HEMA - The Knights of Valour.

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
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So I'm at the fair tonight with my wife, just wandering around taking it all in when she mentions to me there is a jousting event happening in one of the buildings. Having never seen jousting in real life, I thought it would be cool so we made our way over to it.

I was expecting the general 'medieval times' phoney balogna but boy was I surprised. These guys were going full force, no shields and real lances. In one of the matches both men sent each other flying. The impact of them hitting the ground could be felt all around the arena. It was frankly awesome.

If you weren't aware of this as a thing, check out the video I just dug up of this.


Monkey Turned Wolf

MT Moderator
Staff member
Jan 4, 2012
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New York
They had the same thing at the faire near me last year. Apparently it wasnt all that popular (the people involved knew how to joust, but not how to make a show of it) so this year it was back to the old fake stuff
Martial D

Martial D

Senior Master
May 18, 2017
Reaction score
They had the same thing at the faire near me last year. Apparently it wasnt all that popular (the people involved knew how to joust, but not how to make a show of it) so this year it was back to the old fake stuff

The show was pretty good. Having looked around they seem to do it roughly the same each time. Part of it involves cutting an apple in half on horseback. The apple sits on a dismounted knights helmet.

In most of the videos they cut the apple, but he missed yesterday and rattled the guy in the head instead lol. Anyway, I just found a vid of the event I was at yesterday. Nothing fake about this lol.

I am actually in this video, sort of. I was upper right in the back from this angle.


Sr. Grandmaster
Staff member
MT Mentor
Jun 27, 2011
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Those people are crazy. And God bless them that's pretty awesome. But they be f'n crazy.


White Belt
Apr 13, 2018
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HEMA is a lot better than the SCA. Now those guys are cult-like as hell and to be avoided.

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Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
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So I'm at the fair tonight with my wife, just wandering around taking it all in when she mentions to me there is a jousting event happening in one of the buildings. Having never seen jousting in real life, I thought it would be cool so we made our way over to it.

I was expecting the general 'medieval times' phoney balogna but boy was I surprised. These guys were going full force, no shields and real lances. In one of the matches both men sent each other flying. The impact of them hitting the ground could be felt all around the arena. It was frankly awesome.

If you weren't aware of this as a thing, check out the video I just dug up of this.

Thee will not be surprised if I say ummm not that out of the ordinary over here lol........................Tilting kinda been around a good while lol and there are old Tiit yards you can visit .......I'm sure they found the remains of Henry VIII one at Hampton court (yup that place he pinched from the cardinal lol for his wife who he then umm fell out with and eh had her head removed and by a sword no less ..he even was so so kind he got a professional french swordsman to do it lol....unlike his daughter -yup good queen bess lol- who when she had Mary Stuart beheaded the eejit that did it had to have more than one attempt with the axe lol)

There have been a fair few "injuries" doing that kinda thing and well are the lances real ...yes and no lol and where they aim at when tilting ummm again real yes and no .........but it def a good night or day out but they are nuts to many things can and do go wrong lol

If ya get a chance come over this side of the pond and you will see same ...(minus a lot of raxx a ma tazz lol) and set in real or close to real tilt yards

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Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
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I don't want to deviate away from the thing you posted and yes it was a good show and well done

There are folks over here that take that thing very seriously and even more recent things like the Cavalry regiments that hail to and from the Lancers, the officers and some of the ranks still do from time to time do the horseback drills lol (more civvies really now) it like the Boys ya see on the TV all resplendent in breastplate and long boots they are actually the Queens escort as are the boys who wear the red tunics and the big hairy hats lol (they may all look the same but they are not if you look at there tunics buttons they are grouped differently so you can tell even without looking at the collar who they are be they Grens , Jocks , Coldies , Taffies or the Paddies lol ) those form the Queens horse and footguards and then there are the sovereigns bodyguard lol and well which you and others may think of as the Beefeaters lol but infact they are not lol they are different ...look the same but aren't and in Scotland her bodyguard is The Royal Company of Archers lol....yup they carry real longbows (all be it I doubt many could actually draw one let alone hit anyone with an arrow -tho they do have a yearly comp on leith links -or did- and it is nerve wracking when thhey are on parade as ummm they are all well elderly gentlemen and it has been known for one or two to eh not be fit enough to mount the guard but they do still turn out lol )

sorry seeing that kind of thing in the vid although it enjoyable it kinda makes me laugh as I doubt in reality if ever a real armoure knight of that ilk ever has set foot stateside lol

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Master Black Belt
Jul 9, 2018
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Oh an another bit lol

The last English Monarch to die in battle was the one they not to long ago dug up from a car park lol and who shakespeare wrote a nice play about (which was total crap lol well it was kinda written in the time that the family who had him killed was still in power lol) him Richard III and that sorta was in the time knights still sorta fought in armour lol

The last Scots King to fall in battle was at Flodden on 9th Semptember 1513 and he was ...the grandfather of the woman won good queen bess had beheaded lol James IV and yup still in the time of kinda knights in armour

The last British King to lead troops in battle was the one who lost the United states lol German Geordie lol and that was in 1743 obviously he didn't learn he was not the great strategist he thought he was lol that Kina thing best left to proper Generals not ones who think they are lol (George II ) an sending the general he did to the states ummmmm he picked the wrong one lol ...well the first division generals were kinda busy elsewhere at the time lol

Historical re enactment is great an not uncommon here at all (mainly it is a show put on for tourists lol) but is it accurate or even can it be proved that it even happened where the books say it did well that is open to how much you believe an how much you take on faith lol

Also what really oes make me smile is when I hear a person all dressed up in the armour or in the full Highland dress an proclaiming that this is how it was done and giving the history talk lol..........that really oes make me laugh as most of it when it one over seas is bull crap lol (over here they wouldn't get away with it as someone would ummm say eh no think ya need to go do a bit more reading and stop watching movies lol

sorry I just o get a kick outta seeing that and folks getting taken in

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