I understand that but I am brainwashed by over 25 years in Uniform... "train like you fight". Due to my gear and circumstances going to the ground is bad. So I studied Aikido for a bit, now I study Wing Chun and Inosanto Kali (same teacher), because those arts, in a holistic fashion, are more in the "train as you will fight" mold.
As I said though it's all about personal choices. I know more than a couple other cops who have trained in BJJ, it served them well. My brain is just wired as I note above. Not an indictment of any method, just saying you need to pick what "fits" you, mind and body, don't force it because of theories told to you. I tried Judo and Jujutsu before Aikido just felt right. I tried Ryushinkan, then Krav Maga until my current WC and Kali just felt right. /Shrug
I think "felt right" is more than half the battle. Especially when you've been exposed to multiple arts.
Good for you, bro.