J. Pickard
Brown Belt
Hello all. My school is hosting a multi-style martial arts workshop on April 8 in West Michigan that is open to all! The goal is for martial artists of all types to get the chance to share ideas, philosophy, drills, and techniques from their own system/gym with others. Part of what I love about the martial arts is learning new things by networking with like-minded martial artists but is seems more and more schools are closing themselves off instead of networking out. I want to extend an invitation to anyone on the forum to participate that is interested. Anyone can participate regardless of experience level and if you would like to be a guest instructor we would love to have you (Must have experience and credentials to back it, not just anyone can be an instructor)! We have 2 spots left for guest instructors, currently represented is Shorin Ryu, Uechi Ryu, Chung Do Kwan, Chang-Hon TKD (Maybe Boxing, still waiting to hear from a local coach). THIS IS A FREE EVENT WITH LIMITED SPACE, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. This is a family friendly event. If you are interested and want information on how to register message me or email contact@newheightsfitness.com.
NO EGOS, POLITICS, OR STYLE BASHING. This event isn't about proving whose style is best or who is the best fighter, this is to share and help each other grow as martial artists.
NO EGOS, POLITICS, OR STYLE BASHING. This event isn't about proving whose style is best or who is the best fighter, this is to share and help each other grow as martial artists.