Interest in an EPAK specific forum?

Shour MT create a Kenpo-EPAK forum?

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Originally posted by PAUL
I don't do either version of Kenpo, yet I say go for it. It there are enough hits, then it'll stick around, if not, then it'll go away. Survival of the fittest.

I think it could work because we have Filipino MA, and Modern Arnis here, and it works great. Why? Because we have a ton of people who do Modern Arnis here that can talk exclusively about that.

I don't think orthodoxy SHOULD be an issue here. A lot of people post on Modern Arnis who aren't. There is nobody "screening" them, yet it still ends with us having meaningful discussions.

I would hope that even the most die hard of EPAK adherents would be open minded enough to not try to kick everyone out who wasn't EPAK, but I don't know.

I think that it would be worth a try, though.

Good post Paul! Unfortunately, I dont think it will work though, due to some people thinking that they are above and beyond everybody else. I have looked in both of the Filipino forums that you mention and really dont see the closed mindedness and arrogance that you see in some of the Kenpo forums. In the Filipino forums, you have many groups that are open to sharing their ideas. Different arts, but pretty much the same concepts. On the other side you have the Kenpo Gen, and Tech. forums. Many different people doing Kenpo, be it, EPAK, Tracy, Mills. The only difference there, is that unless you are from the might Tatum branch, then you are looked down upon.

Originally posted by MJS
Good post Paul! Unfortunately, I dont think it will work though, due to some people thinking that they are above and beyond everybody else. I have looked in both of the Filipino forums that you mention and really dont see the closed mindedness and arrogance that you see in some of the Kenpo forums. In the Filipino forums, you have many groups that are open to sharing their ideas. Different arts, but pretty much the same concepts. On the other side you have the Kenpo Gen, and Tech. forums. Many different people doing Kenpo, be it, EPAK, Tracy, Mills. The only difference there, is that unless you are from the might Tatum branch, then you are looked down upon.


Yea, see, I have been sheltered from the Kenpo World. I have no idea what would work or not. FMA might be an entirely different animal then Kenpo.

By the quoted kenpo yahoo, but I think you still were refering to my last post, given your response. ;)
The question of "What is EPAK" is a serious one.

To me, with a very casual exposure to the art, its all Kenpo to me. So I have to wonder why segment it? There are other forums who give every flavor a spot.

Another concern is the focus of it. As has been indicated, how welcome will non-EPAK be to ask questions? How serious or how irrelivent will things be?

How tightly defined will it be? After all, Tracy Kenpos roots are in Ed Parkers art. Will it focus on 32, 24 or 16? Which seniors are 'cannon' and which are not?

Done right, this can be a good thing. Done wrong, an elitist clusterfrak that only creates problems.

I've had the pleasure of speaking with many of the 'names', and in a few cases being on the floor with em. I don't know too much on the historys n bad blood issues. I have found them to be a great group of people, everyone well intended and dedicated to the art, their vision, and Parkers memory. MT isn't for LT, or DC alone, but all of those who study the art and its branches that lead back to Ed Parker Sr.

Regardless of what we do, that mission must be the one that guides the rest.

I dont understand Why Mr. Tatum doesnt start his own forum?
That would seem to be a good thing for Clyde and many others
that post from his association.

I also thought Clyde had his own forum as well, but I could
mistaken. If not he should!

Just a Thought
Can I comment on EPAK topics in this new zone? Is this a keep out zone unless your EPAK? Or will this be like one of those dark alleys you could get shot going down?

Originally posted by don bohrer
Can I comment on EPAK topics in this new zone? Is this a keep out zone unless your EPAK?

We don't have fora like that (apart from the Hosted Fora). Anyone would be able to post--but, topicality could and would be enforced.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by arnisador
We don't have fora like that (apart from the Hosted Fora). Anyone would be able to post--but, topicality could and would be enforced.

-MT Admin-
OK, what about people who practice versions of Kenpo that draw their lineage directly from SGM Parker, but are now different... such as the one I practice... AKKI Kenpo.
I understand, by your post Arnisador, that I'd be able to post/reply/question...whatever, but what if I comment on something that's is in the AKKI but not the original IKKA material?
Will that be restricted?
Just wondering.
Your Brother
PS: Anyone can reply to this, not just Arnisador.
That would be the problem with it. I believe AKKI to be a style of EPAK, much like kajukenbo has different branches. It makes no sense to me.:asian:
Originally posted by Brother John
OK, what about people who practice versions of Kenpo that draw their lineage directly from SGM Parker, but are now different... such as the one I practice... AKKI Kenpo.
I understand, by your post Arnisador, that I'd be able to post/reply/question...whatever, but what if I comment on something that's is in the AKKI but not the original IKKA material?
Will that be restricted?
Just wondering.
Your Brother
PS: Anyone can reply to this, not just Arnisador.

