KT:American Kenpo vs. General Hospital

Clark Kent

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American Kenpo vs. General Hospital
By badkarma - 07-12-2013 12:34 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Through my times iThroughou I have come to meet some very interesting people. If not influential as well. It was always a fun time in class (and nerve racking) when Master Parker was there to teach. Lunch with him after classes or seminars was always good for a laugh. The man told some pretty good dirty jokes:biggrinbo His classes always proved just how out of the box the man could think. He always took time to say hi and speak with me at the Internationals. I would (from time to time) have the pleasure of speaking with Mrs. Parker on the phone.

Then there were the what we know as "1st Gen" people who I was able to study under. Many talented indivduals fitting that bill.

The family unity throughout the IKKA at that time was (for the most part) second to none. Then I return to my duties Iin the military for many many years. After my return I decide I need some "me time". I opt to drive a truck over the the road for some time. A few years. The calling to teach EPAK is something that is always knawing at me. I re marry. Move my wife and son back home to Tennessee. Shortly after my return to teaching, I reach to reconnect to the kenpo world at large. Such as this forum.

After Master Parkers passing, things got ugly. In someone elses words, "toxic". It was sad, if not pathetic, then as it is now.

It is apparently still difficult to stay out of the drama that is American Kenpo. But I'm doing my best. Nature of the beast I guess. Always the soap opera. People still wanting to "who" you're under when referring to a 1st gen. Then that 1st gen still feels the need to bad mouth the other 1st gen. My military mind still feels the need to "lead by example". I live and breath to teach this stuff. It's all about my students.

Well as they say,"In a perfect world......." But its not. Just like the man said, "One becomes great when one comes to the realization that what he knows is very little". Thanks for your time. Ok, I'll shut up now.


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