What happened to Modern Arnis

I have to agree with Rocky on many issues. The Professor was certainly a good salesman in terms of his seminars but on the organizational side he was less strong, or at least not sufficiently attentive. Rank was certainly given out like candy at times and the Professor never wanted to say something negative about people which sadly led to some people being misled about their true status. I have to agree that the current state of affairs is the result of poor or incomplete planning on the part of the the person at the top.

The comment about having Students and Groupies really rings true. The lack of a well-defined curriculum didn't help--though the frequent changes meant there was always Something New to help sell the seminars.
I appreciate some of the support, and am glad that Professor had some real students who can see thru the not so pleasent stuff but still see him for the Martial Arts Legend and Pioneer that he was and deserves to be recognized as. For some well all I can say about them is they probably still think Elvis is alive and that the Mexican Boarder pays rent, I really don't know what to think of these misled micro brains.

Anyways contray to some mental midgets who think I am just slamming the man who gave me so much in the Martial arts, I have decided to start a new thread. On the lighter side of Remy. If you have any good stories I think the people would like to here some of them.

As most know I am a "Wordenite", a worshipper of Datu Worden, and after meeting the Professor only 3 times I am a worshipper of him too.......... I am just a Junior in the arts, so I am going to try and write my feelings with respect....

First off, I feel that the topic of what the Professor should have done, what he did, and who he said things too etc. etc. etc. is already been addressed and re-addressed, so why is it still an issue?
Next, when Datu Dieter started this thread I felt he was rather specific in what he was trying to accomplish
Don´t get me wrong, I don´t want to start a flaming war whose fault it is or he has done this and the other has done that. I would just like to discuss on a sincere, honest level, what happened there and what could be done in the future, to bring together more people in a future Modern Arnis event.
Mr. Paswick, you are more then welcomed to your opinion, but your opinion has been stated by you and many others time and time again. Personally, I thought it was poor timing then and still is, but a year ago at least it was new information.... This thread (and I will accept being told "your wrong") in my perception was focused more on what "we" are doing wrong today, not what went wrong in the past. Yes, the Professors has credence in this thread, but not in the way you wrote about him.....
Mr. Paswick you are blunt individual and there is nothing wrong with that, but you should realize that people will step up and defend the Professor, regardless if they are "worshippers" or not.
Datu Worden and Datu Hoffman are correct when they said (this is not an exact quote), but enough is enough. I don't see much loyalty or love in what you wrote, but I must say I have never met you. You must have a different way in expressing yourself, as does Datu Worden and Datu Hoffman, which was evident here on this thread.....
Overall Sir, personally I am tired of the blame being place on the Professor. I don't advocate building shrines for the man, but what ever happen to the letting the man rest in peace.
We all have had our moments with the Professor, some good some bad, but what he did in the past is over and done with. It is time to move forward with what we have. What I have noticed over the months it seems as though all the groups have been doing just that...... Yes, it seems there is some unfinished business, but in all honesty we should all keep our mouths shut and let the people involved hash things out and while they are doing that we take up the slack, keep working and move forward. Once they are doing with whatever they needed to do, we can catch them up.... I know that last idea sounds pretty "Utopian like", but lets be honest here everyone is running around in circles trying to find the answers........ Lets just train, and when people decide to explore out of their own groups then great... I have not heard of any group before the symposium closing their doors to anyone. So, maybe just maybe if we just all train have fun, and focus our internet conversation to the "whole" of Modern Arnis and Martial arts instead of just a piece then maybe we could accomplish more.... (again Utopian :asian: )
I am glad when I clicked on Martial talk this morning to see the new thread you started. I think that is a great!! I haven't heard a good story about the Professor written on the internet in almost two years........
Overall, I think it is time to let the Professor rest, and move forward with the new era.... and lastly Datu Worden and Datu Hoffman are not so different from you, they are both blunt people each with various styles in communication, what does make them different is they place their respect, loyalty, love, anger and disappointment for the Professor inside their hearts and not on the internet...........


P.s. I am going back to being a silent reader of Martial talk now, so if anyone needs to reply to me, you can email me (email can be found here or at the WMAC or preferably reply at WMAC forum... I apolgize to Bob Hubbard and the other MT moderators for our abrupt replies, but sometimes even us Wordenites, Worshippers as well as other Mental midgets need to speak......
P.s.s Yes, we at WMAC read Martial talk there is a lot of great info here... Good Job Kaith aka Bob Hubbard
Nice online name (lol) :rofl:

I wanted to clear up this one thing, because I have heard you mention this more then once. It needs to be addressed.

