I'm Angry!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter chungmoowarrior
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That's a new one on me! Is this a Chinese version of John C. Kim's madness?
I am sure you could do a search here on MT or on any search engine to check the internet at large for information regarding Temple Kung Fu. It is another case of a scam gone to its logical extremes. The founder of TKF refers to himself as Dalai-Seng, calls his schools the Neo-Chan temple, and has tax exempt status in Canada because of the school's pseudo-religious leanings.

It was exposed on Kungfuonline a while back that in the transcripts of a lawsuit trial in Canada against the TKF founder that he had never actually ever studied kung fu, but studied some boxing as a child and read a book on kenpo.

Scary stuff, especially their late night commercials here in the Pacific Northwest showing this aged man with little physical effort dispatching ninjas and his own students...

Gotta see it to appreciate it.

:asian: :tank: :asian:
Are those commercials on the net anywhere? I gotta see them (I need a laugh)
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
I've read some posts on Chung Moo Doe. How can any of you, as martial artists, bash such a fine art?

CanÂ’t say as I have ever heard of you guys.

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Our art is one of the deadliest taught in the world.

Maybe people bash you because you make statements like the above.
I for one usually laugh when people claim to do “one of the most deadly arts in the world”.
My question for those folks is always: “How many people have YOU killed using that art?”

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Tournaments won't let us in because they are afraid of what we can do!

You are always welcome to any of my tournaments.

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
People in other systems are just jealous of the fine physical and mental accomplishments we have made through Chung Moo Doe.

IÂ’m not.

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
I ask that you all show respect to one of the world's **TRUE** martial arts.

Respect is reciprocalÂ…Â…Â…you get it when you give it.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
I'm not allowed to go over specifics of our training.


Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
I will, however, give you an insight to my training. Before I started, I was overwieght, and couldn't do excercise without taking a break. 3 years later, I'm 80 lbs lighter,
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior

Proper diet and exercise will do that.

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Our curriculum encompasses a broad wealth of knowledge. We learn techniques from tae kwon doe, kung fu, iado, and several other arts.

Do you mean Iaido as in the Japanese sword drawing art?
Yeah I can see how sword drawing in the 21st Century would be usefulÂ…Â…I see and read about so many sword fights on the street these days. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
We emphasize self defense scenarios commonly encountered on the streets. We also learn how to do flips, kickups, and other stunts which will help us win or get out of a fight.

Flips for self-defenseÂ…Â…:rolleyes: Â…..I have heard enough.
wow, more martial arts scammers,
now i am a neophyte but i've been in a few tournaments,
even a couple of opens,
and so far nobody ever got killed.
saw a couple of knockouts ,had a bloody nose myself,
but on the whole no bloodsport kumite.
of course full contact to me means the local strip bar on a saturday night...bouncers vs. drunken badasses.
even there nobody got killed.
and let me take this opportunity to say hi! to gou and dutch.
i don't really hang at the york street ballet guys.

things either are or are not and they can't be both at the same time, some famous philosopher or other.
Originally posted by vincefuess
The fact that these guys were sentenced to sixty months (5 years) for an essentially white collar crime means they have been back on the street for awhile now and have learned from their mistakes. Learned how to pull off the con better, I mean.

Hey, I've just read this far; all I have to say is there's a Kim school in my city. So as for shutting down the operation, hey it's still trucking along. :shrug:

I'll be reading the rest of the thread now.
I agree wholly with RyuShihkan. If you want respect, then show some. But Don't come in here calling whatever you do (flips, kip-ups, cartwheels, and all the rest) the "deadliest" martial art!

I've never heard of Chung Moo Do until now.
Hey your pissed off becaue people wont let you in dont make me laugh.
Please feel free to contact any fight area near you and they will set you up with a NHB match meaning No Hold Bars be as deadly as you want most are alot meaner then the UFC fights of today but the fighter quiltiy is alot lower.
Also i think you should look at this website
Read the storey I am the product of a mcdojo.
After words find your self a nice MT or boxing or any Grappling art BJJ JUDO WRESTLING etc.
You will proble kick your self in the foot at first when you find out you are being ripped off.
ask your self these questions
Am i on a contract?
Do i pay over 100 dollars a month?
Do my belt test rise in price each month?
Am i really learning how to fight?
Am i paying hidden fees?
Did i feel like i was going to a used car lot when i first came to my Gym/Dojo?
I will link a few sites i want you to look at if you choose not to then you already know the truth and are afraid to conferm your beliefs but if you truely think that your art is so "DEADLY"etc.
Click on these sites...........
You guys should really pay better attention. Chung Moo Warrior hasn't been around since Feb 2002. Shortly before he left he realized he was getting hosed by his instructor and organization.
Charlatans who sell out the martial arts philosophy hurt all of us. What is truth for many of us practitioners is disregarded because of the actions of these few. Everything seems odd and mystical when you don't understand it, and these con artists capitalise on this. The martial arts have always been presented in a fashion which makes them seem like ethereal powers can be gleaned, but those of us who have been around the martial block a few times know that the martial arts are nothing more than a way to tap into what we already posess. Every man (and I use that term generically) has abilities beyond his own comprehension. Practice, dedication, tenacity, and patience are what bring the rewards- not bowing down to some "God on Earth" who will light the path. We are all flesh, blood, and spirit.

Algebra seems like magic to a first grader.
Originally posted by fist of fury
Yes please enlighten us I know very little about your art. However the statement that you cannot enter tournaments because they fear what you can do seems like an weak excuse.
there's only one art thats too deadly for competition and I posted a video clip in the sports and entertainment board:D
Yellow Bamboo? That **** is dangerous!
Originally posted by Cthulhu
I've also got another question for you, chungmoo...

According to your profile, you just got your 2nd dan, after only three years of training. Many systems won't give a shodan until at least three years of training, much less a 2nd dan. In fact, in my system, getting a black belt in five years is considered very fast.

Unless you're not allowed to divulge this, how often do you train a week and how much does CMD charge you?

I agree :rofl:
Originally posted by Cthulhu
No, little kids most certainly did not make those stories up, since many of the instructors were also preaching them (unless you're saying your instructors are little kids).

I forgot to mention one claim...my favorite one: that Bruce Lee was killed by someone in the CMD organization for revealing CMD/Q secrets.

As far as not fighting someone with your 'same level of concentration'...if CMD gives you the skills you claim, you should be able to control your techniques, regardless of who you are fighting. I can spar anybody, from white belt on up, and not worry about losing my control and accidentally killing somebody. I can also adjust my sparring level to that of my partner. That's called basic control. If you don't have that, you don't get a green belt in my system, much less, black.

You don't get that in any combat-oriented system. Brotherhood, camraderie, loyalty, and honor are all stressed... Unless the guy is your instructor, who although is loyal, doesn't hesitate to hit you if you mess up... All for your own good.
Originally posted by thaiboxer
typically said of a person who cant really fight. furthermore, if all chung moo doe is, is a culmination of martial arts, all "iron" kim has done is what bruce lee did before him, so hes no pioneer.
As for being the "deadliest", well no more deadly than anything else on the market, after all, there are only so many ways to hurt someone.
Even before Lee, there were many who led revolutions in the "classic" era of thinking on being limited which really wasn't the case as they were also open, but learning what suited you best wasn't as common as it was today with modern luxuries.

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