BTW, if a moderator thinks I should be splitting this thread into new one(s) at some point, feel free to let me know or split it yourself if you can and want. It just seems to me that it fits fine here in the thread I originally started talking about my learning.
We got a little better idea of why our teacher is pushing us rather hard and fast. For one, his intention is to teach us as if we were all going to become coaches/teachers. Of course we still can't teach until he decides we're ready and some of us may never become coaches. He wants us to have that mindset for learning though, to think like we're going to be teachers. He has said that he will eventually expect us to help teach the new students in the class, so I guess we'll all probably be doing that later on. He seemed to indicate that in the future, he may just teach mainly the older students (as in the ones who've been there the longest) and have them teach the newer ones. I think this would help keep things moving since he doesn't have to personally teach everyone everything. I think he said that since some of us are learning different forms than others, the plan is to have us specialize in teaching the forms we learned directly from him. There are certainly some advantages to being in the first group here and getting almost everything straight from him.
He said that he does plan to give us as much as he can as quickly as he can. We kind of gathered that already, but he specifically said so this time. This almost necessitates using a non-traditional teaching method which might not go over so well with everyone so he kind of impied that we should sort of keep quiet about that. In that case, let's just say that he's hoping to give us all of his knowledge, etc. in a much shorter time than it took him to gain it. Not that we'd be as good as he is having progressed so quickly of course, but we would have the same general knowledge of things he has. And that appears to be his main goal, passing on the knowledge he has.
It also sounded like he has an even bigger goal of starting some sort of long fist organization. I think he was saying that there is one or one is starting in Taiwan, but there's nothing like that here in the US and I think he's hoping to be part of creating one. I really didn't get too much out of that section of today's little chat, so I'll just have to let you know more when/if I hear more about it. I thought this might be of some interest to those of you who are sort of tracking my progress.

I know I liked hearing a bit more about why we're going so fast and I thought you might, too.