At the time I was surprised to see the lack of support from the WMAA since Tim has so many affiliated schools relatively close by, but given the conflicts between him and Dr. Barber I see why. It's unfortunate.

There are reasons for this that warrent explaination. The conflicts between Tim Hartman and Jerome Barber are indeed unfortunate, but have little to do with the lack of turn out of WMAA members.

The main reason behind this lack of turn out is that the WMAA is growing so rapidly that our members and affiliates have prioritized our events over other non-WMAA events (which is their choice, for they would have the freedom to do otherwise), and they are so busy trying to keep up with WMAA events that at the moment they don't have the time or the cash to go outside of our organization. We have gone from 3 to now I believe 6 camps scheduled this year. We have multiple seminars going on around the country all the time, and the world if you include Tim's ventures to overseas. I can't even keep track of all that is going on (I remember when visiting the IMAF, Inc. event I told Brain Johns that I thought we had 3 camps scheduled, not realizing all the events that were in the works! :p)

For the record, I am not going to compare WMAA to other groups. I am just stating what is true right now with us.

The other part of the picture is that because we are not a closed organization, we are demonstrating "symposium like" behavior (minus the "put up or shut up" nuances, and other steller marketing techniques). This weekend Tim will be teaching in London Ont. next to Dr. Gyi, and Paul Irish. I am hosting Tim in November alongside GM Bong Journalas and Rich Parsons. These are just examples of two events: Bong, Rich, Irish, and Gyi are not strictly WMAA Modern Arnis by any stretch of the means. So in terms of a "gathering of the minds" we have been doing this at many of our events; we didn't "need" a symposium to accomplish this. Plus, we have strictly enough modern arnis events and schools that we can support an entire curriculum and rank structure.

So, as a WMAA instructor and board member, I must say that we did the best we could. We didn't schedule any events on top of the symposium, Tim and myself went to support the event, and we told our students to attend, if it was within their set of priorities. The response I got when I would ask WMAA students if they were going was often to the tune of, "No, I would rather go to The event with Gyi, Irish, and Tim in London, then go to the Delaware camp...." Or..."why when I can see you or Tim whenever I want, and that is all I care to see, really....." Or "I only have it in my budget to attend your Michigan camp in the fall, and I'd like to make it out to Chicago to See Murray, Converse, and Hartman.....", etc. etc. etc. etc. What can I say to that.......??????? :idunno: :idunno:

I can't say anything to rebutle. We can't slow down our progress as an Organization just to support someone elses event, and we shouldn't be expected to. And, Unfortunatily, Time and $$ is a factor. Right now the fact is that our members are very happy, so they have chosen to invest their time and $$ into WMAA events at the moment. I advocate, "experiencing the world" on the one hand, but on the other I am glad to see that our members are very happy. With many of our events numbering 50+ student turnouts, it would appear that WMAA members are very happy, and that there is a demand out there for our growth!

Heck, on a side note, some of my students don't even go to events because they say, "Why would I do that when I can see you every week?" I know, they're crazy! :eek: And I tell em' that too!;)

So, please don't think Ill of the WMAA or Tim for not making the symposium a "better turnout" in terms of numbers. Really, we did the best we could.

Paul Janulis
Satisfied WMAA customer
We can spend the next few years analyzing the situations left by Remys premature passing, and still go no where. We still will just go in circles IMO.

Things were left in a certain state, some good, some bad, many in the middle. All we can do is determine where we are at this moment, and then figure out the best way to move forward so that there is a positive outcome for both us, and the art.

What was wrong 2 years ago is not necessarily what is wrong today. In the aftermath of Remys death many who had been silent have again stepped forward. This is both good and bad. Its good, because the art is again out there being noticed. It is bad because many of these peoples skills have stagnented from lack of the 'polishing' that one got from being near Remy. Modern Arnis appears to me to be a dynamic, growing art, that is often times turned into a very personal expression.

