desicions to make


Senior Master
Hello all, I'am in a strugle, TKD is no longer to me what I liked. As you may recall given the lack of self defense aplications in my dojan (and almost all dojans I know) I've been thinking to drop TKD classes and do semething new. TKD is all kicks in my dojan, with cero punching and hitting techniques,cero defense,blocks,parries technikes and cero aplication of pumse (bunkai in japanesse). The tipical or regular class of TKD is only kicking and as long as it's taken that way is a wonderfull aerobic exercise or workout.

I'm in search of a true martial art, where I can learn self defense,learn some kind of bunkai (sorry don't know the word in korean),learn to defend myself,and learn tactics.

I'm very blue cause I will eventually leave my dojan and go in my search. Don't know if aikido will do, don't know if shotokan karate can give what I'm looking for..... oh well, I will not leave you here cause it's a nice subforum where to learn.

My lefth foot has not heal and need to see a docto and maybe have some rest for it.

Don't know how to tell my sanbunim my desicion, but he can't give me what I'm looking for.

It's not the style but the teacher, Manny. Granted due to TKD's popularity, there's a lot of noise to sift through, but you CAN find a taekwondo teacher who gives self-defense its proper focus. If you decide to study another style, I'd suggest watching more than 1 or 2 classes if possible before committing to studying at the new school to make sure it is a proper fit for you.
Yes, I were at two aikido dojos to see the class, and will go to vist another martial art dojos before to make a desicion, I will take my time slow and try to choose the best for me.

Why are you not looking at Hapkido. Seems like an easier transition? At least you know the basic terminology and commands?

Dave O.
So did you want to leave TKD altogether? or did you want to stay in TKD just with a different focus? I'm sorry I dont understand exactly what you are looking for. It sounds like you want to start a new art in hopes of having better practical SD knowledge. I would recommend if you are strictly looking for SD then take SD classes, but if you want to remain in MA's then it would be a good idea to take a look at all the possible schools that are around your area and go watch some classese before you make your decision.
Try not to worry about what your instructor will say, it's your decision and he/she should respect your decision
It's not the style but the teacher, Manny. <snipped a bit>.

Couldn't agree more. Almost everything you miss is in TKD, just not in your dojang Manny. Look around and find something that really excites you and makes you want to learn again if you feel there's nothing for you where you are. If you can possibly find a combat hapkido school, check that out! Hapkido in general is great though, as are lots of other styles. Shotokan would be similar enough to get you moving quickly if that's what you want, but check around to see ALL of the schools around you. There are lots of great arts out there, just find the right mix of art and instructor for you personally and gt back to being happy again.
And definitely stick around here no matter what :)
Hello all, I'am in a strugle, TKD is no longer to me what I liked. As you may recall given the lack of self defense aplications in my dojan (and almost all dojans I know) I've been thinking to drop TKD classes and do semething new. TKD is all kicks in my dojan, with cero punching and hitting techniques,cero defense,blocks,parries technikes and cero aplication of pumse (bunkai in japanesse). The tipical or regular class of TKD is only kicking and as long as it's taken that way is a wonderfull aerobic exercise or workout.

I'm in search of a true martial art, where I can learn self defense,learn some kind of bunkai (sorry don't know the word in korean),learn to defend myself,and learn tactics.

I'm very blue cause I will eventually leave my dojan and go in my search. Don't know if aikido will do, don't know if shotokan karate can give what I'm looking for..... oh well, I will not leave you here cause it's a nice subforum where to learn.

My lefth foot has not heal and need to see a docto and maybe have some rest for it.

Don't know how to tell my sanbunim my desicion, but he can't give me what I'm looking for.


I would echo what others have said already, it is not the style it is the instructor and method of training that really matters. People can recommend all sorts of styles for self defence but if the instruction isn't self defence orienated then you are not learning self defence. Aikido when trained properly is great for self defence but when train with over compliance is a bit pants. TKD is a martial art in the true sense, being designed for and battle field tested by soldiers and when trained properly is awesome for self defence but when trained ignorantly is a bit pants. The same can be said for all styles. It sounds like your current TKD class is not training in a way to meet your needs at the moment.

Whilst your foot is healing it gives you time to be visiting all the schools and styles available in your area and watching a few classes. Really take your time with it and don't sign up for anything until you have seen all the options and are certain that whatever style you go for the instructor is training the students hard to defend themselves.

In regards to your anxieties around telling your current instructor about you leaving, I would say that people should always leave on good terms as there might be a time when you wish to return. I personally would tell him politely that you have a desire to explore other styles for a while and thank him for his excellent tuition. I would avoid telling him that what he is doing is not self defence orientated enough for you as he might be offended by this and disagree. If he tries to persuade you to stay, I personally would keep it complimentary and tell him that you enjoy his classes but you feel that you really need to branch out and sample other arts before deciding on one for good.

Hope this helps and good luck finding something that meets your personal training needs. :)
Thank you all very much, wise words of all you that's why I love to share with you.
Today I email my sambunim asking him (again) if there is a chance to set up a diferent class, orinted towards: 1.-Pumse. 2.-Pomse aplication (bunkai in japanesse). 3.-Techniques of: empty hand/hand,knee,foot,projections,takedowns,joints cotrol,etc. 4.-1 step kyorugi/ 3 step kyorugi. 5.-Self defense. 6.-Board Breaking and 7.-some weapons like short staff.

All the actual classes are for children/youngsters and is obviuos they are not interested about the above asked but there are two or three grown people (including me) that would love a MA Class.

If sambunim agree I woul love it! I Know TKD has a lot or martiality and SD moves and can be an awesome SD system to lear but let's face Olimpic TKD sells and sells good.

Now if I can get the class I want, as you said will need to see another horizons.

Why are you not looking at Hapkido. Seems like an easier transition? At least you know the basic terminology and commands?

Dave O.

Dave there is only one HapKido dojan in my area, I tried to train HPK inthere some years ago, but the sambunim in those days like to chat with the moms dowstarirs and he only gave 10-15 minutes classes and that's was unrespectfully to me cause I paid for thee times per weeek classes of 1.30 hours each class of HapKiDo.


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