As for TKD in Aikido ...nope lol that there is not you may indeed see things that are similar but they did not come from TKD
You're still being far too literal.
I personally refuse to believe that any art we have access to nowadays was developed in perfect isolation with no influence from anywhere else.
What I can easily believe is that people deny influence from countries they don't like - politically, ideologically or otherwise.
So, the Japanese won't admit Korean influence because it'd be beneath them. Certain Korean art practitioners will never admit Japanese influence. A lot of people consider Okinawa just a part of Japan, so there's no outside influence. Others view Okinawa as utterly separate from Japan so can safely cite Okinawa as a source without having anything Japanese. Anything making it's way over from or through China depends on that particular person's mood.
So, did some stuff go back and forth between aikido and tkd during their formative years? I think certainly.
Did other stuff more or less present in both systems come from a common source but have different interpretations (and accounts of origin) depending on who brought it? Silly to think otherwise imo.
Did people lie about where they 'found' something? Every damn day now, it wasn't that different ~70 years ago.
I think it should be noted that I'm not attempting to rewrite history, or change any art - I only have interest in what I can selfishly do for me and my understanding.
In every art I've looked into there are techniques where people say something like "it's purpose is xyz, but it doesn't really work / you need to be very advanced/fast to make it work" - then you look elsewhere and something eerily similar is being applied differently and working flawlessly for near beginners...