Bob Hubbard - 2008 Platform.

The problem with our current national government is, it's too big, too bloated, too out of control. I'm at a loss at what specifically to do to trim the beast. All I can do is encourage people to support those who can chip away it, until someday, we can again return to the principles that founded this nation.

Part of the problem is all the people of this country know is big, bloated government. Any change in that scares the masses.
Sometime in 2006 or 2007, can't remember exactly when, a report was given to Bush on how to improve the tax code, basically trim it down, and if I understand and remember correctly, the upshot of it was to go to more of a flat tax, get rid of most write offs and significantly lower the tax rate. This would have lowered the tax bill the people that can least afford taxes and many up through the high middle class would see a reduction or no change in their taxes but the government would have gotten just as much money if not a bit more...and people went up in arms over the prospect of not getting to write off their mortgage interest. In like less than a month any change recommendation from the report were buried and not improvements to the tax code will be seen anytime soon...
I see a lot of ideas, but no plan. I see a lot of commisions, but no actions. Do you have any concrete plans for accomplishing, at minimum, even the least controversial of your goals?

You said that you want to return to a "Jeffersoniain" style of government. But that style was by its very nature non-energetic. I see a lot of action in your administration. This would contradict the very Jeffersonian government you would like to see accomplished. Jefferson wanted the federal government to do the minimum amount of things.

By the way, where in the U.S. Constitution does it say that the Federal Government has the right to do several of those things that you mention, ie: government regulation of vehicle emissions, increase the protections afforded to artists for their work, work to reduce drug prices across the board, etc? By doing these things, you are again being anti-Jeffersonian.

Just some thoughts.
Because of the extreme bloated size of the federal government, any change towards the Jefferson ideal will take time. It will never reach optimum as people are too used to it thinking for them. Some of my ideas are not within a strict interpretation, but are still closer to the original intent.

Do I have any concrete plans? Not at the moment. That is part of the reason for organizing commitees, so that I may have the right information and build the teams needed to tackle each difficult task.

Very good questions btw.
With the announcement of Bob Barr as the Libertarian Candidate, I throw my support behind him, as well as Ron Paul. Either one I believe has a clearer idea on what is takes to fix this nation, and a better chance to do so than I and I support both their efforts to win the center seat.
With the announcement of Bob Barr as the Libertarian Candidate, I throw my support behind him, as well as Ron Paul. Either one I believe has a clearer idea on what is takes to fix this nation, and a better chance to do so than I and I support both their efforts to win the center seat.

Come on, be like Hilary and stay in it to the bitter end.
Naw. Unlike Hillary, I've no ego and no personal need for that position :)

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