Interest in an EPAK specific forum?

Shour MT create a Kenpo-EPAK forum?

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Why isn't Paul Mills Kenpo System worthy of his name. I know he's changed, forms, sets, and techniques for his guys... and they seem to work rather well for them. Why should Ed Parker accept responsibility for Mr. Mill's innovations?

From what he has told me, he doesn't feel comfortable claiming Kenpo as his. I think he likes thinking of what we do in the AKKI as belonging to the association. We simply call it AKKI Kenpo. It is kenpo the way the AKKI chooses to practice it. We don't call it EPAK. It is not EPAK (exactly what Mr. Parker taught at his death) but as similar to EPAK as it is different.

Certainly, Mr. Parker's place is special. But if you really know Kenpo you realize that "EPAK" is an evolution of what Chow taught Mr. Parker and Mr. Parker taught the Tracy's. Mr. Parker innovated and changed and created and organized. But Delayed Sword is in the Tracy system, it is in EPAK and it is in AKKI Kenpo. So many of the EPAK techniques, forms, etc. are borrowed directly from "traditional kenpo" as enshrined by the Tracy organization, or borrowed with little variation, that I often have a hard time seeing any lines between traditional kenpo, EPAK and my own AKKI, where one ends and the other begins.

Long answer to a short question.
Originally posted by Old Fat Kenpoka
Mike: I liked the arrogance. It fueled my attacks on the cannonization of Kenpo dogma! What will I have to rant about without having someone with whom I can always disagree?

Well, a few things here. First, dont worry. There are plenty of puppets around that offer the same as Clyde. Second, you can always take a stroll over to CANAM or KN, and visit Clyde there.

I do post on CanAm, KenpoNet, and JiuJitsuGear Forum. I do like MT the best though. I disagreed with Clyde most of the time and disliked his approach to Kenpo discussion. But I did learn from him and I respected him, his knowledge, and his opinions. It is wrong for us to degenerate into personal attacks against each other, it is wrong to gang up on a forum member whether we like him/her or not, and it is wrong for a member to go away mad.

Shame on us.
Originally posted by cdhall
And swear like a drunken sailor to boot. Paul, I think you are a high-ranking guy in some other system and I hesitate to attack you, but are you just trying to irritate Clyde, or all his "allies" or are you also now after how ever many Christians are on this board?

Where is George Carlin? What are the 7 words you can't say on the Net? :rolleyes:

Man this is such a great place to visit. Pass the mud. I didn't bring enough for this thread.

Swear...? Brother, you don't know the half of it.

I spelled my curse word wrongly and with a lower case intentionally, as not to offend Christians here. I may have failed, however, so I'll choose my words better next time.

Irritate "Clyde supporters"? Not my intention, but I'm sure I did.

Irritate Clyde? Absolutely. I gave what I felt was a well thought out opinion on the subject, and I am basically told that I (along with half the other people here) am an idiot because I don't agree with him.

So I commented sarcastically and took a cheap shot. He deserved it. He used it to elevate himself above me and others with his "superior gramatical abilities". :rolleyes:

Now...come to find out...he gets up and leaves because people "attack him" because they don't like his pretentious attitude.

He's in the wrong here, and he brought any ill comments towards himself. I was only responding to provocation, rather then being the firestarter. So, other then by the possibility that I might have offended christains, I make no apologies for my actions.

I am, however, going to stay off this thread. The mess should be over at this point, so I don't want to add more fuel to the fire.

So, I'm done. I think we should all follow your advice as a mod. in training and keep the flames down! ;)
Originally posted by Old Fat Kenpoka
I can't believe all the disrespect on this thread! And we aren't even talking about anything controversial like changing the system or anything like that. Shame on us.

While you may love or hate Clyde's approach, he is one of the most knowledgable people on this board and made a tremendous effort to educate and promote Kenpo. I happen to disagree strongly with much of Clyde's philosophy, but I respect his knowledge, his contribution, and his ability to communicate.

Shame on us for driving him away. Shame on all of us!!!

I agree, the disrespect is THICK in this one.
We aren't talking about anything controversial... which makes me wonder about Clyde's drastic language and decision.

Clyde sure is a knowledgable person, about Kenpo and otherwise and he did do his part to contribute and promote his understanding of Kenpo. No doubt, and these things will be missed.
But being knowledgable and contributing and promoting don't give anyone of any rank from any camp license for abusive talk, personal attacks, put-downs and crude vulgarity. Clyde told me when I met him "If I think something, I'm going to say it; and I expect others to do the same." I wish he would have stuck to that.
In truth Clyde had an idea that met with some solid opposition. Instead of addressing the opposition, he insulted those who oppose; picked up his ball and ran home.

