was an additional clue that attendence from the forum membership would be slim at best.
As far as the Advisor being unable to force his students to go to an event that they do not wish to attend, I can understand that and have no problem with that statement._ However, I am being held to a much higher standard when it comes to my students and the Norshadow matter - I am responsible for that occured according to most of the posters and MT.C administration._ But if my_goal was to harm and injure the WMAA_in general and the Advisor in particular, why would the meeting between Norshadow and the Advisor be held_in a small ante-room, without any announcement to the assembled Symposium attendees and at the end of the day when people want to leave for showers and dinner?_
I believe, based on what the Advisor has posted earlier and his current comment, that if he had sent more time and energy working with his Buffalo based students, there would have been 3-5 people from his own school in attendance._
I would also like to point out that several people contacted me privately and stated that they cold not attend because their organizational leadership/ instructors discouraged them based on the notion that it would not be in the best interest of the organization._ None of those people were WMAA affiliated._ On the other hand, as stated to me directly by the Advisor, when he was asked by an instructor from the WMAA at the May Camp, if he should attend the Symposium, the Advior's response was, "I'm too busy with my own camp to worry about the Symposium."_ Since the Advisor told me about that conversation, it is not heresay._ It also conveys very clearly the Advisors intentions with_regard_the Symposium.
A significant number of people found the Symposium idea very threatening._ It was not a standard Modern Arnis_organizational camp with the predictable format and familiar faces._ It was not going to be an easy event under the control of an acknowledged organizational leader._ The Symposium was a wide open affair and the people instructing were going to be compared to one another._ In fact I had the Symposium participants evaluate the preentations of all of the instructors._ That doesn't happen at Modern Arnis camps, does it?__The Symposium_was not a comfortable event for some people to consider attending._ The lack of significant attendence by the Modern Arnis Community was both predictable and unfortunate._
The excuses that have been offered on the MT.C are just that excuses._ The loudest noises are being made by the people who did_not attend.__As always, justifications are being offered after the fact and when one is already committed to the behavior._ Those who did not attend must find a way to justifiy staying home.__The excuses given include, "too soon after Remy's death", "not a Modern Arnis event," "hosted by the wrong person," and "it was a put up or shut up event"._ To all of that_I will simply say, if you had the stones post and criticize but failed to attend, then_there must_some serious questions as to your real skill and abilities within the art of Modern Arnis!__
And_I will conclude by saying that since I have been suspended and can not reply via the forum, please have the strength of your convictions and reply to me directly at ._ I_will not tie up this young man's time and computer having him post for me._ Once is enough!
Jerome Barber, Ed.D._