Have you notice how many BB quits?

There's a huge difference between making the most of every opportunity, and wanting the reputation of having done "everything". One depends on what an individual wants out of life, the other is a mark of immaturity.

There's a good thread about this in "The Renaissance Man"

Exactly. Do you derive pleasure from the experience or do you derive pleasure from the prestige of having had the experience? And there's really nothing wrong with either, if that's what flips your switches. It's just one possible reason why BBs don't stay.
Exactly. Do you derive pleasure from the experience or do you derive pleasure from the prestige of having had the experience? And there's really nothing wrong with either, if that's what flips your switches. It's just one possible reason why BBs don't stay.

Yeah, people should be free and all that, it's just that some people give guys like me a bad image, so it annoys me.

Hmmph! The frustrations of having people pretending to be me!

Yeah, people should be free and all that, it's just that some people give guys like me a bad image, so it annoys me.

Hmmph! The frustrations of having people pretending to be me!


There can be only one!
As I alluded to earlier, it's also a matter of what you want.

Red Cross Advanced First Aid is enough for my needs. EMT certification would take way too much time and money for what I'll get out of it. A few technique classes are all I need to cook well at home. A year of chef's school would be overkill.

Same with martial arts. If someone wants a few years, a fun hobby for a while, some exposure and a certain level of preparedness for dealing with two legged coyotes then a BB is realistic. Decades of dedicated study and harsh training, giving up sleep, income and a normal sex life would be insane.
As I alluded to earlier, it's also a matter of what you want.

Red Cross Advanced First Aid is enough for my needs. EMT certification would take way too much time and money for what I'll get out of it. A few technique classes are all I need to cook well at home. A year of chef's school would be overkill.

Same with martial arts. If someone wants a few years, a fun hobby for a while, some exposure and a certain level of preparedness for dealing with two legged coyotes then a BB is realistic. Decades of dedicated study and harsh training, giving up sleep, income and a normal sex life would be insane.

I think where MA kind of throws things off though is that it is more than a hobby to us. It's a life skill that we really hope to never need. If you take some cooking classes and stop, then never cook for 10 years, then you're out the training to took, but could refresh your memory with a little practice.

Self-defense, on the other hand, isn't something that you can "dust off and pull out" when you need it. It needs to stay fresh, or it's useless. It doesn't really matter what belt you have, you're always trying to prepare for the unthinkable.

For those who think of Karate as a hobby, then sure, they'll probably get their belts, then move on to something else, having enjoyed the experience and are ready for something different.

it's also a matter of what you want.
Worth repeating again, (again?)

Unfortunately i'm fairly certain i'll have to quit my current class soon since i'm going to be changing jobs and may not be able to make it. However with a bit of look i'll be able to afford a car so will be able to attend a class with the same club but at a different location. Fingers crossed, i want my black belt ...... only 3 belts to go. !!!
