Another update for those keeping track. It looks like we've decided on doing weapons for summer training. We'll be able to practice outside where there's tons of room and I think everyone will be doing a weapon regardless of how long they've been with the club. I'm not sure any of us are *really* ready to do weapons, but some have been training longer than others. We'll have two weapons -- broad sword and staff. The teacher told us that if we plan to be here for the summer session, we should go buy one of each for ourselves. I think he said we'd all learn the basics of both weapons, but we'd only do a form for one of them. I'm hoping to do the staff form, but I think it's our teacher's choice as to which weapon form we learn. Anyway. I don't think our barehand form training will be left behind. The tai chi group I'm in will be continuing because there's no way we're going to complete the entire form this semester. Some "how to teach" class was planned, too, but I haven't heard any more about it lately. I think the teacher wanted to up the class sessions to 4 hours in the summer, too. I don't know if that would be three days a week or only two as a recent e-mail we got seemed to imply, but we'll find out later. There's still plenty of time before the school year ends to prepare for a summer session. Oh yeah, I think it will only be about two months, not the three months or so that we have off between school years. I guess that about covers the recent developments here. I just thought I'd keep you informed.