I think in 2 years, we've come a long way. When I first got involved, there was alot of heated hostility and some of it was pretty vicious. Now, the groups are starting to work together. How long before we start seeing some really big joint ventures? We've seen 2 datus on the roster of 2 events so far. Maybe someday, we will even see the 6 do a world tour together. :) (Like the Jackson 5, only with 1 more person, and better rythem on the sticks.) :rofl:

I can't answer for anyone else but myself. Funding now for me as well as many is a serious issue. Once I can afford it, I have every intention of hitting some IMAF camps, and even traveling to the NW to see Datu Worden. (Plus it'll give me a chance to moon the Micro$oft campus afterwards) :D I believe that each group has a piece, but not the whole, and I want to see it all. Some of those groups may not want me there. That is fine, but we both lose in those instances.

My personal goal is to keep training. I may never reach a high rank, but, the journey itself is the reward.

P.s. I am going back to being a silent reader of Martial talk now, so if anyone needs to reply to me, you can email me (email can be found here or at the WMAC or preferably reply at WMAC forum... I apolgize to Bob Hubbard and the other MT moderators for our abrupt replies, but sometimes even us Wordenites, Worshippers as well as other Mental midgets need to speak......

P.s.s Yes, we at WMAC read Martial talk there is a lot of great info here... Good Job Kaith aka Bob Hubbard

No worries. Sometimes, you gotta get things outta the system. I only bring out the hoses when my mental picture of the participants has fire coming out of their mouths, and froth dripping. :)

I think Bob has posted much sense. It goes to the fact that perhaps the Symposium was too soon. The comparison to Ed Parker and Kenpo is apt. Still, who knew going in? But yes, this thread has gone from the State of the Art to an analysis of how we got to the current State, which leads back to the Professor, and that wasn't the intention.

PAUL accurately puts the case for the WMAA. There are more WMAA events than I could possibly attend--even if money were no issue, time would be (in fact I'm trying to find when Mr. Hartman has some free time for me to come visit him in Buffalo but with his very busy schedule plus my constraints it isn't easy!)--so outside events get lower priority. Although WMAA members are encouraged to go to such events, it's no surprise that those who choose to join the WMAA are interested in its many events across not only the U.S. but in fact across the world. When you add in our guest instructors such as Dr. Gyi, Datu Jornales, etc., one sees that there is variety at WMAA events as well. We have had Modern Arnis instructors who are not WMAA members (Mr. Jornales, Mr. Parsons, for example) and Kombatan instructors and so on.

So, while the Symposium was clearly a great opportunity, for WMAA members it had a lot of competition.
I think a big factor was the lack of advertising. Much was done on MT.com, but how much was done elsewhere? I think that if he had spent more time promoting via mail, phone,etc. there would have been a bigger turn out.

I would also like to state that I never made a public statement to the members of the WMAA telling them wether to attend or not. I took flyers to Detroit, handed them out at my camp and posted information on the WMAA site. I can not force my members to attend an event that they don't want to attend.
Originally posted by Emptyglass
I've been involved with learning and then learning and teaching Modern Arnis and the Filipino Martial Arts since my start in the mid-eighties at John Bryant's school in Amherst, NY,


You only did the one month trial program. I know, because I drove you there myself with Ron Murcin. Ron continued and you didn't. It was the 90s when you started again.


That's right. I'm not sure what you're questioning as that's what I was referring to. If I remember correctly the school closed not long after that (that was a long time ago so my memory on the passing of John's school is hazy) due to some kind of chicanery with money (?). I remember you driving me in your beat up Monte Carlo and so forth with Ron (I either wasn't old enough to drive or didn't have a car - 14 years old, 16?). That is absolutely correct, although I did remember it as being longer than just the one month, but I could be wrong <shrug>. We were all still hanging around at the hobby shop in West Seneca playing role- playing games in their back room (as that's where we first met) around that time although you were and still are a few years older than me. :)

I didn't actually have an Arnis teacher until I met Dr. Barber in 89-90 when I was attending ECC South as an undergrad and continued with him through my time at ECC and Buffalo State until I left the Buffalo area in 1995 to move to Baltimore and continued finding my way alone until last year when I was fortunate enough to meet Guro Bobby Ladra and joined his Arnis group here.

That being said, in the time between John's school and the beginning of my time under Dr. Barber I still continued to practice on my own with the little I had learned in the time I spent there through the guidance of the Professor's Yellow book and other FMA books (Inosanto's especially) as my interest was piqued. It was indeed my start in the world of the Filipino Martial Arts.

