Originally posted by arnisador
This can be done. However, I haven't received a request like this before. We're discussing it now.
-MT Admin-
Good. I voted "undecided," but I would like to change my vote to a "no." So, please change my vote when you figure out how to do so.
I don't do Kenpo, as I have said. So...why should my vote count at all? Because...I care about this board, to answer simply, and this decision effects the entire board.
Why do I vote "No" now?
The premises of Martial Talk that Bob has been trying to capture is that feeling that you have when your kickin' back with a cold one after a grueling Martial Arts Seminar, and shooting the breeze. You may talk about nothing (like in the locker room), you may talk about General Martial Arts stuff (like in the General Forum), you may talk about your art (like in your art specific forum), Or you may talk about politics or religion (like in the study). Conversations may stay light, or they may get heated, but in the end, we all walk away friends.
And...more importantly...no one is told to leave because of who they are and what they train in. Sure, one may be told to stay on topic, but they aren't told to go away. I feel that an EPAK forum will be mostly filled with arguements as to what/who is true EPAK and what/who isn't. This isn't within the spirit of MartialTalk. I feel that an EPAK forum will degenerate, thus degenerating the entire board to a degree.
I used the analogy of FMA and Modern Arnis specific forum, thinking that this idea could work. This was the wrong analogy.
Modern Arnis can be specifically defined as "an art who's linage is Professor Remy Presas." So it is easy to figure out what to talk about on that forum. Kenpo can be defined as "an art who's linage is Ed Parker" (for the most part, although I know not all Kenpo traces to Ed Parker, but most on this board does, so I don't think that this was the problem), which is why there is the seperation between the "Karate forum" and the "Kenpo forum."
So, we have a Kenpo forum and a more general Karate forum, and we have a Modern Arnis Forum and a more general Filipino MA forum. This formula is already working out just fine.
So...a better analogy?
A better analogy would be if Modern Arnis Forum were to segment to "Professor Presas Modern Arnis" or "PPMA" forum. So we'd now have "Modern Arnis" and "PPMA." "PPMA" would be designed to segment those who do Pure Professor Presas Modern Arnis from others who may have added or subtracted from Modern Arnis. This sounds good on the surface, but (houston) we have a problem!
Problem....what is pure Professor Presas Modern Arnis? Professor is dead. We have a bunch of different organizations carrying the art, all claiming the same linage, all believing their moving in the direction Professor wanted, and all believing that they have Professor art in it's purity. Yet, all the methods are different. If this were to happend in Modern Arnis land, in a "PPMA" specific forum, every thread would degenerate into arguements over who/what is Pure Modern Arnis, and who/what isn't. This is not the spirit of MT.
I feel that the same would happened if you had EPAK specific forum. What is pure EPAK and what isn't? Ed Parker is dead, and you now have a bunch of Organizations carrying the art in different directions, same as Modern Arnis. So...I think that an EPAK forum would degenerate the same way, as the conversation has to a degree on this thread.
So...I recast my vote, and now you all know why. I don't see an EPAK specific forum as being a good thing at this time, as I see that it will segregate rather then bring people together, thus violating the whole premises of MT. If people want to talk only their version of what they believe is EPAK specific, then I think they should start their own site and talk forum where only those who do their accepted version of EPAK will be on the site. There is nothing wrong with that, but I just don't think it belongs here.
My 50 cents, Dawgs.