I really like Clyde. I honestly do, and many who don't WOULD if they met him in person. I met him and it made a huge difference.
But the shame (your word) is in even portion on everyone who became enflamed, crude and abusive.... starting with my brother Clyde.

He's gone. His choice; nobody drove him too it.

So how about we get back to the topic at hand; the proposed creation of a "Traditional Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate" forum. Maybe we could address it without so much heat.
Need I remind you of the bunny?

Your Brother
Originally posted by cdhall
And swear like a drunken sailor to boot. Paul, I think you are a high-ranking guy in some other system and I hesitate to attack you, but are you just trying to irritate Clyde, or all his "allies" or are you also now after how ever many Christians are on this board?

Where is George Carlin? What are the 7 words you can't say on the Net? :rolleyes:

Man this is such a great place to visit. Pass the mud. I didn't bring enough for this thread.

Quoting and replying in general to these spelling type debates - this was never about spelling or grammar was it? If I was bored enough I'd go though all Clyde's posts and pick out the SPG mistakes, but what would be the point?

If we're going to argue let's at least keep it an MA orientated argument and not degenerate into nit-picking at silly typoes!

I'm pressed for time, so I'll be blunt.

1- Watch the language. I can't possibly filter -every- cuzz word, and I shouldn't have to. Enough.

2- Watch the attitudes. Theres enough disrespect in this thread as it is to make me wonder why we should even bother. Is that whats wanted?

3- Clyde - Clyde asked for his account to be closed. We followed his wishes. At this time, He is welcome to return if he so chooses, and I said as much when I closed the account.
Well, I've wrote it before, and I'll be a-writin' it again: if you want perfection, you'll have to bring your own.

Geez, it's like nobody ever read, "Bartholemew and the Oobleck." Here's a hint: the magic word is, "I'm sorry."

Just to mention one example of the kinda thing that flew up Clyde's skirt: lots and lots of the time, I can't even post and support a friend of mine--with whose ideas I often agree (well, except about politics, ethnicity, economics, feminism...and a few thousand other things), without getting some fairly-snotty comment about being Clyde's lap-dog.

And if I read one more post that recites truisms about martial arts and tries to pass them off as superior insight into the truth...
I voted yes for the EPAK forum. How bout we get it rolling. If it takes root then great.

Well... off to work out, later guys!

So far the no's has the lead. Yes I know no's is not a word. :asian:
I'm a little late here, as unfortunately, I sleep during the day. I see Bob stepped in, and it's good he did. I was not going to be so PC. I'm going to put one last comment about the negativity. If you want to debate the issues, fine debate them. IF I see ONE more personal attack on Clyde or anyone else, I am locking this thread and I will deal with the offender and I could care less who it is. Did I always agree with Clyde, nope. Did I argue with him, yep. Did I learn anything from him, yep. If he stays gone, that is his decision. If he comes back, that too is his decision. I have been called a thread nazi in the past, that is not an accurate term, and I find it offensive. If the pointless flame wars and name calling continue, I am not going to be understanding. I am going to deal with it as soon as I see it and harshly. Is this what Bob and everyone else wants for MT? No. I don't either. So, either act like Martial Artists or deal with me being a schmuck.
-MT Moderator-
Originally posted by Seig
So, either act like Martial Artists or deal with me being a @#@#% Seig-MT Moderator-

Mod Monitor Note-

Watch you language [no profanity] young man or I'll talk to the MT Gawds and have you booted in the "Bun-o-skis":rofl:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Mod Monitor Note-

Watch you language [no profanity] young man or I'll talk to the MT Gawds and have you booted in the "Bun-o-skis":rofl:

LOL:rofl: Boot me in the bum yourself, I said it, I meant it, I stand beside it. PS- That is not consider profanity, but for your tender sensibilities, I will go back and change it to schmuck.
Originally posted by cdhall
I hate to be the one to do this, but Several of the following General Rules as listed via the link on top of every page, have now been violated on this thread with little or no intervention from the mods.

We always appreciate it when members help us keep things calm! Remember, it is always possible that Mod. Notes have been sent by PM or e-mail--in fact, one member has stated that he or she received a Warning.

Threads like this are difficult--we want people to be able to freely discuss a hot topic, but we also want it to stay polite and respectful. Also, we ask that everyone please remember that MartialTalk has no paid staff. Much of this happened overnight and during the workday when we were asleep or at work. My browser at work is sluggish on this site, for example. (I don't know why.) Please, have patience!

-MT Admin-
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