How do you define a "mcdojo"?

Well, McDonald's is known for its franchises. So a chain of schools that is actively seeking to expand would be a good start to the idea of what a McDojo is. Every art can expect to expand. But when there is an actual plan to open up "cookie cutter" style schools in as many locations as possible, that is warning sign I think.

McDonald's is also known for instant gratification. I eat there about every two weeks with my kids. It is not something you should do over the long term, but every so often is not that bad. When dealing with McDojos the wide use of colored belts seems to fit this bill. If you go up a new rank with a visible symbol of your new status every few months, that seems to qualify as instant gratification as well as a source for new testing fees for the teacher.

And McDonald's will make you feel glad you walked in. That seems to be the case with many McDojos. In Japan, there have been times when I have driven home from class grinding my teeth in frustration over my lack of progress and the constant showing me my faults by the seniors. As far as they were concerned, if I dropped out due to just that I was not worthy as a student. I think McDojos take a lot of care to make sure that everyone loves what they are doing and keep people coming back by not pushing them as much as other schools with less financial motive might.

There is nothing really bad about making someone feel good about themselves and the training. But I think the boot sometimes is needed as well as words of praise.

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