I did say learning and then teaching (which meant teaching in my time under Dr. Barber's tuition), and I don't think you'd disagree we did alot of teaching during the 4 weekly classes and Self Defense Club meetings we did in the early 90's in addition to any seminars we held. No attempt is misinformation is intended here. The point I was making was that I still consider myself a beginner, that's all and I've been trying to learn something of Arnis pretty dilligently (there were a few tough months of work and illness in the last 8 years which interfered quite severely for a bit) for the last 13 years or so. :)

I don't think I deserve any titles or recognition for my meager accomplishments and skills in comparisson to some of the other folks I've seen very recently such as PG Tom Bolden, Sifu Peter Vargas and SMs Bram Frank and Dan Anderson at the Symposium. I'm still just a student, and as my user handle says, I always try to Empty (my) Glass. :)

That being said, I do think I know something of the FMA, Modern Arnis and its history as I was around during those days in the early 90's and the mid-eighties when you got your start (do you remember the ninja-to?) and I saw alot of what was going on as I kept an eye out for interesting stuff.

Thanks for reminding me of those good old days though. I remember you there as well, as a Green Belt (or was it Orange?) doing class jogs on the streets of Amherst.

Best Regards,

Richard Curren
Originally posted by Rocky
Sorry if I don't place a face with your name but thanks for the post


So keep swing it sounds like you are training with some good people.


Hi Rocky:

You're welcome and don't mention it. I think we only met briefly on one or two occasions and I was just another face from Buffalo at a seminar.

I think I am training with some good people as well. :)

Very interesting posts.


Richard Curren
Hi Everyone:

Sorry in advance for responding so late. I would whole heartedly like to concur with what Bob said earlier. Although he is probably the most polite, humble, and capable instructor out of Datu Worden's camp I have ever met that can break a person's sticks in drill work without a problem. The only other one is Professor Trigg. In any event, we should model Bob's attitude towards the Professor, his legacy, his instructors (that he has/hasn't promoted), and his methodology in teaching. Now, it could be just me, but I come from a Japanese family, I was raised, martially, in a traditional system, and furthermore, I respect my elders and seniors. That is what being a martial artist is all about. They are humble, they are quiet, and finally, they will always be the student.

I have always thought of Bob this way, as well as Datu Worden. I know people may be saying, "say what? Datu Worden is all that, bull****!" I would remind you, that Datu Worden has not always been a Arnisador. He was trained in Traditional Isshin-ryu Karate, Shotokan Karate, and Combat Arnis (through his Shotokan teacher) and gained expert rank in all. That is why I talked of the traditional system, respect of elders and seniors, and training of a Japanese system. Being a humble, quiet, and a student applies only if the former (i.e. Datu is your junior, you are older than he, he is your student --by this I mean you know more than he does), in most cases this standard isn't met. So Datu W. doesn't have to be quiet, humble, or studious to people who act like children and haven't done anything but ride coattails.

Gee, Rocky, where do you fall in? If you love him like a "father" then shouldn't you honor him like one...

If he was your "father," take his decision like a man and leave it at that. If he disowned you, now you are free...free to do whatever, but you will never be free to talk crap without backing it up.

I look forward to your reply. Make sure you answers are logical and clear, and keep out your emotion and leave out your anecdotal comments. I am a philosophy major, and I will not let you slide like Bill Clinton did on his impeachment. If you spill the mayo, be man enough to clean it up.

:asian: Domoo arigatoo (Thank You)

Corey Minatani
B.A. Philosophy
Graduate Student, Industrial/Organization Psychology
Capella University
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
We can spend the next few years analyzing the situations left by Remys premature passing, and still go nowhere. We still will just go in circles IMO.

I think in 2 years, we've come a long way. When I first got involved, there was alot of heated hostility and some of it was pretty vicious. Now, the groups are starting to work together. How long before we start seeing some really big joint ventures? I believe that each group has a piece, but not the whole, and I want to see it all.

My personal goal is to keep training. I may never reach a high rank, but, the journey itself is the reward.


RIGHT! Well said, Bob.

