Help with identifying northern forms

I've noticed that kind of difference in terminology. What some CMA people call a "set", I would call a "sequence", which when combined with several others makes up a "form". But then you've also got Xingyi with certain animal "forms" that in terms of length barely exceed what I'd call a "sequence"..

Yeah... it is kinda special.

Normally in my circle of experiences, we use "set" as the term for a complete handset. A "sequence" would be a "line". A series of lines until a direction change, a "road". Multiple roads, a set. A "form" to me (again just me) is a posture or movement. "The form" would be an "aka" for handset.

Going back to the Tiger Swallow thing, can anyone tell me whether there is a "large" (or even a "medium") Tiger or Tiger/Swallow form in Tanglang or any of the other northern styles? I assume that if there's a "small" one, there must be a larger one too.

No idea. I'm not familiar enough with PM to keep track of the sets outside of the major known & popular ones.
I've noticed that kind of difference in terminology. What some CMA people call a "set", I would call a "sequence", which when combined with several others makes up a "form". But then you've also got Xingyi with certain animal "forms" that in terms of length barely exceed what I'd call a "sequence".

Xingyi has a set of forms "the 5 elements", "12 animals" and "bashi" as well as multiple weapons forms (depending on style it can be 10 animals)

Both the 5 elements and the animal forms are trained individually and then together (linking forms) as one complete form

Going back to the Tiger Swallow thing, can anyone tell me whether there is a "large" (or even a "medium") Tiger or Tiger/Swallow form in Tanglang or any of the other northern styles? I assume that if there's a "small" one, there must be a larger one too.

Not necessarily and another issue you run into with posture names and occasionally form names is that they are based on a Chinese Idiom that when said to a Chinese person it represents an entire story

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