The "accuracy" of HEMA

I don't see spear thrusts to the head being the most dangerous as I can slip those a lot easier than the ones going to my body. I would be just as dead either way if the spear was real & going through my body. Maybe I wouldn't die as fast I doubt there would be any fight left; the 2nd spear thrust is probably coming w/i 1-2 seconds to finish.
Just to clarify, I was referring to the danger of neck injuries or concussions while sparring with padded spear thrusts to the head if you deliver them will full force. Fortunately I think you can use realistic technique while still maintaining some control and not hitting with maximum force.

You are of course correct that in a real spear fight, attacks to the body could be just as deadly as attacks to the head.
Hey thanks. What do you recommend? I've been watching Blood & Iron HEMA; are they good?
I think they’re pretty legit, although not my personal favorite.

Channels I like for explanation of technique:

Björn Rüther
Federico Malagutti
Robert Rutherfoord
Schildwache Potsdam

Channels I like for other aspects of HEMA, such as historical context, equipment reviews. or information about period weapons:

Matt Easton (ScholaGladiatoria)
Tod's Workshop

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