Dan Anderson
It goes to the fact that perhaps the Symposium was too soon. posted by Arnisador
I'm not so sure. When is the best time to do a first event? It ahd to happen at some point.
I think a big factor was the lack of advertising. Much was done on MT.com, but how much was done elsewhere? I think that if he had spent more time promoting via mail, phone,etc. there would have been a bigger turn out. posted by Renegade
Total agreement. I remember how much advertising we did for the Northwest Summer Camp as well as karate tournaments. The continual outflow of info is needed for a good turnout. I recommend a minimum of three flyers and phone calls.
Bob...he is probably the most polite, humble, and capable instructor out of Datu Worden's camp I have ever met that can break a person's sticks in drill work without a problem. The only other one is Professor Trigg. posted by Corey Minatani
Corey. You failed to mention Prof. Trigg's smoothness as well. For those of you who don't know of or haven't met Leonard Trigg, he is the guy who brought Remy Presas to the Pacific Northwest back in 1979. He trained with both Remy and Ernesto as well as a number of other Filipino masters. He is successor to Edgar Sulite's Lameco system and Luckylucky's system as well (I forget the name of it). Plus, he is big! He makes Kelly, Rich Parsons and Tim look like shrimps. He is also one of the most soft spoken gentlemen I have met in in my 37 years in the martial arts. I first met him over 30 years ago in the karate school I trained in. We've always had a cordial relationship and mutual respect.

Also, Rocky has been around the block with RP - longer than many of us and has seen all sides of the man. Like your instructor, he is not one to mince words. I agree with both Tim and Kelly on one aspect of Modern Arnis history which is that now the man is gone, it is poor taste to get into Remy-bashing. I also agree with Rocky in that to deify the man is wrong as well as anyone who was close to him knows he was far from being nominated for sainthood.

He was a wonderful martial artist. He enriched the hell out of our martial arts lives and those of us he touched personally are left with a debt of gratitude. And those of us he pissed off royally, we are left with beer drinking stories. Many of us are in both camps (touched and pissed). That's life.

My own view? When at his funeral I stayed in the chapel with the body until everybody left and then smiled the biggest smile I had for some time. Why? I was filled with the memories of all the good times we'd had. I bade my old friend farewell, wiped the smile off my face as I know no one would understand. See, I had done my grieving already - prior to showing up to the funeral. My point? I'll choose to remember the good times and the good in the man.
All for now.

Dan Anderson
Dan Wrote:

Also, Rocky has been around the block with RP - longer than many of us and has seen all sides of the man. Like your instructor, he is not one to mince words. I agree with both Tim and Kelly on one aspect of Modern Arnis history which is that now the man is gone, it is poor taste to get into Remy-bashing. I also agree with Rocky in that to deify the man is wrong as well as anyone who was close to him knows he was far from being nominated for sainthood.

I may have needed to be a little more PC about what I said but what I said is pretty much the same thing you are saying.

He was a wonderful martial artist. He enriched the hell out of our martial arts lives and those of us he touched personally are left with a debt of gratitude. And those of us he pissed off royally, we are left with beer drinking stories. Many of us are in both camps (touched and pissed). That's life.

Exactamundo, I wonder why these mental midgets that got so bent out of shape never once saw or quaoted me when in the same post that I expressed some of my bad feeling towards Remy, they never once focused on the point that I credit him, thank him and love him for the skills he helped me develop, for giving and sharing things that he rarely ever shared with anyone else. Personally I think ( to turn things around on guys like Kelly boy) is they are upset because he probablly never shared it with them. If you remember, I think it was his camp in 1984 or 5 in Olympia or Portland I forget. He and I gave what was his first Balintawak demo in the U.S. And if you remember the first thing he did was went a little harder and faster than I could handle and split my eye open. Which to Remy was a real no no because he never ever wanted to scare off any kind of beginner that might be sitting in the audiance. I rember the first thing he said was Oh Rocky don't turn around!!! But it was to late, then after first telling everyone this is Balintawak, its what I learned as a kid, Rocky and I will show a little, then BAM!! he splits my eye open, and then looks at everyone and says " Oh but we won't be doing Balintawak!!!:D

He also avoided me most of the rest of the camp, I think he was a little upset that I couldn't handle what he threw at me, because after the camp he said Rocky you go train more with Teddy ( GM BUOT ) I am not very happy with your technique, so thats what I did. A few months latter we played hard and he was all smiles, told me I was no longer a Modern Arnis man, I was an Eskrimador ( the most rewarding thing he ever said to me) I walked around for quite some time grinning from ear to ear. Since around 1984 Remy has never sparred with me using his right hand, he always had to go with his left, which means as an instructor he and Ted trained me properly, I acheived a level that forced him to actually concentrate when we played, and use his best tools. I just wished we could have palyed even more. Remy loved to watch me and Ted, and Ted liked to watch me and Remy. I think Remy really got a kick out of watching Ted, because everytime he watched us, all he could talk about was how Ted look exactically like " The Old Man" That being Great Grand Master Anciong Bacon. Remy was somewhat mesmorized when watching GM Buot.

