How did Taekwon-Do (1955) predating 1966 look like?

What has that got to do with it? Do you still contend that I don't know what I am talking about? Please, go on.

I don't contend for your not knowing what you're talking about, you've amply demonstrated that entirely on your own.....:rolleyes:
. for Shotokan, competition, and Funakoshi, well, no sooner had Funakoshi died, than the JKA started the All Japan Championship, in 1957...most of the splintering of the JKA into the various alphabet soups occurred in the 70's, or, notably, in the 90's, long after Nakayama Masatoshi had initiated more scientific and competitive methods in Shotokan and taken over the JKA -he had, in fact, been running it from the start, and Funakoshi didn't agree with many of his methods.Most of the splinter groups (all I've ever heard of that meant anything, anyway) have or participate in some form of, no, once more I don't know what you're talking about, and, apparently, neither do you.....

(kinda like that guy who keeps arguing that there's no striking in aikido....or judo....or whatevers.....

Meanwhile, though, that 1955-1966 Tae Kwon Do still looks suspiciously Japanese-ish......question asked and answered?
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What has that got to do with it? Do you still contend that I don't know what I am talking about? Please, go on.

What it has to "do with it" is that you make a lot of ridiculous claims about your mythical father, who, despite his legendary status, declined to train you. People see these claims as BS.
And there's really no need to "contend" that you don't know what you're talking about; it's been abundantly clear for quite some time now.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
No free sparring. And no competitions. It's traditional Shotokan

Do you mean, then, that your father is a Shotokai practitioner, following the lineage of Egami Shigeru?

Is your dad Hirada Mitsuke? Cool! :rolleyes:
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We've already been over this, in this very thread. The correct analogy would be:

1980s: Laplace is hanging out with assholes, he's no son to me.
1988: Laplace stops hanging out with assholes. (The assholes in this case being the South Korean dictatorship.)
1990s: You know, Laplace is my son after all.
2004: Hey my son won the Olympics!
I'm not sure the North Korean government was a step up.
I feel like I'm in an episode of the X-Files. Like...Mulder is espousing some conspiracy theory, and Scully is saying, "You know, the simpler explanation is that everything actually is as it seems."

Mulder turned out to be correct though. :)
He says that he never concidered WTF TKD. This is a man in his late 70s. Approximately a year or two later, WTF Taekwondo is in the talks of becoming an olympic sport, not yet finalised, Choi comments "it's all TKD."

That just suggests that he never considered it TKD up to that point, then he changed his mind.
No sparring and no competitions? And yet you claim your father was in the top 3 in the world?

Something here doesn't add up...

Yeah, I mean he couldn't possibly break away from JKA and form his own organisation, or someone else did, who he decided to follow? Nope, impossible...
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See the following starting at 1:15

Getting back on a track for those where the fight science video was blocked. - Post 448

The video addresses "Kinetic Linking" and how the Punch starts from the legs and the "Rear foot drives backward into the ground" Then describes how the force travels from the foot up the leg, thru the body and down the arm.

Now, if you watch the video at post 416, you'll note his rear leg where he raises the heel, flexes the knee and straightens the knee and sets the heel down . Same ide described in the video. Also if you again watch the video at post 416 Where he says "Don't twist your body" watch the exagerated motion he is trying to eliminate, however there is still some natural twist.
Given how extreme North Korea demo team executes their sine wave and Choi trained them, it would most likely mean that Choi himself advocated the extreme version of (the already extreme) sine wave.
Yeah, I mean he couldn't possibly break away from JKA and form his own organisation, or someone else did, who he decided to follow? Nope, impossible...

You mean he used to think that JKA and competition was where it was at, and then he, uh, changed his mind? Just at the time when someone else happened to be forming a new organisation where he would have a fancy title?
Given how extreme North Korea demo team executes their sine wave and Choi trained them, it would most likely mean that Choi himself advocated the extreme version of (the already extreme) sine wave.

This is erroneous on several counts;
1. General Choi did not train the NK Demo team. In fact he trained few if any from NK. Park Jung Tae was the primary person sent to train the North Koreans. Since that was 1980 or so whoever was on the demo team 30+ years ago is not likely on it now.
2. In the 1990's General Choi did an IIC in Miami and brought a video of some of the NK people doing stuff. Several seniors discussed the contents with him and he acknowledged some stuff needed to be fixed.

If you want to see ho GM Park Jung Tae would have demonstrated / taught in NK there are videos of him on you tube.
You mean he used to think that JKA and competition was where it was at, and then he, uh, changed his mind? Just at the time when someone else happened to be forming a new organisation where he would have a fancy title?

It's not about what he "thought". He was nr 1 in his home country and was thus selected. He was national champion in one of the strongest Karate nations in the world.
This is erroneous on several counts;
1. General Choi did not train the NK Demo team. In fact he trained few if any from NK. Park Jung Tae was the primary person sent to train the North Koreans. Since that was 1980 or so whoever was on the demo team 30+ years ago is not likely on it now.
2. In the 1990's General Choi did an IIC in Miami and brought a video of some of the NK people doing stuff. Several seniors discussed the contents with him and he acknowledged some stuff needed to be fixed.

If you want to see ho GM Park Jung Tae would have demonstrated / taught in NK there are videos of him on you tube.

Why didn't General Choi personally train the NKs? Not even in the later parts of his life? He passed away in NK.
It's not about what he "thought". He was nr 1 in his home country and was thus selected. He was national champion in one of the strongest Karate nations in the world.

And then he suddenly changed his mind to move to a fledgling organisation that doesn't compete or spar, in return for a fancy title? Is that what we are saying?
It's not about what he "thought". He was nr 1 in his home country and was thus selected. He was national champion in one of the strongest Karate nations in the world.

In an organization that you've said has no sparring or competition.........interesting.:rolleyes:
Why didn't General Choi personally train the NKs? Not even in the later parts of his life? He passed away in NK.

First, here is the video of GM Park taken in NK. IS this what you think is exagerated?

I can only guess that General Choi did not personaly train the North Koreans for the same reason he trained few beginners from the time TKD began. He was busy traveling the world training instructors and seniors and refining their technique. It was more efficient for him to train instructors and dispatch them to teach than start with white belts. Since NK had no TKD Prior to 1980 he needed an instructor who could stay there for many months as well a a good prime physical specimen able to demonstrate the more strenuos moves. When he traveled the world he would call upon various people in attendance to demonstrate and often travelled with assistants who could demonstrate.

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