IMO, I would have to say that unless you are talking about strictly EPAK, then yeah, you'll unfortunately take some heat. Does it make a difference to me? Not at all. Kenpo is Kenpo. Unfortunately, you'll find people that will say that due to the fact that you are doing AKKI, it is not true Parker Kenpo. I dont know what material is taught in Mr. Mills version. I have looked at his web site, and think that he has much to offer. But, to answer your question, I'd have to say yes, unless its true EPAK, and even more specific, EPAK from the Tatum branch, you'll never hear the end of it.

I believe what Clyde is after is a place where, those that want ....... can talk shop, with the same technique name, forms, sets, basics, etc. from a traditional EPAK curriculum format.

Not that there is anything against anyone else but we can talk exactly about something without having to "cross reference" names or "changed things" but rather technical points or hints or whatever.

We are not "deleting" any other forums just adding a "tighter" catagory. We obviously can still go to any other as well.....

Just my opinion, of course.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I believe what Clyde is after is a place where, those that want ....... can talk shop, with the same technique name, forms, sets, basics, etc. from a traditional EPAK curriculum format.

Not that there is anything against anyone else but we can talk exactly about something without having to "cross reference" names or "changed things" but rather technical points or hints or whatever.

We are not "deleting" any other forums just adding a "tighter" catagory. We obviously can still go to any other as well.....

Just my opinion, of course.

Why can't this be done on the forums we already have???
(BTW: I think it IS already being done)
honest question.
Your Brother
I too am a practitioner of an EPAK derivative. My conversations with Clyde and more specificly Robert, have shown that Some of the things we base our training on such as the equation formula, or the eight considerations( or cycle there of) are considered meainingless homilies by others within EPAK. My point is that the self appointed Kenpo police may not be qualified to comment on parts of Parkers system thy feel is unimportant or not as important as whatever they happen to be into. I havent seen a Kenpo Dragon telling people to go cry to mama these days but now we got some serious name calling. If the name callers put themselves in charge and operate as they have been on just this thread then the site is doomed.
A key point here is that in order for your opinion to count, a vote must be cast on the poll above.

Yes, No, or no-opinion. :)

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I believe what Clyde is after is a place where, those that want ....... can talk shop, with the same technique name, forms, sets, basics, etc. from a traditional EPAK curriculum format.

I enjoy this EPAK specific shop talk to, but isn't that what the Technical forum is for already?
Originally posted by Elfan
I enjoy this EPAK specific shop talk to, but isn't that what the Technical forum is for already?

No, not in my opinion..... anyone can voice their thoughts there from any Kenpo dicipline....... this will be a more strict EPAK Room.

Those that have changed the material or broken off and "blended" could read and of course comment but it would be more for those in the same "LIKE" curriculums (that were under Ed Parker originally.....32 - 24 - 16)......

Originally posted by Shiatsu
That would be the problem with it. I believe AKKI to be a style of EPAK, much like kajukenbo has different branches. It makes no sense to me.:asian:
I know exactly what you are saying Shiatsu!
To me American Kenpo Karate, descending from Ed Parker Sr., is all in ONE category... but many don't agree with that.
I understand, but don't agree with, them.

There is a STRONG elitist vein in Kenpo that runs deep and is enduring.
I say this in all humility, knowing that:
A: I'll upset many, even friends, by saying this.
B: It may sound like I'm insulting the art/system I Love.
C: I'm Right.

Sometimes other martial artists, when I talk to them face to face, seem to be put on the defensive just by telling them that I'm a Kenpoist. You have to ask yourself why.

I'm starting to think that this new forum would be nothing more than an 'exclusive club' for the elitests... with rigid boundaries on 'membership'. I hope not, but I'm afraid it would be... or may degenerate over time to that.

I hope I'm wrong.
Your Brother
PS: Please forgive the pessimism.
As I asked before:
What would it accomplish that can't be accomplished with what we already have?

I think this is a valid question.

Your Brother
I voted "yes". At this time I would like a moderator to subtract my vote from yes and make it one for "no" Thank you
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
No, not in my opinion..... anyone can voice their thoughts there from any Kenpo dicipline....... this will be a more strict EPAK Room.

That pretty much solidifies my point.
In what we have now "anyone can voice their thoughts from any Kenpo discipline"
In waht is proposed: "...will be a more strict EPAK Room."

In a nut-shell... my point.
As a wise Kenpoist said recently, no one source has it all.
We can all learn from one another.

With ALL due respect for you, your rank, your time and your history in the art Mr. Conaster...
I don't get it.

Your Brother
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