GM Kim never said that. You are reading into it. He said without his protection, the ARMY sent him to the DMZ. General Choi did not and didn't have the power to, plus this was after the armistice, there was no fighting. What harsh pressure??? He didn't want to join the Oh Do Kwan and teach so the Army sent him on his way. I believe most soldiers would be doing their Army service in the DMZ.
Are we reading the same article???
It was everyone’s duty to serve in the Army. General Choi had an important position in the Korean Army and used it to promote his Taekwondo system. Anyone with previous training would come before him and be asked to forget their old training and follow his new system. In return, he would be sure they received a good, safe position away from the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone at the 38th parallel).
The deal was clear: the default is, you get sent to the DMZ, the 'hot' zone, (just as the default during the Vietnam War for draftees was service in Vietnam)
unless you play ball with the General. And 'no fighting??' I had relatives who were in Korea on active service after the war, and the DMZ was, apart from Berlin, the number one hot spot in the world at that time, with hostilities on the verge of resuming on any number of occasions. It and Berlin were probably the two most dangerous military assignment in the world for a soldier, and the General's OK would get you exempted. Since you're claiming the opposite, why don't you—and others following this thread—check out the following inventory of events during a much later, 'cooler' time frame
here. Go on, tkd, read it to the end, all the way down, and tell me 'there was no fighting'

. And
this is where a Korean soldier was likely to get pitchforked into in the decade following cessation of active hostilities, because that was where the danger was and where the men were needed to hold back the tide of the enormous North Korean army... unless you played ball with the General, one of the highest-ranking military officers in the country.
And you are
seriously suggesting that the General's exercise of his ability to keep you from the high probablilty of being sent up to the DMZ, with your signing on with Oh Do Kwan as the
quid pro quo, wasn't hardball/armtwisting of the most flagrant kind?? If not, what exactly is your point?