Corey your seem awful proud of your Philosophy degree, I think you should demand your money back!!

Gee, Rocky, where do you fall in? If you love him like a "father" then shouldn't you honor him like one...

First of all I don't know what the hell you are trying to point out here do you??

If he was your "father," take his decision like a man and leave it at that. If he disowned you, now you are free...free to do whatever, but you will never be free to talk crap without backing it up.

Where did I talk Crap prove it , prove everything I said didn't happen.

So Remy disowned me!! Wow! you really are the all knowing oricle of wisdom!!! I think GM Buot who was much closer to Remy then you could ever imagine and I am sure you have a great imagination, might have a little different opinion on this matter.

I look forward to your reply. Make sure you answers are logical and clear, and keep out your emotion and leave out your anecdotal comments. I am a philosophy major, and I will not let you slide like Bill Clinton did on his impeachment. If you spill the mayo, be man enough to clean it up

First speaking of being a man, try being man enough to speak the truth good or bad, not just the warm fuzzy stuff

My replies were logical and direct, you just don't have the capability to understand it.

Read everything I wrote again!!! and don't just focuss on the negitive, apply some of that education, you are so proud of. I caught hell for telling the good and the bad, thats it in a nut shell. maybe you were taught to sugar coat and lie about things I wasn't, it is what it is. And never forget my little philosophical friend, respect is a two way street. And to truely honor someone is to recognize them as a whole not just what you want to see. You see it is your emotions and that of others that keep you from seeing the whole.

Not to bring up politics or get on to much of tangant here, but its like Liberals, and Conservative, these two group of people get so cought up in their parties that they often can not and will not recognize if the other side has a good point. I cosider myself a conservative, and some of my buddies get pissed when I say something good about a Democrates or a Liberal's ideal or point of view. Hence the current American mentality, " Don't tell me the truth, tell me what I want to here"

So all I was doing was ansewering a valid question posted, " What happened to Modern Arnis???

So to show you I am a good sport, and I want you to feel all warm a fuzzy, I was wrong!!!! Their is nothing wrong nor was there ever anything wrong with the way Modern Anis was run. Anything that is or was wrong was someone else's fault!! I know it was Elvis's fault.

I never did trust that guy.

Here is a little quote you may philosohize ( is that a word) about for a while.

" The mass of the population is only surpassed my its ignorance"

Rocky ( lets make everyone warm and fuzzy) Pasiwk

Sorry I am community college type of guy, no degree, to busy making money!!!
Hello Rocky:

There was never a question to your level of accomplishment nor your tenure with GM Presas. My concern here was your basic-level, unprofessionalism towards other martial artists. I think that your words are slightly sharp towards the Professor, and could be managed another way, simple as that. You can still tell your truth while being cordial about it, after all, the Professor is dead, maintain some respect.

I agree that you do have some positive things to point out about the Professor, and that they may be correct. Again, delivery is everything.

About my degree, sure, I'm proud of it, but if you check my profile, I've always had the same credentials online for about a year and a half. Too busy making money isn't an excuse to further your education, nor improve your mental capacity. Sometimes I think people who use that adage, "I'm too busy making money," is an excuse or an example of their being afraid of someone telling them they are wrong or have something to learn. If you check MY post, I'm talking more along the lines of being a martial artist and what that means, rather than your ego or your stories. I know many of these people who read your posts will not come to you for lessons, but many people who would take lessons from someone such as you portray, might think twice due in part to unprofessionalism. At 5th Degree, your rank does imply great skill, but it also implies a certain amount of responsibility. How will you view yourself in 5-10 years? Everyday you write another episode to your legacy...what have you done and where are you going? To this is what I think Datu Dieter was talking about. I would argue that it is not independence that separates FMA internationally, but their professionalism. Obviously, many FMA have not reached the standard of that in Europe.

