@Xue Sheng, you mean it can be surprising to realise there is learning even from the negatives yes? I would definitely agree with that indeed.. And can I ask some thing else XS? Say you find your self needing to effect some positive change either in your self or in your environment or situation only this time your normal process is insufficient.. Do you think there is a learning even in this? Perhaps about who we are or how we act? Jx
@tshadowchaser, that is an interesting viewpoint on those kinds of folk.. I wonder too are people that tolerate bullies in a way condoning that behaviour? Perhaps some one elses bullying connects to their own feeling of weakness in them selves? It makes sense why outing a fraud is a welcome thing for those that might be unwittingly fooled or damaged due to it. I would like to ask Sheldon do you think there is any difference between tolerating bullying and tolerating a bully or likewise between tolerating fraud and tolerating a fraudulent person? If we cannot condone the behaviour is there any point do you think in trying to understand the person behind that behaviour? And if you are detracting from the OP then I am too so we are both guilty haha

Thank you again for your time and patience in answering, I am always grateful, Jxx
What was happening that you were leaving your self open for body shots? Were your hands protecting your head? Was your mind else where in the fight? What was going on that made you do this do you know? Thank you for your contribution! Jx
@Flying Crane, Aha I knew I could rely on you to have a wise thought like this Michael

It is from your share of injuries and having apportioned injury to others that you know how fragile we can be yes? I would ask my self this at times so I am interested to know your opinion Michael because your reasoning is always clear and you have consistency of argument, if fighting is really stupid like you have learned, what are the reasons do you practice a fighting martial art? We reconcile the two in our own way.. I should very much like to know how you see it? Thank you again so much for taking time, Jxxxx
@Orange Lightning, well I could ask you as a representative of your culture why this is creepy though I am more interested in why you your self find this creepy Mister OL

ok I will ask you same question by alternate route, my friend have a little daughter who is born with what clinicians refer to as genetic abnormality.. I imagine by our natural way of perceiving things as you describe it, she would be designated and categorised creepy. I want to know if she were a family member of yours perhaps a niece and her features were resemblant of this image you posted would she creep you out –because it is evolution etc. – though you would not say in polite company? Or would you admit she was creepy to your friend or family member who was her father say? OR would you avoid going to your friend/family members house to avoid the creepy child? Or some thing else? Where in the shade of uncanny valley would you find your self do you think?
Regarding your other learning from training, you are suggesting you were irrational to be hard on your self, so much so that you learned how not to be hard on your self yes? How would you address this view were it held by a student of yours now or in future?
I like your logic, you are good at it. Thank you for your conversation, Jx
@ks - learning to fly, ks that makes complete sense from start to end yes! and I know people who have been pur into these roles just like this which is why I am interested in your opinion.. and but you would have respect for the person for who they are do you think, irrespective of whether they have earned respect in the role per se? I mean are some people not entitled to respect because they have not earned it as say leader / instructor? Or do we respect them as people and but just do not respect their lack of ability? I hope this is understandable.. I know what I am trying to say, forgive me if it is unclear.. I welcome your thoughts though because you have insight and clarity in your reasoning, Jxxx
@crazydiamond, I have noted this sentiment a lot as I feel my self accept the flight of my youth.. I would like to ask you crazydiamond, what would be your worst fear of getting older –as we all are- what are the obstacles that lie ahead of you? I should very much like to know also how adding MA into your life has assisted you with finding peace with your self.. I believe this is very true and I wonder what is your particular route to this peace through your practice if you were willing to share? I hope so, thank you for your comment and contribution, Jxx
@Buka, hey I absolutely love this story, I read it like it was a book.. I hope there is more of that book you have such adeptness at peinting the character –even though he is real I know! I mean there is an awesome lesson in that tale of Sensei Joe because it is almost allegorical for even the bad apple can still bear good seeds! I like that and I like that you were strong enough and wise enough to learn so much and to apply that learning to your own successes which in turn help others.. that is so awesome and has given me a very big smile! Thank you xx.. I bet you have lots of these stories I would so love to hear.. Still though.. I cannot let you away with you say you are “not all that”? tell me why is that a good thing to have learned? You recognise your abilities yes?? and not every person in the street have these abilities, skills, attributes, yes? so what is not all that?

Will you say to me Buka why it is good some times that we keep our selves in our right place by saying we are not all that? .. or we could just spar for food haha.. Lols.. any way if you are able to answer my question it would help a lot! Thank you again, Jxxx
@marques, hey there, can you explain a bit more about the way you train/fight is the way you are for me please? And what ways have you found you have been able to improve your daily life becuase that sounds like a very practical real-world application of learning which has great importance.. I would like to know how you mean that if it is ok to ask

Thank you, Jx