Senior Master
I like FlyingCrane's idea of maintaining a small core, and I appreciate it the more as I train. I like learning lots of new stuff, but ultimately I try to focus on maintaining a small toolkit of go-to techniques (my Matt-Fu).
In reading this I'm reminded of something from an Iain Abernathy podcast: criminals and attackers think more in terms of strategy and not tactics. I.E. I'm going to surprise him and punch him in the face as opposed to I'll lead with a jab then go downstairs with a cross to the plex...
I think the corollary is true: Martial Artists need to avoid getting too caught up in tactics and must keep strategy (environmental awareness, possible weapons, escape routes, et.) in mind.
Enjoy! To quote a French Quarter tour guide I once had: Once you hit Bourbon street, take a right if you want to see the dive bars and seedy strip clubs, but be sure to take a left if you want to see the seedy strip clubs and dive bars.
Thanks, we will have the benefit of other friends who live in NOLA so will dodging the Dive bars and such and finding the interesting ones hiding around the locals go to.