In any event, talk of bravado via the internet is pretty empty there Rocky. I will make the point to visit if I'm in the area, and you with me, if you make it over to mine.

Corey Minatani
B.A. Philosophy
Graduate Student, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Capella University
Originally posted by Corey Minatani
Now, it could be just me, but I come from a Japanese family, I was raised, martially, in a traditional system, and furthermore, I respect my elders and seniors. That is what being a martial artist is all about. They are humble, they are quiet, and finally, they will always be the student.

That is why I talked of the traditional system, respect of elders and seniors, and training of a Japanese system.

So Datu W. doesn't have to be quiet, humble, or studious to people who act like children and haven't done anything but ride coattails.

:asian: Domoo arigatoo (Thank You)

Corey Minatani
B.A. Philosophy
Graduate Student, Industrial/Organization Psychology
Capella University

Could you clear something up for me? Obviously I am not Japanese nor was I raised in the Japanese tradition as a martial artist however I thought respect, humility and courtesy was a two way street - junior to senior and senior to junior. According to the above, if a junior acts like a hoser, a senior can act in like kind? This is confusing as from what I've observed and studied in the past regarding formal courtesies, this is more of an American trait. I was taught that a junior exhibiting bad form was itself enough of a dishonor to him and his and that a rebuttal wasn't necessary. Per Japanese traditional values, am I incorrect?

Dan Anderson
Corey Wrote:

was never a question to your level of accomplishment nor your tenure with GM Presas. My concern here was your basic-level, unprofessionalism towards other martial artists. I think that your words are slightly sharp towards the Professor, and could be managed another way, simple as that. You can still tell your truth while being cordial about it, after all, the Professor is dead, maintain some respect.

Corey I agree as I did with Dan Anderson, I might should have been a little more PC about it, and yes sometimes, I am a little to forward. But none of it was a lie.

I wonder if you are posting anything to Kelly since I never attacked him in the manner in which he attacked me. Which was totally unbefitting of a humble martial arts master who is at one with himself??? Breath find your center weed hopper!!

About my degree, sure, I'm proud of it, but if you check my profile, I've always had the same credentials online for about a year and a half. Too busy making money isn't an excuse to further your education, nor improve your mental capacity. Sometimes I think people who use that adage, "I'm too busy making money," is an excuse or an example of their being afraid of someone telling them they are wrong or have something to learn. If you check MY post, I'm talking more along the lines of being a martial artist and what that means, rather than your ego or your stories. I know many of these people who read your posts will not come to you for lessons, but many people who would take lessons from someone such as you portray, might think twice due in part to unprofessionalism. At 5th Degree, your rank does imply great skill, but it also implies a certain amount of responsibility. How will you view yourself in 5-10 years? Everyday you write another episode to your legacy

Good for you I to am equally proud of my sucess in business, why do you think that going to school is the only way to improve your mental capacity. Try building a company from the ground up without the help of a large bank account, only had the money I made from teaching Eskrima seminars and fighting. Yet I built it to a 6 store chain. I recently lost a years wages for some people in 10 minutes, you don't think a person learns from this??? You need to ease up on your perception of another persons form of education. To losely quote Rodney Dangerfield in his movie Back to school, If it wern't for guys like us, it'd be a lot harder for guys like you to afford going to school, just so you can look down on guys like us.

Anyways I am not going to play the I did this so I am better than you game. I will say that it is always smart to better your education, its why I pay $12,000.00 a year for my 5 yr old to be in a private academy, so you are right there. But just remember you may be asking a guy like me for a job someday ;)

In any event, talk of bravado via the internet is pretty empty there Rocky. I will make the point to visit if I'm in the area, and you with me, if you make it over to mine.

Quite true, but at any rate if you are ever in the area you are more than welcome to stop by as is anyone to bulshit or play with the sticks a bit, or what ever. We are trying to get the Motor city Masacure back on track in October, Its a full contack stick party, fencing helmit only no toher knee and elbow only protection, no gloves or chest protection, 7ft ring, no grappling stick skill only, but I keep running into legal issues, we almost got arrested a couple years ago for fighting in public, but hopefully I will find out something in thenext couple of weeks.

Rocky " really I am edumicated" Pasiwk