I think I get you
Your looking to further advance yourself and dig deeper into what you are capable of achieving in your own path which is tremendous.
Sorry if you think I am being to literal lol
Just my own thoughts here to you, Yes Daito-ryu is appealing as it looks as most of the vids show that I have seen to be more direct and if you want brutal in it's approach, which it is and it isn't lol.... i think I said to you before that from the background you have look to the Aikikai schools as there you will get the feel of the Aiki you are looking for imo ....Daito-ryu , well I don't know of anyone in this country that is teaching that, and really the part of it I feel and sense you are looking for is not the basic jujtsu which well enough said there lol.... the aiki bits you I feel will have to look towards Aikido and the Aikikai to get the real flow that you will be able to possibly incorporate, Yes Yoshinkan is closer to the pre war (actually it really is the pre war stuff imo) but it may conflict more with your TKD where as the Akikai shouldn't as much ...ok there is also the Ki school from Tohei I'm not sure those guys are very very good technicians and very clean in the techs but it may (just in my thoughts for your TKD background) just be to flowing and not quite direct enough.
If you want Daito - ryu then really and what you are wanting I'd suggest either the states or really Japan and the lineage I'd look for to go with yours is more the Takumakai but just my opinion
Actually maybe
@gpseymour might be a better bet to advise as his style of NGA might really be the one that would fit more than any