Originally posted by Donald
The desire of cmwarrior to honor his word, as far as the not revealing info thing goes. Should be admired, not ridiculed... I posted a few questions regarding the validity of Mr.Kim's claims, and the claims of his detractors on this forum. NO ONE HAS RESPONDED... If this is a cult, if Mr.Kim is a charlatan, if there is any substantiated proof of any of these claims? Please someone bring it to the light of day. I would have to think. That if any of these accusations are true. There is someone out there who can/would give a first hand accounting. WELL!!!???
I wonder if you'd say that same about the Branch Davidians?
How about Heaven's Gate? Had someone been more outspoken
about these cults, and calling a spade a spade .. maybe some
lives could have been saved? Even those that didn't die in the
Waco fire yet were members had have their lives dramatically
altered as a result of being members in a cult. Should these
people been given the same respect as say, Catholics,
Methodists, Southern Baptists? Should they have been able
to go to a christian forum on the net and been welcomed there
to spread their views? Cults are typically dangerous, and
engage in brain washing. Too often people lose their lives.
Should we have sat back and allow genocide, or child molestation
for fear of hurting someone's feelings? Making them
feel "bashed" ? I'm all for what you say, Kaith, but I say there's
enough proof that CMD is not a martial art, and has no place
on this board, other than possibly revealing the truth about
what it is, in order to help those brainwashed by "Iron" Kim's
I know it's a much, much smaller scale, but should we have
sat back and let the nazi's do as they pleased? CMD followers
are in danger, and there's very little out there for this cult. Maybe
collectively we can do our little bit as members of this forum to
stop just one person from falling into it?
Any CMD student, or wanna be student may just fall upon this
page and go, "why is there such a harshness about this art?".
Maybe it'll be just enough to encourage him/her to research
it further before they drop out of college, give their possessions
to a CMD school, get beaten down at school, and/or have thier
dog killed in attempt to bring them back.