How did Taekwon-Do (1955) predating 1966 look like?

I just wrote 1978, JKA, Yugoslavia, European Championships. I may be off a year or two. So, verify the pathological liar and make a fool of yourselves... Or don't bother.
How would verifying anything make a fool of anyone here? The only person making a fool of themselves here is the one claiming skill by association. You've still yet to reveal what you actual level of experience with Shotokan is.
One thing we do agree on is how the quality of Karate increased signficantly in the mid to late 70s, compared to the 60s. Did Bruce Lee have such a big influence, or were there other factors involved? I assume the same holds true for TKD as well.
One thing we do agree on is how the quality of Karate increased signficantly in the mid to late 70s, compared to the 60s. Did Bruce Lee have such a big influence, or were there other factors involved? I assume the same holds true for TKD as well.

The broadening of exposure brought on due to factors like Bruce Lee movies and the Kung Fu TV Show created a boom in the MA Industry. Many retail schools opened and instructors networked and shared knowledge. Airplane travel became easier and cheaper, And later videotapes became readily available. The sharing of knowledge lead to better resources and learning for those who chose to take advantage of them.
Someone on Martialplanet forum claimed that Choi had openly stated that TKD is an incomple combat system for self defence without also mastering Hapkido(a Korean martial art! I am chocked...)
Did he in fact write that, if so why? I thought Hapkido techniques incorporated into TKD was for this reason alone.
But it is in Karate and Shotokan alone. It is very difficult to have a broader martial arts discussion with such a person. He never took an interest in anything else.

When I got back into MA about 1985, I chose Hapkido and never looked back. I saw no reason to study anything else. Apparently your father felt the same. My GM however, besides being a GM in Hapkido, had a 5th dan in TKD, a 1st Dan in Kumdo, and didn't get one in Judo only because he broke his shoulder just before testing, and didn't go back to it.

I don't agree with him or my mother on most subjects.

I'm curious, who is most to blame for that?

Someone on Martialplanet forum claimed that Choi had openly stated that TKD is an incomple combat system for self defence without also mastering Hapkido(a Korean martial art! I am chocked...)
Did he in fact write that, if so why? I thought Hapkido techniques incorporated into TKD was for this reason alone.

One thing we do agree on is how the quality of Karate increased signficantly in the mid to late 70s, compared to the 60s. Did Bruce Lee have such a big influence, or were there other factors involved? I assume the same holds true for TKD as well.

I don't understand how you want us to think of you as an experienced and knowledgeable MA, and yet ask such questions as the two bolded ones above. I can be a little slow sometimes, so if I have missed something, please enlighten me.
I don't understand how you want us to think of you as an experienced and knowledgeable MA, and yet ask such questions as the two bolded ones above. I can be a little slow sometimes, so if I have missed something, please enlighten me.

I do, actually: my son, for instance, was born in 1983, and, at 32, is a somewhat seasoned and knowledgeable martial artist. The martial arts boom of the 70's, though, is something he can only read or hear about......(though, having a dad who lived through it in NY, probably helped his knowledge base a lot....Croatia or wherever? not so much, I think....)
I do, actually: my son, for instance, was born in 1983, and, at 32, is a somewhat seasoned and knowledgeable martial artist. The martial arts boom of the 70's, though, is something he can only read or hear about......(though, having a dad who lived through it in NY, probably helped his knowledge base a lot....Croatia or wherever? not so much, I think....)

Yes, that does make sense up to a point. Thanks.
"I have lived 60 decades"

- Tez

and? I'm quite happy to say what I don't know, can't do, I don't boast about being a 'genius' , having a high IQ and superb English skills.

On the other hand trying to get you to understand anything makes most of us feel we've been living that long and if you lived that long you still wouldn't understand what you don't know.
and? I'm quite happy to say what I don't know, can't do, I don't boast about being a 'genius' , having a high IQ and superb English skills.

Hey, I resemble that remark!!
And, seriously, there's nothing quite like pushing 60, and feeling it push back!

On the other hand trying to get you to understand anything makes most of us feel we've been living that long and if you lived that long you still wouldn't understand what you don't know.