Mrs. Cllinton (and many of the other self-centered individuals running) have no respect for this country, beyond what riches it puts into their pockets.
A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government."
If she, and many others had their way, if the person who spoke those words were alive todaaay, he would currently be in a cell in some undisclosed location enjoying the "its not really torture" activity of water boarding, or some other similar fun.
That was a man who really cared about the country, and saw in his vision just how wrong it is for a corporate state that sends it's poor to die so that the corporation can become richer.
Then again, this might be of interest, though it flys in the face of those who believe that the government should be into everything and everyone.
Oh and this was interesting too.
Repeal -all- taxes and reduce the national debt? Wow.
Never happen today. Mr. President might have to start paying for his own haircut at Harry's again, rather than going 4 stories down to the on-staff barber.
I say, lets cut welfare, 100%. End all government coddling programs, including airline and other industry subsidies.
Only spend government money on:
- Police
- Maintaining secure borders
- building and maintaining roads, bridges etc.
- maintain a stable currency
- collect tarrifs
- maintain courts and the rule of law.
- funding of education
- protection of environment and national resources/treasures
- maint. of necessary government facilities, archives and such places that enrich us (parks, libraries, museums, etc)
No more welfare, medicade, government enforced charity, corporate handouts, free air travel, gov. cars, etc. No more food stamps. No more HEAP.
Let the poor seek the charity of their neighbor and private help.
Oh....who was the guy I quoted?
Thomas Jefferson.
Co-Founder of the party that Mrs. Clinton is a member of....a party so far removed from the views of it's founders as to be a different party all together.