How to know when you've left your Gi in your car far too long

hehe. no. I will throw it into the dryer (already dry) if it wrinkles, but I've never needed to iron a belt. The gi itself, on the other hand...
You guys are making me really jealous. We don't wear belts or anything special in tai chi. The tai chi threads are total dead zones. The only sartorial controversy I can think of regarding tai chi is "shoes or no shoes?" "socks or bare feet?" Pretty boring, no?
Originally posted by hubris

You guys are making me really jealous. We don't wear belts or anything special in tai chi. The tai chi threads are total dead zones. The only sartorial controversy I can think of regarding tai chi is "shoes or no shoes?" "socks or bare feet?" Pretty boring, no?

Well don't worry, we're all open to conversation with you on the
other forums. :)
I started a thread (my first!) on the tai chi thread about the bare feet vs. socks issue. Please visit it. We tai chi people are lonely. Plus I am envious of the cool uniforms you guys get to wear. At tai chi class last night, most of the women looked as if they had just grabbed something out of the hamper and slundg it on their backs before they came to class. Terrrible.


Mrs. Hubris Nimby
Originally posted by hubris

At tai chi class last night, most of the women looked as if they had just grabbed something out of the hamper and slundg it on their backs before they came to class. Terrrible.


Mrs. Hubris Nimby

But it does build your ability to fantasize , or?

Well. being as I'm a fifty year old woman the only thing I had fantasies about was the pile of dirty laundry I had waiting for me at home. The guys in the class are better dressed - at least they are neat and well groomed. And no, I do not have fantasies about any of the men. I have fantasies of getting beyond embrace the tiger return to the mountain in the Yang short form, however.

Oh, yeah. That's me. I focus on who has gained weight, who has lost more hair, who has worn the same stupid Sierra Club tee shirt for the tenth ****ing week in a row, and whether or not the instructor has anything stuck to his clothing. (Toilet paper, price tags, yellow stickies, etc. He frequently does, for some reason. Probably somebody hit him with a dose of Evil Tai Chi. Hee!)
Lost Instructors

When I was in College, we would all take turns to go and get Our Latin Professor from either his previous class or from his office. He was always lost and had post its on him or in his pockets. He was an old guy and a great instructor, hence our desire to get him to class.

Hey, I took Latin in high school too! We had a really neat teacher. She would keep marshmallows in her desk and pass them out as bribes. (I guess not enough people wanted to take Latin.) There are no marshmallows passed out in my tai chi class - oh no. Our teacher is STRICT! He had a price tag on his butt one day (you know, one of those little orange colored stickers - probably came off something else and lodged on his butt.) It was horrible! I thought I was going to start laughing. I always get in trouble for laughing in class. Finally, during a break, I told my teacher that he had a price tag on his butt and I took it off for him. Now that is a sign of respect!
I will never ever NEVER wash my belt.
One time my girlfriend washed it and I forgot everything I knew. I cried.
But yeah, the funky gis have to go in the wash like, instantly.
HEY! It's sacrilegious for a martial artist to launder his or her belt!!! :eek:

And as far as that old, skanky, rotten, communicable disease infested, open bung hole smelling Dobok, be efficient and save time, just go ahead stand it in the corner at night so it will be ready to go for tomorrow's class :barf:

What the local HazMat team doesn't know won't hurt 'um...

- Ceicei
I don't know about you guys but people in my dojang generally complain when their dried blood from the week before is still on your gi.

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